Wow... Just wow. I've never seen so many transparent logical fallacies in one place except for a page of examples of logical fallacies.
My argument (if you actually read the words, instead of making up your own points to argue against - called a "straw man") is against monogamy; not women. I never blamed women for men lying. I never blamed women for deadbeat dads. If you don't like the idea that women are more emotional than men, go flame Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and every person with an education in human psychology. Bashing that statement only proudly displays your ignorance and denial. Interesting how my statement about men who shouldn't procreate was ignored, as you cherry-pick my post for things to pretend to be offended about. Really, you're just incensed because I dare oppose your idiotic, PC, feminist ranting. Sprinkle profusely with false dichotomies, ad hominem attacks, appeals to popularity (in your narrow mind), and purely-emotional tirades (thanks for the proof for that point, by the way) and - voila! - the entirety of your replies.
Let's see... Who else argues like that? Oh, yeah. JWs and other cult members. Call names, scream insults, deny, deny, deny despite all reality. Live in a world of your own creation that only exists in your mind, then spew hate at anyone who doesn't see your "reality". I don't hate women; I love them. But I don't worship them. If you have a problem with that, it's no wonder to me why you're here. You're only pissed off you couldn't be on the GB, because you're women. Awww... Did you want to be worshiped, like you believe all women should? You're feminists: Isn't that cute. Whatever you're angry about, I didn't do it and "men" in general didn't do it. Get over yourselves, grow up, and get real.