WARNING: Long Post Ahead, read at your own risk!
Hi all! The replies keep coming and it's amazing each time I sign on seeing how many wonderful people are here! Thanks again for the warm welcomes.
To Esther and Kristen:
You both made very valid points, especially about how letting my mom keep hoping may hurt her in the long run. Well, I agree and will someday just spill the beans. But for now she still thinks I am a total 'believer' even though I haven't gone to a meeting in years. She thinks as long as I show up to Memorial I am okay. (little does she know I haven't been to the last 2). I have no idea why I am so afraid to tell her. It's like I am a little child all over again, afraid of Mommy finding out I've done something bad. My main goal now is to gather enough information to be able to really make my points clear to her...and the rest of my family for that matter. I have just had an epiphany! I just figured out why I am so reluctant to say anything. It just hit me this second as I was typing:
All my life, everytime I come up with an opinion or idea of something, my parents both ask "and who told you that one?"...they are both convinced that I can't think for myself, but rather easily influenced. That couldn't be further from the truth. I am not an outspoken person in that if I have an opinion on something really controversial, I usually keep it to myself. I am a self-proclaimed coward but I really don't care..that's just how I am. As a result of never really speaking out for/against certain beliefs to my family, I think my parents believe that I do not think for myself, that I just go with the flow. So, when I tell my mother my new thoughts, she will be absolutely convinced that my Dad (Catholic) got to me and corrupted my little brain...she will totally insult me by saying that I was 'influenced' by someone, and I will get upset and it will cause a fight--something that hasn't happened since I was about 17. No matter how non-confrontational I like to keep things, one thing I lose my temper at is when someone insults my intelligence by simply not believing that I actually can think for myself. To my parents, I am simply a ditzy girl who was meant to be 'provided for'(my dad is abhorrently opposed to me going back to work before the kids 'grow up') and 'steered'-(Both my parents constantly try to control my life to this day--"You are not raising your children properly", etc...I get it all the time) Bleagh!!! But I am sure many of us have heard that before....and they are still wonderful parents and I love them immensely, this is why I don't bother arguing with them...I just let it go in one ear and out the other...but to actually tell them that, well, that would start a disaster. This is why I talk too much. I feel like no one ever really listens to me--not you guys, but my family, but I think you are accidentally on the receiving end of my motor mouth. Sorry.
In a nutshell, I now realize that I really am just afraid of causing an arguement with my mother and that she'll just end up never believing that I came up with all this by myself...she'll forever believe that someone else influenced me and she will badger me-try to 'save' me-for the rest of my life anyway, so why bother with the headache? She has no respect for me as an individual thinker...just as her daughter. Does that make sense?
So terribly sorry for the length of this post but this is like therapy for me...I have nowhere else to express my thoughts.