Mark Jones had this to say.
"Only last week I heard, with my own ears, Jehovah’s Witnesses tell me the following:
- Jehovah communicates with us through the Watchtower magazines.
- In the “new system” we’ll be assigned an area to live. We must be sure to obey that direction.
- My daughter has been disfellowshipped for 19 years. She has 3 children whom I’ve never met. I hope she “comes to her senses” and returns so I can see her again.
I'm of the opinion that if someone believes those things, they’re so far gone into delusion its not about truth anymore. It’s about desperately clinging to the belief system you signed a lifetime contract on.
Honest-hearted ones eventually see it for what it is and leave....(and) watch it slowly turn into an online-only governing body fanclub.... I feel pity for the ones born in who had nothing to compare it to and so were duped into joining. But everyone else will eventually come to their senses and leave if they value truth."