Just discovered a video that may be of help to you Research.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Circuit Overseer to Answer My Questions + Concerns...or Not
by Research inhello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
My email to JW Following Trolley Conversation
by cofty ina few weeks ago i had an really interesting conversation with three male jws who were loitering around a trolley at the west end of princes street in edinburgh.. i managed to completely avoid giving any hint about my jw past and focussed on why they thought the bible was a reliable moral guide.
i used the subject of slavery to illustrate my concerns.. one of the three was in his early twenties, knew a lot about his own beliefs but nothing about the real life and it was difficult to get through his thought-bubble.
the second one was in his 60s and not very bright.
Yes, ask them about the failures of the organization and they say, ,"Look we are not here to argue" and then hightail it within seconds.
pictures for or of pimos
by waton ina picture so embarrassing, even wtbts inc does not want to describe it?
this week's study, no 52, march 1 2020 wt dec 1919. picture description (on page 27) for pages 23 and 26 but not for the one on page 24, too embarrassing?
picture it, page 24. the wt lady, with a head volume ~8 times that of the gentlemen sitting behind her, eager to have her voice boom in the kingdom hall, raising arms with 3 other "sisters", whereas all 4 males are abstaining.
No wonder only ladies raised their hands in response to the question
"[Ladies], what challenges did you face with your mate, and what did your loving husband do?"
And I suspect every husband in the room would be smiling nervously in anticipation of the response of their mates.
NWT released in modern Hebrew
by Wonderment inon february 21, 2020, the wt society made the announcement in their website of the release of the new world translation in modern hebrew (hebrew scriptures - "tanakh") in haifa, israel.
now, the complete nwt is available in modern hebrew.. some time ago, a poster here said that releasing (in theory, i.e.
) the hebrew bible in a modern version, such as the nwt, would be irrational.
Who put a curse on Hebrew?
Please help
by Dano3456 inmy wife and i are not religious nor do we want to be.
we are very set in our spiritual beliefs.
we have worked with a jw who's family have been like a part of our family for 6 years.
No more baby sitting services for a start.
Circuit Overseer to Answer My Questions + Concerns...or Not
by Research inhello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
What Cofty et al said.
Researching outside of the cult is a no no in and of itself. I'm afraid you are setting yourself up for loss through your honest questions. Glad that your dad is not a Witness and that he will stand up for you.
Believers: How do you know your view of your chosen holy book is the correct one?
by punkofnice indon't start fighting, darlings.
i am genuinely curious.
after all i was a jobo 50 years and thought the wbt$ was 100% correct.. i ask this because i see that, for example, christian denominations (or whatever), likely have differing interpretations of the same writing.
As I see it, and probably as I've said before on this forum, I don't believe there are over 4000 religions. I believe there are just 2...and even that is not completely true. The 2 religions are , "Do" and "Done".
All religions are "Do" while Christianity is "Done".
Religion is man's attempt to find, please, placate, God or gods. Do religion offers no assurance. One never knows if one is good enough, ones works are meritous enough to outweigh our sins and misdeeds of the past. Do religion is "I hope I make it religion". Essentially we save ourselves by our own efforts.
Christianity on the other hand is done; his death and resurrection, his work on our behalf, are completely adequate to save, to sanctify and heal us and overwhelm us with the fact that we are loved and secure eternally despite our past. Our response to this grace is love out of a pure heart, and joy unspeakable. God becomes our Father and Jesus our Friend and Lord.
"Do you believe that the 'faithful slave' is God's channel of communication?"
by The Fall Guy inif a jw had the nerve to ask me this question, i'd say to them, "you go first.
using only scriptural proof, show me why you believe that the wtbts/ccojw is god's choice and i'll tell you if i agree with your scriptural reasoning.".
wait for the silence and the rabbit in the headlights moment.. i searched on the wt cd rom for references of "channel of communication.".
Right on. The alleged FDS in 1919 had no clue of such appointment. They were teaching that Pastor Russell was that slave....right up to 1931 when Rutherford changed it back to the 144,000.
Good questions to ask JWs
Can you name the original members Jesus appointed?
How do you know they were appointed when they didn't know themselves?
On what bases were they selected?
Who told you these men were selected?
How do you know this mandate was passed on to WT leaders right up to the present?
Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator? Watchtower's Position is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit!
by RottenRiley in2. p. 363; emphasis added) .
(ibid., p. 362; emphasis added) .. to say jesus is mediator only for the 144,000 is actually to deny the possibility of forgiveness of sins for any others.
; emphasis added) .
In effect, a publishing house becomes the mediator of 99% of Watchtower believers today. But are there quotations from Watchtower literature that say this specifically?
Marital sex
by Tedeily inmy wife and i have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years.
being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart.
recently my wife has become jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while i am away.
Don't think the elders would support sexting even between married couples. If they get wind of this they might want to thoroughly investigate the matter. But on the positive side, at least you have a backlog of prior photos to review.