《No...he's toast.》
Precisely Stan. Exactly; you've captured the organization's response cryptically and accurately.
Fortunately for Az's brother, Jesus doesn't abide by the organization's heritical views or dictates.
so my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
《No...he's toast.》
Precisely Stan. Exactly; you've captured the organization's response cryptically and accurately.
Fortunately for Az's brother, Jesus doesn't abide by the organization's heritical views or dictates.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
Sorry...looks hopeless friend!
i used to be very active on this board - 14 years ago (redpill2006...still remember blondie, barbara and many others).
then left the cult for good 10 years ago (ex-bethelite, ex-elder).
today, after so many years, i decided to come back because there is an issue that is nagging in my mind.
Coercion and free choice don't mix well.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
As a legal beneficiary of the will you had a right to see both the will as well as an accounting of funds in the estate account. Actually the lawyer or notary your stepdad used to probate the will should have sent all beneficiaries a copy of the document. Get his name and address from your stepdad. Tell your stepdad you suspect the estate was not settled properly and that you want a copy of all estate banking records. If he balks or will not provide you with all the details visit a lawyer.
My take is that the lawyer will draw up a letter calling for a detailed accounting of funds received and dispersed from the estate account. If your stepdad has cheated you, your call and the letter should put the fear of the law into him as executor.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
You don't seem to know if your poor sister is in the new will. Do you know if you are in it?
What your dad would have thought or how poor your sister is or how big or small the estate is makes no difference.
If you are not in the legal will, and you have no evidence that your mom was incompetent or coerced, don't waste your time and money trying to get the will changed.
my brother (who is a witness) has been married for 8 years.
he and his wife (also a witness) got married young, but he never really tried in the marriage, but she also lost his trust early on.
he says that it was his fault though because he pushed her away.. anyways, he met this new girl (not a witness) and told his wife that he wanted to separate.
I believe the organization would insist that he end associating with the girlfriend, go back to his wife and ask for her forgiveness. Why the wife wants him back however is surprising.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
If the WTS helped make the will, they would be the main if not the sole beneficiary. You do not say if you are in the will. If so consider yourself fortunate. If not, and it is a notarized document, don't bother trying to contest it unless it was clear that your mom was incompetent at the time the new will was made.
Executors are usually given liberty to pay themselves for services rendered and often take between 3-5 percent of the estate. They are also often given liberty to distribute movables as desired unless recipients are specified in the will and sell or liquidate immovables which become part of the estate funds.
Your sister, if executor, has full rights to handle the estate within the parameters that wills in your state provide. My suggestion is to work with her unless she does something that represents a breach of her mandate as executor.
BTW, if you are named as a beneficiary in the will, the executor is required to provide you with a copy thereof. If not, you are not entitled to anything. Good luck.
Since we are onto humor..caught this on Reddit.
Just don't Google our company, all you're going to find are nasty lies from begrudged mentally diseased ex-emplyees!
most of the sermon on the mount, matthew 5-7 - is bizarre, vague or barbaric.
it actually smacks stupidity and not wisdom..
if you lust after a woman, you’ve committed adultery (thought crime) .
Pete, your rant is all over the place and yet you did not answer my question. Again, what kind of a world would we live in if people repented of such "thought crimes" as you put it, and sought to fulfill the teachings of Jesus in the sermon on the mount?
i’ve been gone a long time.
after my mother passed away a few years ago, i pretty much lost most contact with the witnesses.
a couple that were family friends for many years stopped checking on me to say hello.
I find that JWs are now more self protecting, unwilling to debate or interested in challenges to their faith. They run rather than engage if you are not a sheep-like one.