Hi Tim
"Does the Great Company receive life direct from God on the Spirit plane? Answer - Yes, they receive life direct in that they have been begotten of the Holy Spirit, and when they are begotten they are just the same way as the little flock, because we are called in the one hope of our calling....They therefore receive life on a spirit plane." Pastor Russel (What Pastor Russel Said p.297)
"...the great company class, born on the spirit plane, who are to be servants before the throne, like unto the angels...No one could be either of the little flock or of the great company class unless he is spirit-begotten." Watctower, 2/15/1918 p. 51
"Ezekiel was given a vision of a great and marvelous temple. That vision of Ezekiel concerning the temple has been a mystery for ages and generations, but now is due to be understood. The Scriptures and the physical facts both show that this prophecy was not due to be understood by God's people on earth until the year 1932. ...This picture shows the position of the great multitude. Ever and anon someone advances the conclusion that the great multitude will not be a spiritual class. The prophecy of Ezekiel shows that such conclusion is erroneous. The fact that their position is seven steps higher than the outside shows that they must be made spirit creatures." Rutherford (Vindication -book III p 204)
Then a Reversal in the Channel
In a stirring talk on “The Great Multitude,” delivered to about 20,000 conventioners, (in 1935) J. F. Rutherford presented Scriptural proof that the modern-day “other sheep” are identical with that “great crowd” of Revelation 7:9. (John 10:16) At the climax of this talk, the speaker asked: “Will all those who have the hope of living forever on the earth please stand?” As a large part of the audience stood up, Rutherford declared: “Behold! The great multitude!” There was a hush, followed by loud cheering. On the following day, 840 new Witnesses of Jehovah were baptized, most of these professing to be of the great crowd.” The Watchtower May 1, 2001 pp.14-15 “Behold! The Great Crowd
“In 1935 the “great crowd” of Revelation 7:9-15 was understood to be made up of “other sheep,” Christians with an earthly hope, who would appear on the world scene in “the last days” and who as a group would survive Armageddon. (John 10:16; 2 Timothy 3:1; Revelation 21:3, 4) After that year, the thrust of the disciple-making work turned to the gathering in of the great crowd. Hence, especially after 1966 it was believed that the heavenly call ceased in 1935. This seemed to be confirmed when almost all who were baptized after 1935 felt that they had the earthly hope. Thereafter, any called to the heavenly hope were believed to be replacements for anointed Christians who had proved unfaithful. Watchtower May 1, 2007 p. 30-31.
"Jehovah never makes any mistakes. Where the student relies upon man, he is certain to be led into difficulties. J. F. Rutherford (Prophecy pp.67,68)
- Were Jehovah's Witnesses relying on man?
- Was the prophesy, that was not really understood until 1932, wrong in 1935? (This is when Rutherford changed his mind about the destiny of the "Great Crowd".)
"Men not only contradict God, they contradict one another. How can they be reliable guides..." (Awake, Mar. 22,63)