They are imperfect men
They are God's channel
the following list was posted by generation2 in reddit.
perhaps you can add to it.. 1- it's a translation issue.
2- that's how things where then.
They are imperfect men
They are God's channel
the following list was posted by generation2 in reddit.
perhaps you can add to it.. 1- it's a translation issue.
2- that's how things where then.
The following list was posted by Generation2 in Reddit. Perhaps you can add to it.
1- It's a translation issue.
2- That's how things where then.
3- It makes sense if you have faith.
4- You are quoting out of context.
5- It is not for us to know.
6- You are reading it wrong.
7- It's a metaphor.
8- You can't prove it didn't happen.
9- Leave it to Jehovah (favorite excuse)
mark jones, ex-jehovah's witness, was in for 31 years.
updated october 16, 2019 · author has 1.7k answers and 17.6m answer views.
pretty much everything that’s fun.
Thanks DS. I was not aware of that. Hope he doesn't mind the extra-Quora publicity.
mark jones, ex-jehovah's witness, was in for 31 years.
updated october 16, 2019 · author has 1.7k answers and 17.6m answer views.
pretty much everything that’s fun.
Pretty much everything that’s fun. Even when I was a committed member, I used to joke with my “brothers and sisters” that if it involves joy and laughter it’s probably against our religion.
Here’s a list of some that immediately spring to mind, this list is not exhaustive - there are many, many more:
But yet, the Jehovah’s Witnesses will tell you that they have no rules!
Perhaps you can add to this list
great talk interrupted....
I appreciate your concern HB, I really do. And you are right...I have been seduced, not by the Bible per sec but by the biblical Jesus, who saved/justified and sanctified me and called me into His service of seeking and saving the lost. Christianity is relationship with Jesus Christ...something that Jehovah's Witnesses do not and cannot have. The Holy Spirit is the one who reveals both our lostness and our need for the cross which is Christ's personal wedding invitation to all of humanity to join Him in death.
great talk interrupted....
Did anyone notice the captioning colour change every time something questionable from the WTS viewpoint was being expressed?
they don’t go to conventions .
they don’t go to assemblies.
they don’t go to meetings.
Perhaps someone can find the secret elder's letter advising the sheep to use their spare time at home to stock their underground bunkers in anticipation of the great tribulation.
a jw apologetic video.
If the label "false prophet" doesn't apply, False teacher certainly does. Preaching speculations as the word of God....especially about it's essential role in salvation.
a jw apologetic video.
A JW apologetic video
great talk interrupted....
In two thousand years does any one have the name of someone who has definitely been 'saved' through calling on Jesus?
As a matter of fact I know many, including myself who have called upon Christ for salvation and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Christianity is something to believe and someone to receive. The evidence of salvation is the transformation of a life that only the person transformed can know and give testimony to by a change in behaviour.... though skeptics without knowing the person before or after may choose to deride.