Where did you get your information about Catholics? Are you one? And you know beyond any doubt that my information is incorrect, how?
I know what I’m speaking of because I not only worked with Catholics and other faiths in their religious education work, I even participated in it for the last decade.
Catholics Don’t Study? Or Is It You’ve Never Studied Catholics?
Catholics not only study their Bible, they read it far more than Jehovah’s Witnesses. Yes, a lot of Catholics might not do much more than hear it read at Mass, but generally speaking Catholics recite or chant the Liturgy of the Hours during the day, each day of the year, or say prayers based on this office. It consists of recitation or chanting of each of the 150 Psalms over a cycle that lasts four weeks before they start over again, four minor reading selections from the Scriptures, one major (large section) reading of the Scriptures, and one reading from the Church Fathers or one of the canonized saints. Each day there is a Mass that has one reading from the Old or New Testament, another Psalm recited or chanted as a responsorial to the first reading, followed by a reading from the Gospels unless it is a Sabbath where an additional reading usually from one of the epistles is added.
Add to this, Catholics are also expected to have the own personal Bible reading schedule which must include an equal amount of time and effort spent in personal research and study. They have an array of scholarly publications that anyone outside of the JW world can attest to. You can just go on to see some of the latest, not to mention the limitless volumes of the writings of the Church Fathers. Their library of study materials goes back a literal 2,000 years.
Lastly, the Catholics are now at the head of analytic research and studies of the Scriptures, and their volumes are thus found in all centers of higher learning around the world. If you would just visit one and see you would know I wasn’t making this up.
If they don’t study, they sure write and publish a lot. Those of us who are of other faiths use these materials ourselves too, and they had to learn this stuff somewhere, somehow by studying.
Saying Not the Divine Name: It’s Because Their Worship Is Related to the Jews
Remember in Scripture where the Christians see themselves as Jews at first, and even Jesus in Revelation says that Christians are Jews but other religions are but a “synagogue of Satan?”
When the Church, both Catholic and Orthodox, was excommunicated from the synagogue, they didn’t really change their worship much. If you’ve ever gone to Temple on Sabbath, you would notice that they have almost an identical set up. The only difference is the Mass (or Sacred Liturgy) is followed by Holy Communion, whereas at Temple it does not, of course. The reason for the similarities is that they were all once the same, worshiping as Jews did in the synagogue arrangement that existed in Jesus’ day.
So when they gather for worship, they don’t utter YHWH aloud. Why? On the High Priest does this. And who is the High Priest for Catholics? Jesus Christ is who they believe to be the High Priest, and they truly believe he is Present at each Mass. He is the embodiment of YHWH, the Word of YHWH, to them he is YHWH. With the great I AM present, they let the High Priest Christ alone witness to the name by the actions of Divine Liturgy or Mass.
But outside this, yes they do use the name. It wasn’t stripped away from their history or their translations, and they didn’t try to hide it to advance the Trinity? Why would the New Jerusalem Bible have it in there some 7000 times in the OT?
The NAB was designed specifically for reading aloud during Mass, so YHWH does not appear in the main section. However it appears throughout from beginning to end on the explanatory pages of each reading as “Yahweh.” Look up it up in the Catholic Encyclopedia on line. If you’re going to try to hide God’s name, surely the largest Christian denomination that baptized each day on average what the JW baptize in a year, could do better than stick it 7000 times in its most widely read version, right? If you wanted to hide the name of God from Catholics, why on earth have it in a plethora of the footnotes of the New American Bible. Surely they could have just not mentioned it at all, but they didn’t.
Learn About Witnesses from the Mormons and Lemons from Apples, Yes?
You just aren’t aware of what Catholics or Protestants or atheists or agnostics believe but you think you are getting all the correct information from the one source you trust.
But is this wise? Would you advise others to learn the truth about Jehovah’s Witnesses from the next pair of Mormon missionaries who come knocking? Can you get a correct understand of what your religion is all about from Baptists?
If you want to know what a lemon tastes like, are you going to pick an apple and base your knowledge of a lemon’s taste by what you were just exposed to? Of course not. You can’t learn what one fruit tastes like by sucking a rock or licking a fish head. If want to taste a lemon then you go to the lemon tree. You go to the source for direct accuracy, not anywhere else.
The same goes for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Are other faiths going to give them a fair shake? Isn’t it best to go to the source and learn from Jehovah’s Witnesses what they believe?
And where did you get you information about Roman Catholics? From Jehovah’s Witnesses? That is like trying to figure out what an apple tastes like by biting into radish.
Sorry, but only you believe you and those who don’t go the actual source believe you.
Why not look up the following and see for a fact that everything you wrote about Catholics is wrong? And once you’ve realized that, ask yourself: Who taught me this false information about Catholics? Here are just some of the sources I got my material from. And see, you don't have to be a Catholic yourself to know this.
It will be the religion that you claim teaches the truth—except when it comes to the truth about what is really going on in the religions they condemn around them.
American The Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Holy See: The Center for Religious Developent:
The Catholic Biblical Association of America:
Catholic Book Publishing Company: