Well here is one I believe is still on
coming up July 24-26th? Learn more here: https://www.4witness.org/covid-cant-stop-this-conference/
did flipper host the apostafest, or was it cancelled due to covid 19?.
Well here is one I believe is still on
coming up July 24-26th? Learn more here: https://www.4witness.org/covid-cant-stop-this-conference/
my old account was silent and i had to create a new account which kind of bums me, but here i am.. over the years i've really experienced some rough times emotionally and spiritually which led me down many paths.
being angry most all of time with a few outbursts really started to make me take stock of what was wrong with me.
further i started really going back and trying to figure out where i went wrong.. so i revisted all my previous posts on here.
I had made some statements about the FDS which called them into question although I never said they weren't God's channel.
Let me tell you, the FDS are not God's channel. The living anointed in 1900 were not Gods channel; in 1916, Pastor Russell was not God's channel, in 1932 the living anointed again were not God's channel and in 2012, the popes in Brooklyn now Warwick are not God's channel, nor were the Watchtower leaders in 1919 the original channel. It's just Watchtower's insupportable mythology that they ever channeled truth to mankind or that they were ever given a mandate or ability to interpret scripture for anyone.
so what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
Hope you can take a breather from all this. Your wife is a victim of brainwashing as you perhaps once were. Remember, in sickness and in health, she needs your love. It will help if you remember her motivation. She wants you to be spared at Armageddon; she wants to be with you in Paradise. Demonstrating unconditional love, as her God and organization never will, can go a long way in healing your relationship.
so what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
Why not accept her challenge? Say you will listen to a JW talk if she will listen to an anti-JW talk which you could select very carefully.
i have a couple of thoughts on the blood and shunning doctrines, both of which have been covered well before.
here, and on j.w facts.com and elsewhere.. but i would like to point out the following, the only scriptures they can use in reality for their blood doctrine are the verses from acts chapter 15. o.t verse are really out of the question, and dishonest to use on their part, as they do not follow most of the injunctions in there!.
the context of acts 15 is a council of the apostles and others in the jerusalem congregation, to decide what they should ask of gentile christians in the way of behaviours and practices etc, as jewish christians were demanding they comply with the mosaic law, or were, at the very least offended if they did not.
"When they get to the matter of the use of Blood, it is purely on the matter of EATING Blood ! A Transfusion of Blood is NOT eating it ! You can administer as many transfusions as you like to a person, and if you give them no sustenance, they will starve to death."
Exactly! Would your doctor be upset if he told you to abstain from meat and subsequently found out you had a liver transplant?
"parents of ghislaine maxwell's 'lieutenant' sarah kellen worry their daughter will be arrested and charged in epstein's child sex trafficking ring, as they claim teen was 'brainwashed.
quote: but with concerns mounting over her behavior, kellen was disfellowshipped, a disciplinary sanction whereby she was expelled from the church and ostracized by its members, including her own family.‘it was all handled out there.
it’s very private, there’s a committee that meets and they go over everything.
Yes, only the elder brother would have laid restrictions. He was the real lost son.
i dont hold any doctorate degree in human psychology but if you look at the jws from a layman's perspective of whats going on inside the head of your typical jws it isn't that are hard to understand.
if you haven't noticed the jws have the propensity to reiterate word for word what the wts teaches and fills the heads of people who are strongly attached to the jws religion.. in short the wts tells people what to think and what to say about various topics, theology based or otherwise.
how that comes about is the wholehearted acceptance that what comes to the readers off the pages of the wts's literature, has come from god's chosen earthly mediators the gb men.
If you can't leave an organization with your dignity intact, it's a cult.
the watchtower—study edition | august 2020 .
study article 33. the resurrection reveals god’s love, wisdom, and patience.
8 for a number of reasons, we can assume that those greeting resurrected individuals will be able to recognize their loved ones.
Those in the first resurrection are raised immortal with an imperishable spiritual body like Jesus. Evidently, (hehe) those raised physically to millenial judgment may still perish prior to or at the end of the millennial reign...according to Revelation if I am not mistaken.
i think this gal is incredible.
I'm subscribed to her channel as well. Her goal is to bless JWs with doubt and at this she succeeds.
on bbc radio this morning there was a 20 minute piece on jws and the child abuse cover up.
i am already receiving reaction to it from a number of sources.
it occurred to me - if you were giving ordinary members of the public a steer on how to deal with wt publishers what would you advise?.
Good point Aanna Marina. Jesus did an excellent job at that.