oh yeah, I remember now asking someone that myself when I first started posting.....its like Jay (J)Dubellyer (W) So Dub is the short for the Dubbellyer!
JoinedPosts by kat7302
what is the issue with smurfs?
by knighthawk1981 inhi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
Human behavioral reason behind present WTS crisis?
by Derrick inhalfway through the article scientists unsure what triggers stranding -- illness, perilous coast may be factors (link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2002/07/31/mn185450.dtl) the thought occurred to me, what if there are complex human behavioral reasons beyond anyone's control behind the jehovah's witnesses organization's rapid moral disintegration?
the above quoted article reads in part:.
"the mass stranding of pilot whales on cape cod was probably a natural event, marine biologists said tuesday, an accident linked to tight social groupings and the perils of navigating a rugged coastline.
I think the main crisis is that the JW's spend so long not thinking for themselves, the whole thing becomes a frightening experience when they do have to. On top of that, the whole Armageddon thing is enough to make anyone stay if they believe it enough.
No Blitz Build Here --( It Doesn't Pay to Gamble)
by Kenneson injust came across this one, although it came out on july 26 in the morris township, new jersey daily record:.
"jehovah's witnesses building ban upheld.
judge cites 1891 deed restricting morris twp.
awh bless
what is the issue with smurfs?
by knighthawk1981 inhi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
I certainly was...I was born into it and left when I was 15. I was baptized at 11 and regularly on the assembly programmes with my fantastic experiences. My parents are still very strong as are most of my family. How about you? whats your story?
hands up ex-pioneers
by sleepy inso how many here were pioneers?
ha ha ha.
i used up my teenage years pioneering, good thing i didn't go to college or university i could be well educated and in a good job.poo.
Oh my god, we did that too! We used to give eachother words like "electrolux and rockery" in our game though, you couldnt give the person the word until the householder was opening the door, that way, they had no time to prepare! It was so much fun we often had to make toilet stops!
hands up ex-pioneers
by sleepy inso how many here were pioneers?
ha ha ha.
i used up my teenage years pioneering, good thing i didn't go to college or university i could be well educated and in a good job.poo.
I was baptized in the July of .......trying to work it out!.............79..I was 11...I pioneered the next month and kept it up on and off until I was 15! God I was a good example to other youths!
Aerial Photography of Your Home Town - Wow!!
by Celtic inbeautiful site with aerial photographs, i found 3 pictures here that actually do my home town and the helford river in sw cornwall uk, justice.
type in your town in the search and show/post us all your favourite photos.
My god, I have red X's outside my house............do you live by me celtic?????
Ever lie on your service reports?
by The_Bad_Seed in*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
For sure!
what is the issue with smurfs?
by knighthawk1981 inhi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
Sad to say that I actually dont know!
I think it is short for 'dubbed' or summat!
A midget huh! interesting, the plot thickens.
Nice to meet you anyway Newbie!
Voices Heard
by Crystal inthis site was created by kim goldman (ron goldman and nicole simpson were murdered by oj simpson...news flash..lol).
she has a whole section on religion (she is very anti-religion...read her newest post).
anyway please go to this site and and let people know what the jw are about..some of us already have..."casey" (i have a sneaky suspicion that she/he is a jw ) seems to think that we don't know what we are talking about.he/she feels we are blowing this child molest thing out of porportion.. http://www.voicesheard.com/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=religion&number=1&daysprune=365&lastlogin=.
Dont all JW's in denial think that we are blowing it out of proportion? Gees louise!!!!!! sad