jerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the gentile times are fulfilled.
— luke 21:24 .
the bible book of luke records jesus prophecy of the last day with his parousia including the verse about the gentile times.
unintended consequences of isolationhowdy and good morning boss!.
please excuse my flamboyant greeting.
i’m only following orders.
How to stop 90% of Watchtower criticism!
Charlie Ryde writes
If you follow this one suggestion virtually all exJWs will suddenly stop speaking out against the Watchtower and the Governing Body.
Are you ready? It’s really simple and it’s guaranteed to work, no need to bulk up on “anti-JW refutations”.
Okay, here goes:
Stop shunning your family members and treating them like disposable garbage.
It’s really that simple. We don’t care what you do with your own life. We care that you are permanently scarring innocent children just because they grew up believing differently.
You have one guaranteed life, it’s not just a placeholder for a promised hope. Use it wisely.
i wonder how many are like me staying pimo for the great association and gathering etc.
also find it very interesting having a front row seat watching the collapse of borg.. im not wasting any more time or money on anything i don’t want to do like preaching and mostly just go on zoom .
there is nothing i want to do that would be considered disfellowshiping sin, i’m married and want to live by bible principles but i have serious doubts that the gb were chosen by god and are his one and only spokesmen on earth.
Here is someone who left because there were no benefits, only costs.
Graeme Hammond, after 22 years as a Witness, writes:
For some years I’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: I was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, I felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and I was drained by their demands on my time. I was frustrated by their blinkered vision and sick of everyone being treated as a child. The meetings and conventions were tedious and repetitive and the level of judgmentalism and gossip was sickening. We were all being watched.
I was already missing meetings and making a pretence of field service. Even when I met people at their doors, I had no desire to try to persuade them to join because I felt it was unfair to entice them into such a constricted life that I hated.
In the end it was “Crisis of Conscience”, the tell-all book by former Governing Body member Ray Franz about his life in — and exit from — the Witnesses, that made me realise I could just walk away. After just two or three chapters I became starkly aware that the religion was in so many ways fraudulent, with no more claim to being “God’s organisation” than any other religion.
As each chapter unfolded, it became painfully obvious that I had been defrauded and manipulated for the entire time I had spent in the religion. Franz’s book showed plainly that it was a totally man-made, man-run organisation seized with an oversized sense of self-importance and a mean streak of vindictiveness.
Once I read that book — and followed it up with books by Jim Penton, Robert Crompton, Tony Wills and others — the more I learned about the religion I’d given so much of my life to. There was no Armageddon, no “faithful slave”, no mathematical formulation of the “last days”, no hotline to God. And no reason for me to ever set foot again inside a Kingdom Hall.
I never regretted leaving: walking away from it made me realise that I was reclaiming my life. Yet in a sense I did “look back”. The sense of anger and humiliation about the deception and control is not something you can easily dismiss. It burned me up for a long time, but today those emotions are a distant past.
I was a cult member, but I escaped. And I survived.
charlie ryde writes:.
let us use the same bite model for determining if something is a cult to both being a jw and being ex-jw.
mind you this is a short summary.. b- behavioral control.
This message certainly sounds like a cult according to Charlie Ryde who writes:
Join us! Or DIE!!!!!!
In a world where 8 billion people live in various states of confusion, power, hopelessness, there stands one tiny faction that promises to supersede them all!
Join the Jehovahs Witnesses, abandon your love for the Great Harlot and her beast!
The Jehovahs Witnesses are the only true Christians, every other Christian is an idolatrous sinner! Join us, sit in our den of peace, the Kingdom Hall, and give your life to our ministry!
One day soon, Jehovah will wipe out 8 billion of the worlds infants, women, children and men! But not us! We are the only people with the super secret knowledge and the wisdom to be Gods Chosen People! How lucky we are to be better than you in every way you mentally diseased, grossly sinning fools!
Once Jehovah wipes out all non-Jehovahs Witnesses, we will get to be perfect so the stench and labor of burying 8 billion corpses will seem like nothing to us! A perfect man fears no shovel!
charlie ryde writes:.
let us use the same bite model for determining if something is a cult to both being a jw and being ex-jw.
mind you this is a short summary.. b- behavioral control.
Charlie Ryde writes:
Let us use the same BITE model for determining if something is a cult to both being a JW and being ex-JW. Mind you this is a short summary.
