Here it is, game day. I'm not changing my mind about the NY over SF: 21-10. Weather will affect the game and I think in NY's favour. Defense will rule the day. Have a great game day everyone.
JoinedPosts by xchange
So- Now that it's down to 4 teams- Who's your pick to win the Super Bowl ?
by flipper inactually i'm happily surprised and elated that my san francisco 49ers are still alive !
what a game for the ages, jesus.
and i must send my condolences to all of you pittsburgh , new orleans, and green bay fans out there.
Atheism 2.0
by Qcmbr inapologies if this has been posted before or even discussed.. this ted talk gets at the heart of what atheism is missing and my wife an di discussed this for a long time last night.
in short religion provides a framework for meeting, for ritual, for art, education and sociality.
without this framework atheism can seem lonely harsh and certainly disorganised (the general idea that education and culture can replace the gap may well be true but without a formal structure the route to personal mental fulfillment is somewhat piecemeal and patchwork.
myelaine said: of course...and atheists seem to believe that the idea of God as well as the theists you deal with are your enemy and that the whole "God thing" ought to be put to rest, permanently...let me just say that your biggest enemy isn't in the "free world". the day of vengeance that God talks about in the bible is not vengeance against those who listen to God through His word or are His children through His Son. No, the day of vengeance is against those who would hurt these. Interesting that you resort to projecting your belief that atheists view theists as enemies. I guess that comes from Christianity teaching ‘them’ (goats) versus ‘us’ (sheep). I’m friends with a lot of Christians. So far we haven’t had open warfare as I don’t see them as an enemy, nor they. Am I doing something wrong?
As for the rest of your post, please re-read my comment. You know, those key words: vapid, cataclysmic, portending, threats. In other words, empty words with no substance and pure speculation based on an ancient tome and dubious representation.
If you have a hard time understanding just how it can be that no one could believe the Bible, I submit my favourite verse from the Bhagavad Bita 9.1:sri-bhagavan uvaca
idam tu te guhyatamam
pravaksyamy anasuyave
jnanam vijnana-sahitam
yaj jnatva moksyase ’subhat
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence."
Warmest regards,
Atheism 2.0
by Qcmbr inapologies if this has been posted before or even discussed.. this ted talk gets at the heart of what atheism is missing and my wife an di discussed this for a long time last night.
in short religion provides a framework for meeting, for ritual, for art, education and sociality.
without this framework atheism can seem lonely harsh and certainly disorganised (the general idea that education and culture can replace the gap may well be true but without a formal structure the route to personal mental fulfillment is somewhat piecemeal and patchwork.
You should avoid the illusion that you live in a small world in which you can decide there is no God without consequence.
Well, first of all, there is no illusion that the world is small. It's quite large from where I sit. I'm also quite happy that I also live in a society where I have the right to determine that people who believe in some supreme being are probably misrepresenting it. Oh, I also have to right to dismiss vapid threats of some cataclysmic portending for daring to disbelieve the millions of versions of some indifferent supreme entity.
Warm regards,
Atheism 2.0
by Qcmbr inapologies if this has been posted before or even discussed.. this ted talk gets at the heart of what atheism is missing and my wife an di discussed this for a long time last night.
in short religion provides a framework for meeting, for ritual, for art, education and sociality.
without this framework atheism can seem lonely harsh and certainly disorganised (the general idea that education and culture can replace the gap may well be true but without a formal structure the route to personal mental fulfillment is somewhat piecemeal and patchwork.
" But atheists are "holier than thou" when they insist believers are wasting their time and energy believing."
Actually, we are just making an observation that you are wasting your time and energy and informing you. You know, like making an observation of a dog chasing it's own tail endlessly. We say, "Hey, that dog is sure wasting it's time and energy trying to catch something that is most certainly elusive.". Others making the same observation, would concur. The dog on the other hand usually is too busy chasing it's tail to care.
