very funny....why men only? I think females would find that funny shows how easy men are really when it only takes a couple fo drinks!
JoinedPosts by kat7302
Men only.
by TruckerGB indrug warning.. police warn all clubbers,partygoers and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman.a new date rape drug on the market called beer is used by many females to target unsuspecting men.
the drug is generally found in liquid form and is now available almost anywhere.. it comes in bottles,cans,from taps and in large kegs.. beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them.typically,a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of beer and then simply ask him home for no strings attached are rendered helpless against this approach.. after several beers men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on women to whom they would never be normally attracted.after drinking beer men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before,often with just a vague feeling that something occurred.. at other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as a relationship.
it has been reported that in extreme cases,the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer term form of servitude and punishment referred to as marriage.. apperently,men are much more susceptible to this scam after beer is administered and sex offered by the predatory female.. please!
Barbie - a very clean joke!
by kat7302 ina woman needed to get her daughter a barbie doll for christmas (she was df!!!!
she walked into a department store and immediatley spotted the barbies on display.
after looking at them for ten minutes, she walked up to the shop assistant and said...... "i want to buy a barbie doll but i dont quite understand the prices, the horse riding barbie is 15, the ballerina barbie is 15, the teacher barbie is 15 but the divorced barbie is 350, can you tell me why that one is so much please?"...
A woman needed to get her daughter a Barbie doll for Christmas (she was DF!!!!)
she walked into a department store and immediatley spotted the Barbies on display. After looking at them for ten minutes, she walked up to the shop assistant and said.....
"I want to buy a Barbie doll but I dont quite understand the prices, the Horse riding Barbie is 15, the Ballerina Barbie is 15, the Teacher Barbie is 15 but the Divorced Barbie is 350, Can you tell me why that one is so much please?"..
the shop assistant smiled and said " Certainly madam, Divorced Barbie is more because she comes with Kens house, Kens car, Kens Bank account and Kens Ranch!"
Come on guys, at least its clean!
by Matty ina teacher asks her class to use the word contagious.. james, the class swot, gets up and says, "last year i got the measles and my mum said it was contagious".. "well done james" says the teacher, "can anyone else try"?.
katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails says "my grandma says there's a bug going around, and its contagious".
"well done, katie" says the teacher.
Not bad, not bad..I will admit to a little chuckle!
Do you love people more now that you're out?
by writerpen ini was thinking about this the other day.
since i've left the borg, i find myself loving other humans more.
like all the little children being abducted, the miners trapped in the mine last week, the victims of car accidents that i pass on the road, a woman crying in the car next to me while waiting for the green light, the homeless that i see every weekend at a local soup kitchen where i volunteer, etc.
Im not sure whether I love people more really. When I left the Borg I trusted everyone and that didnt quite work out but I still cant shake that off.......I naturally trust everyone but the love thing...i think my personality has always made me that way anyway. Thats the problem I guess, when you leave, its really hard to work out what bits of you really are you and what bits are they way they are because of the Borg. Loving people is a good quialty though so either way, keep it up
by the way..who's neablis???????
I swear I miss everything on here!
Meeting up in the UK
by johnathanseagull in.
just wondering how many are interested in meeting up, say one sat/sun afternoon in the uk?, i'm in the midlands myself but willing to travel.
I suppose the first thing to do would be to come up with a venue or at least the place where we are all going to meet. Like I said before, Im in Cardiff which is quite central but I dont mind a bit of travel. Anyone got any bright ideas?
Just told my JW parents Im pregnant!
by kat7302 into those of you that followed my last thread about my shock pregnancy, i asked my jw parents to come round after the meeting tonight so i could tell them.
i was so nervous because im not married and the first time i told them (this is my 4th!
) they were not too impressed.......... they were fine!
Expatbrit - hands free microphones....are you refering to what I think you are? If so, then Im one step ahead of you...already have many hands frees in regular use ta! Point taken tho!
Syn - us UK apostates have always lived up to our names and we hate to dissapoint!
Matty - As usual, I reserve the majority of my comments for you. Top bird? cheers for that hun, means a lot. Thanks for the congrats too, not many have come up with that yet..I think the fact that I am still heavily in shock is the reason! Thanks for your continued support, Im kinda getting quite attatched to you, me old mucker (snif snif, this is touching stuff!) I cant wait to meet you in person..not long now....that is of course if you dont mind meeting up with a preggy lady!
Survey result: JW views on Homosexuality
by Max Divergent inwere you more liberal that your jw peers?.
a 2001 survey asked for a response to the statement: "i believe homosexuality is immoral".
based on the religion of the respondents, it found that found that 84% of jws responded 'yes', compared to 20% of jews, 30% of 'no religion', and 48% of americans and 36% of australians overall.
I do feel for the ones in the 'truth' tho that have sacrificed their sexuality and may never know what its like to be with a partner in a loving way. I have no problem with peoples sexuality and I know a couple of brothers who left and are now gay, they are very happy and I just wonder how happy theyd really be if they remained in the JW's and denied themselves what their nature told them was right.
'Nice' news article from Fl
by Max Divergent in.
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
hey Scooter...
just noticed your comment about us going from door to may be onto something there you know. I would quite happily do it and Im willing to bet that we get a better response.
'Nice' news article from Fl
by Max Divergent in.
here's a nice sickly sweet article from fl about the tireless efforts of the local neighbourhood witnessess working for your salvation despite terrible persecution... i really liked the bit where a lady who takes in stray cats and dogs also invited the jw's in!.
First and foremost, Id completely forgotten about the S8's (were they called that?) and all the abbreviations we wrote down....but point taken about the C-child answered.....thats dangerous ground now isnt it. Havent S8's been stopped now tho? Im sure I heard that theyre not used anymore because people were getting funny about having information written down about them.
You hit on some good points Matty/scooter - I dont suppose we really were interested in really hearing the householder, we were just too busy looking for a way to cut back into the conversation.....didnt the reasoning book have about 73465356726785 solutions to conversation stoppers? Its a nice touch though Matty that once you started listening, you felt you were actually getting somewhere and making another person think about what you've said is far more of an achievement than 'placing' literature which doesnt get read.