He's like the lineages in the Bible... You just skip over his posts and get back to the material.
i am at a loss as to understanding why some people give so much time and energy to responding to people like obves on this board ,,,,,,,,and of course he`s not the only one , ,,,,,,,,,why do we give these guys the platform to espouse their dribble ?
on this site ?
it is an exjw site is it not,?
He's like the lineages in the Bible... You just skip over his posts and get back to the material.
Ah the power of the poonany !!
this is the video my apostabuddy put together about last week's caper.
While creepy and distrubing, that's actually pretty tame compared to what some other cults would do. Imagine crashing a Church of Scientology. You might never be heard from again.
*edit* Just noticed the-illuminator81's post. I guess I should read all the posts before I comment.
not that i cant write up something myself, but i figure why try and reinvent the wheel?
i think it is time to cross that bridge.
thank you!.
Just blow them off... (no, not a mispost from another current popular thread). When they call you about your JC, just tell them "Isn't that cute? You think you matter." To send a letter or attend a JC is acknowledgement of their authority. If you believe they have any right or authority over you, then why would you be leaving?
I have seen first-hand the anti-male stance the law takes. I've had a cop leave his personal phone number with my insane ex when the neighbors called the police over her waking up the entire apartment complex at 7am. I've had them come to my house and steal my property I had receipts for, because she wanted it and told the police I stole it from her. A joke in the community of men who have been in relationships with mentally/emotionally-unstable (or simply evil) women is
"When the police are called to a domestic disturbance and find a lesbian couple, how do they know who to arrest?"
I've also known men who abused women and were swiftly and soundly punished by the law. Meanwhile, I overheard a conversation at work between two female coworkers where one was bragging about how she didn't have to work, because her ex had to pay so much child support it supported her, her boyfriend, and her kids. She told how she refused to get married, so she wouldn't lose that and just worked to get out of the house and have extra party money. She purposely used the feminazi legal system so her slutty, lazy ass could leech off a man.
I got into a heated argument with a woman at a bar who was trying to drunkenly explain to me how much I and all men sucked because we go around impregnating women then running from our responsibilities and how much she had to be the adult because she got knocked up by a deadbeat loser. This irritated me because 1, she was staggering drunk in a bar while her parents were actually raising her kid and 2, I'd had a vasectomy years prior, because I realize the responsibilty of children and didn't want it or to inflict it on someone else.
I'm sick of the whiny "I'm doing it all by myself" women who dump their kids on their parents, party all the time, collect vast quantities of welfare in its various forms, then go out and get knocked up again. Most other countries in the world default to whichever parent can actually afford to raise a child, not whoever has the vagina wins. Then, women scream for "equality"? Are you serious? What planet are you on?
Thanks for your compassion, talesin, but it is not necessary. There are things over which I am bitter, but this is not one. I realized long ago I have neither the ability nor the inclination to rid the Internet of ignorance. If a well-placed fact actually mattered to people, cults wouldn't exist, urban legends would disappear, and many belief systems would vanish overnight. That hasn't happened and I doubt it ever will. We'll all have to suffer with the existence of people who disagree with our views and think, feel, and believe ridiculous things.
feminism is defined as the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.Only by feminists. Feminism and labor unions had their time and place. Now, they're just breeding grounds for anti-(insert demographic) hatred. Nobody's denying any woman's right to own property, vote, earn equal wages for equal work, be free from spouse abuse, etc. You want to fight for women's rights, go to the Middle East where women actually are mistreated. If you think women aren't held equal in Western society - or in most cases superior - you've been in a cave for 50 years. Similarly, it's interesting how "pro choice" and "pro life" both put positive spins on their stands when they are diametrically opposed.
I suggest that wontleave is single and shall remain as such much of his life and wonder why.
Wow. A totally baseless statement by a bitter female who disagrees with me. How original. Am I the only one here who sees the ad hominem aspects of these absurd posts? Can you feminazis even form an intelligent thought? Are you so angry and emotional that all you can do is knee-jerk respond with venom and bile? All-in-all, what I'm hearing is
"We can't argue against anything you've said, but we don't like it. We can't quite put a finger on what we don't like, but we're going to spew hatred against it, anyway."
Sounds like a JW putting his fingers in his ears and shouting "la la la la" when he hears something that disagrees with his programming. Well, you man bashers are welcome to your opinions. Sadly, when you have a relevant point, I eagerly agree. For instance:
Men who abuse women and children are cut from the same cloth. The vast majority of them would never dream to a fair fight with a man. At best, he might bully someone half his size who's minding his own business. Having been raised by a sociopath, I know the type. A coward and a bully who was gung-ho to get physical when I was 10, but is a fucking pussy now that I'm a grown man and the last fight he picked was with his 80-year-old father. Unfortunately, I wasn't there. I have a very sore spot for bullies and dare them to act so in my presence. That being said, perhaps you should read this. They have some interesting things to say about the legal system and how it treats men and women radically differently. You want equality? Start there.
whambamthankyouma'am sexual routines (yawn) of their husbands
Amen! I've had to show more women than I can count things on their bodies they didn't know what they were for or even existed. Some had been married and/or sexually active for years or decades. And JW men are some of the worst! Lousy, ignorant, selfish lovers, the lot. They confuse "submission" and "headship" with "I do what I want, you do what I want, nobody does what you want."
Of course, you're too busy creating false dichotomies and straw men, then assigning them to me to have an intelligent conversation. Look this over, look at your posts, then I'll leave the realization that practically every word of every post bashing me is a non-point.
so i was reading ahead in the bookstudy book "bearing thorough witness" about god's kingdom, and i came upon some shockingly direct damage control on behalf of the gb in the material for the upcoming weeks.. on page 104: what a privilege it is to be instructed and molded by our patient and kind heavenly father!
the results are always good and always to our advantage.
so let us never proudly push ahead with our own ideas or react negatively to organizational changes or to adjusted explanations of certain scriptures.
That disgusting rag is an idolatrous, power-grabbing propaganda piece from page 1. Every chapter is an excuse to justify the existence of the GB, idolize the GB, seize more power and authority for the GB, excuse the GB for being false prophets and morons, and basically incrementally set the GB up in their real position in the Jehovah's Witness religion: gods.
It would seem, in the eyes of the Society, you're a worse person for getting a BJ from your wife than from a child.
Considering they were gone by about 900 AD, their calendar going to 2012 is not bad. Hell, I had checks with 19__ on them that I couldn't use a couple of years after they were printed.