Nice find. Good question to ask visiting JWs.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Is the Watchtower God's Organization?
by Atlantis inwatchtower 1953, may 1st, pg.284, par.16.
16 is the watch tower bible and tract society god’s woman or universal organization?
scan: .
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
Why can't the righteous Democrats wait till the next election instead of wasting time and taxpayer money trying to oust a duly elected president?
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
I know the Democrats would never stoop so low as to ask anyone to find dirt on Trump. -
Cite one scripture in the N.T. that chargers Christians to be witnesses of / for Jehovah.....Not one.using K.I ./ WTB&TS
by smiddy3 ini think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
Let me repeat myself... Because "Jehovah" is totally absent from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, it is evident it is not there. All you have is the tetragrammaton (four unpronounceable consonants in its stead) in the OT and 3 Hallelujahs (fragments of the name) in the NT.
<<Here is a place in the Hebrew Scriptures the name is used and written:>>
Yes, the KJV actually employs the name Jehovah 4 times....but these are derived from adding vowels to the tetragrammaton. So again, Jehovah or Yahweh is not in the Hebrew scriptures.
Thus the KJV is guilty of adding to the word of God 4 times while the Watchtower is guilty of adding the name Jehovah close to 7000 times in the OT. But regardless...Jehovah is not there.
<<Knowing that, can you say for certain that the DN was not written at all in the original Greek writings?>>
Can you say for certain that it was? And if it was, why didn't God allow at least some ancient manuscripts to contain the name? And how then could anyone trust the scriptures If men can so thoroughly alter God's word.
It is evident then that God wanted another DN to have preeminence.
Babylon The Great / World Empire of False Religion, do JW`s even preach that anymore ?
by smiddy3 inwhen was that first preached , with the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules ,the 1970`s ?
where they claimed that false religion had a fall in 1919 and that it was continuing to that day .
however today we see not babylon the great that is falling ,but the jehovah`s witnesses religion that are on the decline ,selling off branches , kingdom halls in one place after another throughout the earth .. and only a couple of years ago they were predicting they would be needing thousands of kingdom halls to be built for the expected influx of new worshippers ?
Found this on line
Babylon is Jerusalem
Some preterist writers such as Chilton, believe that Babylon is a code name for Jerusalem:1
The primary thrust of the prophecy has been directed against Jerusalem . . . John gives us no indication that the subject has been changed. As we shall see in Chapters 17 and 18, the evidence that the prophetic Babylon was Jerusalem is nothing short of overwhelming.2
In his first epistle, presumably written before the Revelation, St. Peter described the local church from which he wrote as “she who is in Babylon” (1Pe. 1Pe. 5:13). Many have supposed this to be Rome, where St. Peter was (according to tradition) later martyred, but it is much more likely that the apostle was in Jerusalem when he wrote these words. Based on data from the New Testament itself, our natural assumption should be that “Babylon” was Jerusalem, since that was where he lived and exercised his ministry.3
Preterists find support for this surprising claim in the great similarity between passages concerning apostate Jerusalem and what is said concerning the Harlot. But if the Harlot is the mother of all harlots, this is to be expected. It is important to recognize that the Harlot influenced all nations, including Israel. For “in her [the Harlot] was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth” (Rev. Rev. 18:24+). Thus, similarities between apostate Israel... -
Cite one scripture in the N.T. that chargers Christians to be witnesses of / for Jehovah.....Not one.using K.I ./ WTB&TS
by smiddy3 ini think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
Evidently God did not want His full name to ever appear in His Bible. And aside from three Hallelujahs in Revelation His name is totally absent from the New Testament.
It is evident, because it is not there.
Evidently JWs are placing the emphasis on the wrong name.
Cite one scripture in the N.T. that chargers Christians to be witnesses of / for Jehovah.....Not one.using K.I ./ WTB&TS
by smiddy3 ini think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
It's too bad that the God of the Bible is not powerful enough to protect His Word sufficiently.
But then again, perhaps it was a heavenly conspiracy to erase His full personal name entirely from both old and new testaments manuscripts...just to be sure that the only saving name would have the preeminence.
As the scripture says in Psalm 118:14
Jehovah is my strength and my defense; he has become my Yeshua.
Cite one scripture in the N.T. that chargers Christians to be witnesses of / for Jehovah.....Not one.using K.I ./ WTB&TS
by smiddy3 ini think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
Excellent array of scriptures. I wonder how JWs would react to this list.
Satan is abyssed for 1000 years and when released, immediately asks...
by The Fall Guy in... "has brexit been sorted out yet?
Vanderhoven7 can the Watchtower still be running without me?
Recently Disfellowshipped
by PersonOfGlitter inhi i’m getting disfellowshipped on thursday and was wondering what advice those that have left have for me.
i’m not sure if i still believe or not.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. If you decide to go to the meeting don't be intimidated by the three men who believe they have your fate in their hands.
Let us know what happens after they cast you out of the synagogue.