B- Behavioral Control
JW- complete control of acceptable behaviors punishable by loss of privilege or shunning.
ex-JW- not a group just a loose collective of traumatized individuals trying to move on and warn others. No rules of membership or punishments.
I - Intellectual Control
JW- prohibits or restricts reading materials. Discourages higher education.
ex-JW- still not an actual group but…Most ex-JWs encourage education and reading banned books.
T- Thought Control
JW- have a derogatory name for all nonmembers “worldly people”. Call their own teachings “The Truth”. Require complete adherence to the Truth without question to maintain membership.
ex-JW- no organized doctrine to control. Just people sad their families are destroyed.
E- Emotional Control
JW- require an appearance of joy to outsiders. Mental illness considered a defect due to not exercising accurate understanding of “The Truth”. Love Bombing when all is well, complete disassociation when a violation occurs.
ex-JW- focus on helping each other heal in any way possible and with understanding.
For a more detailed explanation of how JWs are a cults see the BITE model link below. .
i thought it was in 1914. silly me!.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
Here are quotations about Jesus becoming king in 1878?
...but Behold he has come, and we are now living "in the [parousia] presence of the Son of man." And this has been the character of the present movement, from then until now, -a proclamation of the Lord's presence and of the kingdom work now in progress. The writer, and co-laborers, proclaimed the fact of the Lord's presence, demonstrating it from prophecy, and on charts or tables, such as are used in this book, until the fall 1878, when arrangements were made for starting our present monthly publication, ZION'S WATCH TOWER, and the Herald of Christ's Presence." |
When, three and a half years later (A.D. 33), our Lord assumed the office of King, a,d permitted (what before he had refused - John 6:15) that the people should mount him upon an ass and hail him King, it marked a point in this antitypical Gospel harvest more important far than of the type. The parallel to this, as we have seen, points to 1874 as the time of our Lord's second presence as Bridegroom and Reaper, and to April 1878, as the time when he began to exercice his office of King of kings and Lord of lords in very deed, - this time a spiritual King, present with all power, though invisible to men. |
Source : MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol.III, Thy Kingdom Come (1st-ed - 1891), page 150
The taking of the kingly office by our Lord in A.D. 33, and his first official act in rejecting the national church of fleshy Israel, taken in connection with all the striking parallels of two ages, indicates very clearly that at the parallel point of time in the present harvest, i.e., 1878, mystic Babylon, otherwise called Christendom, the antitype of Judaism, was cut off; and there went forth the message, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and cage of every unclean and hateful bird." - Rev. 18:2. |
Source : MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol.III, Thy Kingdom Come (1st-ed - 1891), page 153
But note another itel here. Between the time when Babylon is cast off, falls from favor (1878), and the time when the plagues or troubles come upon her, is a brief interval of time, during which the faithful of the Lord's people are all to be informed on this subject, and gathered out of Babylon. This clearly shown in the same verse; for with the message, "Babylon is fallen" is coupled the call, "Come out of her my people, that ye... receive not her [comig] plagues." |
Source : MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol.III, Thy Kingdom Come (1st-ed - 1891), page 165
Our belief that the Kingdom began to be set up, or brought into power, in April 1878, be it observed, rests on exactly the same foundation as our belief that the Lord became present in October 1874 |
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
No. He came in the clouds of heaven in AD 70 in judgment on Jerusalem.
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Here is a picture of one overlapping generation
This baby managed to take a picture with dad, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather together !! ♥ ️
Credit: FB
jws will not salute the flag.
however they will support the us constitution which gives congress the right to establish the military and to declare and to make war.
isn’t that tant amount to supporting the country going to war?.
"Where does the idea come from that Jws are against war and the military?"
Didn't know Watchtower was and is pro-war.
It must be true the JWs support the USA fighting wars. After all they profited from war. In 2002 they owned 50% of Rand CanEngine Corp stock, a company that made awesome war machines.
as i understand it, jehovah’s witnesses believe less than 145,000 faithful christians existed prior to the twentieth century.
the other sheep christians did not start forming until after 1914. that means jehovah’s witnesses view millions martyred for their faith in christ prior to the 20th century as merely professed christians.. the question is…how do witnesses know that those millions who perished for their faith in christ were not christians at all?.
As far as I know a non-justified bereft of the indwelling Holy Spirit Great Crowd is unique to Watchtower.