I actually almost yesterday started a thread on that exact article. It unbelievable on many levels. I find it also ironic that they use the tactic of labeling evolution a religion. Hello, you guys are a religion too. So what are you saying religion is not based on evidence? If so, what about you guys?
I also find it unbelievable how they paint the evolution scientists motives.
Teachers of evolution are often motivated, not by the facts, but by their own desires—perhaps a desire to be accepted by a scientific community in which evolution is orthodox doctrine.
First, would not a scientist want to prove evolution wrong and appear even more wise then the other scientists? Is that not the whole point for a scientist. To continue discoverying new things, even if it proves earlier thought wrong. And as a added benefit be rewarded with even more prestige if you do.
Second, from my own personal experience I know that if you ask a random JW to explain evolution, 99% will get it wrong. So who is motivated to fit in to a community really? The scientist who examines both sides? Or the JW that only examines one side because they want to continue as part of the community and not be shunned by there family if they dare question the thoughts on evolution. I use to be in the 99% myself, its not there fault. Its all this ill informed anti-evolution propaganda you are bombarded with that you never would dare learn about the subject.