This Made Me So Thankful I am No Longer A Christian
by cofty ini was following some links researching something to do with my condition when i came across this article by the well known christian author john piper called "don't waste your cancer".. if i had still been a christian when i got my diagnosis i would have been subjected to these sort of pious platitudes.
here are a few gems, read the full article if you wish but not on a full stomach.. .
cancer is not wasted when it is healed by god.
You're welcome, Cofty. Instead of a Hitch-Slap, I'll give ya a Hitch-High-Five. ;)
Do You Consider Yourself Religious? Do You Believe In God? Are You Spiritual?
by minimus ini do not consider myself religious in any way.
i do believe in "god" and i think i am a spiritual person to some degree.. what about you?.
No and No. As to spiritual - what the heck does that even mean?
It seems to me that one person's(x) spirituality to another person(Y) may seem like bunk, even as they consider themself(Y) as being spiritual.
This Made Me So Thankful I am No Longer A Christian
by cofty ini was following some links researching something to do with my condition when i came across this article by the well known christian author john piper called "don't waste your cancer".. if i had still been a christian when i got my diagnosis i would have been subjected to these sort of pious platitudes.
here are a few gems, read the full article if you wish but not on a full stomach.. .
cancer is not wasted when it is healed by god.
This thread got me thinking of what Benjamin Franklin wrote in Conflicting Motives for Human Conduct: Pleasure or Virtue - "Dialogue Between Philocles and Horatio" (1730). This reference is also in Christopher Hitchen's Arguably: Selected Essays.
"Created sick, and then commanded to be well".
So- Now that it's down to 4 teams- Who's your pick to win the Super Bowl ?
by flipper inactually i'm happily surprised and elated that my san francisco 49ers are still alive !
what a game for the ages, jesus.
and i must send my condolences to all of you pittsburgh , new orleans, and green bay fans out there.
I was fully expecting the Giants to lose big to Green Bay so I'm looking at an extra game this weekend as possibly their last. But if they play like they did against GB, then I think it will be a close game. If the defense comes to full form, I don't think SF will be able to handle it.
NY 21 - SF 10
Then of course the Giants in the Super Bowl and and amazing win against whoever.
I don't believe the Bible is Inspired of god - Why do you / don't you?
by cantleave inmany of you may know that i was brought up a witness and stayed in until the age of 42, even reaching the dizzy heights of being a congregation elder.
i was unusual in that, even as a witness i studied to degree level, on a part time basis, sponsored by my employer.
my first was in chemistry and my masters is in business administration.
From the Desk of Karl
- Kiss Hank's ass and He'll give you a million dollars when you leave town.
- Use alcohol in moderation.
- Kick the shit out of people who aren't like you.
- Eat right.
- Hank dictated this list Himself.
- The moon is made of green cheese.
- Everything Hank says is right.
- Wash your hands after going to the bathroom.
- Don't use alcohol.
- Eat your wieners on buns, no condiments.
- Kiss Hank's ass or He'll kick the shit out of you.
(Courtesy of Kissing Hank's Ass)
I believe the bible as much as I believe Karl's words are of divine inspiration.
If you go to a Religious site what can you expect.
by designs inwhen we were witnesses many of us made the trip to tour bethel and the farm and probably had a certain religiously good feeling from it based on expectation and fantasy.. several sites around the world draw millions each year- the basilica, mecca, meiji shrine, angor wat, tirumala temple, ise jingu, jerusalem or bethlehem and more and people generally get some 'feeling' from the visit.
visitors to the basilica of our lady in guadalupe report seeing mary mother of god.. did you ever visit a site and have a spiritual or religious experience or awakening..
I've been to Angor Wat, Esquipulas Basilica (Shrine of Black Christ, Guatemala), Tikal, numerous churches in Europe, Central and South America, religious sites in South East Asia and Machu Picchu and the only feeling I got - was when I was reviewing the awesome pictures I took. Damn, I clicked some fine ones! That and the architectural beauty of those places.