Using eisegesis you can prove the Bible-based teaching that Jesus appointed Joseph Rutherford to be His Faithful Slave on April 6th 1919 at Brooklyn headquarters while in the boardroom sipping tea with12 other appointees.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
Doctrines and Bible Interpretations
by IWant2Know ini would like to know if ex's and formers who are not church christians, believe that many of jws' doctrines and bible interpretations are correct, or do you feel that they aren't?
The Meaning of ETC
by titch infolks: i don't mean to be a "forum grammar policeman", but there is something that i've noticed a few times.
i've noticed that a few---not all---but some, members of the forum who use the abbreviation "ect" when they want to use the abbreviation of "etc.
" for your education today, the term "etc" is the abbreviation for the latin term "et cetera.
I must confess that seeing then for than is a bit of an irritant.
by NotFormer inis it likely to be removed from the list of disfellowshippable offences?
given that the ban on smoking 🚬 is completely unbiblical*, might they ever remove it?.
*even mainstream christianity can only come up with one verse "against" it, the one that says that the body is the temple of the holy spirit.
<<Does it need to be 'biblical' to ban it?>>
Of course not! Who needs Bible rules when we can all make our own commandments of men. Christians who celebrate Christmas or send birthday cards or vote in municipal elections should be mandatorily cut off from the Christian congregation as well as from their families.
Loving provisions from Jehovah of the Watchtower.
Did God know adam and eve would sin?
by gavindlt into all those on this forum, i would love to know what your take on this vital question is..
I believe the divine evaluation of man post creation, pre-fall, was "very good"...not "excellent", not "complete", not "mature", not "perfect".
Even with recent changes it’s a struggle to get people to attend
by hoser inthe kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
Sad to hear it A Watcher. How many KHs were sold to pack 5 congregations into one venue?
Even with recent changes it’s a struggle to get people to attend
by hoser inthe kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
You can check the box by just staying home and saying a prayer for an ex-jw.
Even with recent changes it’s a struggle to get people to attend
by hoser inthe kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
Here is one exemplary brother who has adjusted.
This was posted on another thread but I thought it worth replication.
Even with recent changes it’s a struggle to get people to attend
by hoser inthe kingdom hall is still empty.
even with amalgamation of 2 congregations.
the elders are handling the microphones and there was only one comment from zoom at the watchtower.
Thanks for the good report. I'm hoping for similar hemorrhaging stats across the board.
Did Jesus have a pre-existence or was he fully human, begotten at his human birth.
by gavindlt inso when was jesus begotten.
was he truly and wholly fully human.
did he exist in two states, part human part god.
The Bible answers your question in The prologue to John's gospel as follows.
1¶In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2He was in the beginning with God.3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.4In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. -
JWs And Superstitions
by NotFormer inprompted by a mention in a different thread.. cracks in the sidewalk, a pinch of salt over the shoulder, black cats🐈⬛; do jws have such superstitious beliefs.
are they allowed to?
would they be counselled if the elders became aware?.
I don't see a demon behind every tree. I see demons behind almost every tree.