Welcome to the forum Chichy!
Congratulations for leaving the cult. Sorry to hear you are being shunned.
a simple " me" if you dont want to say more--or a short explanation about who is shunning you and how long has this been going on.. i'll set the ball rolling: my daughter--her husband and children; my younger son --no contact from them for 40 years...because i left their religion.. (edit--i just noticed the typo in the header--if should be of ).
Welcome to the forum Chichy!
Congratulations for leaving the cult. Sorry to hear you are being shunned.
a simple " me" if you dont want to say more--or a short explanation about who is shunning you and how long has this been going on.. i'll set the ball rolling: my daughter--her husband and children; my younger son --no contact from them for 40 years...because i left their religion.. (edit--i just noticed the typo in the header--if should be of ).
Mark Jones had this to say.
"Only last week I heard, with my own ears, Jehovah’s Witnesses tell me the following:
I'm of the opinion that if someone believes those things, they’re so far gone into delusion its not about truth anymore. It’s about desperately clinging to the belief system you signed a lifetime contract on.
Honest-hearted ones eventually see it for what it is and leave....(and) watch it slowly turn into an online-only governing body fanclub.... I feel pity for the ones born in who had nothing to compare it to and so were duped into joining. But everyone else will eventually come to their senses and leave if they value truth."
will the great tribulation hurt individuals more than what job, jesus, roman punishment, naz&i germany, hiroshima, jail, capital punishment, disease, pain, terror, horror, soldier in the battlefield or some terrible pain people experience this very moment?
how worse can pain and suffering get.
it is very common.
Don't forget about Acts 14 great tribulation.
Act 14:21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch,
Act 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
will the great tribulation hurt individuals more than what job, jesus, roman punishment, naz&i germany, hiroshima, jail, capital punishment, disease, pain, terror, horror, soldier in the battlefield or some terrible pain people experience this very moment?
how worse can pain and suffering get.
it is very common.
So what about Armageddon?
i’ve been visiting this site for quite a long time, although i rarely posted.
i would like to thank simon and all the participants, for the valuable information and support that is available here, for anyone searching about the jw organization.. just a brief introduction of myself: i live in europe (english is not my native language, so please bear with any mistakes i make).
i was born in a jw family and i’m still in the organization, but i’ve been “on the fence” about leaving the organization for quite a long time.
Hi NewLight,
I don't blame you for wanting to leave the Org.
What would you stand to lose if you do leave?
What might you gain?
Would you be jettisoning Christianity altogether or just the WTS version?
i am genuinely curious and mainly posting this for research purposes, i do not have enough knowledge on either of these subjects to debate them in any useful manner.. (this information is as far as i am aware and may be incorrect in places)as most know the nwt is known for placing a form of the divine name in the nt (new testament) - while i agree the evidence is significantly weak for it too appear in the nt, a few things must be considered - (from my limited research)rev references the name twice (3:12, 14:1)early copies of the lxx contain the divine name (likely the versions that the nt writers copied?
stafford has a couple of videos on this subject)it was emphasized over and over the name [divine name, which ever form you prefer] would be "known" (other words used aswell) forever - if this is true, why then go against your own message in some cases and replace it with a surrogate?some also claim the nwt is dishonest for not translating some occurrences of "lord" as the divine name - common ones i notice are: phil 2:10-11, 1pe 3:14-15, heb 1:10yet these all use "lord" as a title not a proper noun, seems to be staunch trinitarians who make this claim most oftenscholar qualifications:why does a scholars qualification's matter?
sounds dumb i know.
Welcome to the Forum Kaleb!
probably, the greatest advocacy for the gospels is the jw publication: the greatest man that ever lived.
it convinced me.. everything else that the bible says about the resurrection and eternal life logically follows.. the testimony of a “witness” in court matters only if it is observation not commentary ( expert witness is also commentary): what did you see, what did you hear, what is the magnitude of your measurement.
not, are you convinced; that is only belief.
Here is an interesting view
breaking news....there is hope for good hearted non-jws!!!.
according to sergio:.
are jehovah's witnesses the only ones to be saved during the end time?.
The fact that the SDA aren't stopped doesn't prove God appointed them in 1863 in Battle Creek Michigan.
breaking news....there is hope for good hearted non-jws!!!.
according to sergio:.
are jehovah's witnesses the only ones to be saved during the end time?.
Yes, I was wondering.
let me start with a couple of distinctions.. first century christians:.
1. baptized military personnel.. 2. baptized men with political authority.
33 "...they bore witness to Jesus not Jehovah!"
Worthy of repetition Nowwhat!