Hey Roy,
Cool, albeit eerie, story. I tend to be a optomistic skeptic. I always start thinking, "Naaahhhh"...but then I go to "well, it could happen".
I think people are so skeptical these days about everything. There are a lot of people, myself included, who believe in some unquestionable and undefinable higher power or powers. With that said, why is it so hard to accept something like hearing a voice from nowhere? Sure, it sounds crazy. I'd have been the first one to admit you to a psych ward, but why? For those of us who do believe in the even just the possibility of God, who are we to say what is possible and what is not?
To answer your question about personal experiences: I personally heard a voice but I attributed that to my pregnancy hormones affecting my mental state of mind. It wasn't a deep, heavenly or meaningful message. It was downright stupid and ended up being nothing. I was alone in bed reading a book and it was late at night. The entire house was silent. My son was asleep, my husband wasn't home, and the tv was off. I heard a man's deep voice, low but commanding, a little louder than a whisper, say "Put the book down". It was IN my room, not far away...so near me that I felt it (if that makes sense). At the time it happened, I screamed and jumped out of bed so quickly and got so startled that I nearly induced my own labor from all the excitement! I called my brother and my mother to pass the time because I was too scared to go back to bed. They laughed hysterically and told me I was crazy. And, once I calmed down, I put the whole event behind me as a figment of my imagination. To this day I deny it was anything. I won't believe it was anything other than my imagination. If I let myself believe it was anything more than that, I would never read in bed again! I think that's why I am skeptical.