I wonder how many double votes (mail-ins and in- person) get through. Democrats said it couldn't happen.
If Trump wins, there will be hell to pay in cities throughout the USA.
a month ago it might have been questionable.
not now.
after bader’s death and biden’s inability, this shouldn’t be close.
I wonder how many double votes (mail-ins and in- person) get through. Democrats said it couldn't happen.
If Trump wins, there will be hell to pay in cities throughout the USA.
i can think of two to start off with .
john 1:1 and luke 23:43 ,what others can you come up with ?.
Replacing Kurios with Jehovah 237 times in the New Testament certainly legitimizes, in the mind of Witesses anyway, the Watchtower's emphasis on the name Jehovah.
Sadly, over half those insertions are not based on quotations from the Old Testament where the Tetragrammatton is found. So the majority of replacements are designed simply to support Watchtower doctrine.
It's rather revealing that they ignore certain NT quotations from the OT where the Tetragrammatton is found as in Philippians 2:11 which reads
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father.i can think of two to start off with .
john 1:1 and luke 23:43 ,what others can you come up with ?.
Perhaps because she should at least have been disfellowshipped and shunned.
one of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers.
i found an interesting passage from the wt, june 15, 1974 which reads:.
"it is to the spirit anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian-greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life.
Good point Bobcat. The living anointed then never had immortality. In fact they could be replaced if they apostatized. Only those anointed raised in 1918 and all subsequently who died faithful were raised to imortal heavenly life.
But as for the "Other Sheep" class, eternal life is only rewarded at the close of the millennium through ongoing work and obedience it appears.
one of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers.
i found an interesting passage from the wt, june 15, 1974 which reads:.
"it is to the spirit anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian-greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life.
Found this article in the on-line WT library about working hard for the reward of eternal life.
Para 19 especially is enlightening
one of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers.
i found an interesting passage from the wt, june 15, 1974 which reads:.
"it is to the spirit anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian-greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life.
Menrov and Joen...Yes, it looks like some the other sheep will survive Armageddon while others who die before that event will be raised to prove themselves, along with the survivors, worthy of eternal life by remaining faithful during the entire Millennium.
No guarantees till the 1000 years are completed.
one of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers.
i found an interesting passage from the wt, june 15, 1974 which reads:.
"it is to the spirit anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian-greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life.
One of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers. I found an interesting passage from the WT, June 15, 1974 which reads:
"It is to the Spirit anointed Christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the Christian-Greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life. "
Does that mean that the other sheep cannot claim to have the gift of eternal life?
Do you know of other passages in WT literature that address this issue?
belgium: jehovah's witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on february 16.. https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20200915_93224449.
Hey Waton
Good question.
If it's about organizational policies of enforcement, then won't the courts have to force a rewrite of the secret Shepherd the flock book?
What will happen to separation of church and state. Next certain scriptures may be banned from being read in public. I'm sure Muslims will be watching this can of worms with interest.
belgium: jehovah's witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on february 16.. https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20200915_93224449.
I can't imagine the courts deciding that people must say hello to people who say hello to them. How can a court legislate loving behavior or enforce, "Do unto your family members what they want done to them". You might as well add, adults must accept blood transfusions whether they want them or not if family members complain. I can't see what the legislation against shunning would look like. Any ideas?
the most powerful love in the universe is unconditional love.. a love that has no requirements or conditions.
no actions are necessary to receive it.. this love is all around us and can be easily seen.
watch any mother with its new born baby.
<<I believe we are all gods>>
Now, I'm sure I heard that somewhere before.