I could accept your first paragraph with the following correction
"The 'faithful and discreet slave' or steward described in Matthew 24:45-46 and Luke 12: 41-48 are both parables which describe not only Christians as individuals being faithful to the Master's commands in being diligent in carrying responsibilities of discipleship and to heed the exhortation to 'Keep on the Watch!' but also as a collective - the true Church of anointed Christians. The context of these parables is eschatological which pertains to events beginning in 1914 CE with the birth of God's Kingdom and the Parousia. that will transpire when Christ returns, i.e., at the parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1914, 1918, 1919 1922, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1928, 1929, 1975 all mythologically manufactured bogus dates with no evident biblical significance..