JoinedTopics Started by arimatthewdavies
so were do I go now that ive left the kingdom hall?
by arimatthewdavies inmany people for one reason or other have quit going to the kingdom hall me included!
i dont object to the people for they are clean well dressed human beings, i object to the way a prefabricated doctorine is distributed, useing hugh amounts of books magazines and media to attempt to study the bible,i feel obligated to say i agree with that method and under pressure to promote it, theirfore i stoped going because pretending to agree with this method and rendering lip service to it in order to keep from being disfellowshiped is a lie,and liers go to the lake of fire, .
so now that we have left the hall were do we go?
were are we really going when we die!
by arimatthewdavies ini tried this one before but my browser was broken.
come let us go up into heaven let us build our thrones their let us become like the most high!
these are satans words they got him and his demons kicked out off heaven!
why bother to pray?
by arimatthewdavies inalmost everyone has seen someone pray over the food at the dinner table,you know bless this food to our bodies and our bodies to your service, but tell the truth when was the last time god answered you?
ah like never?
so still we go on with the ritual of praying because some how its what god expects right?
watchman or undertaker?
by arimatthewdavies ini am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing.
but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!.
but what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens?
an image that jehovah aproves
by arimatthewdavies into j.w idols are a no no,jehovah detests graven images!
but did you know their is one image jehovah aproves of!
read hebrews 1/1-6 yup jesus christ!
wittnesses of who?
by arimatthewdavies injehovahs wittnesses have adopted their name because they want to show that they are wittnesses for jehovah, but i need to point this out for your consideration first the name jehovah while it shows your referereing to jhwh really is not valid in the least, to be a wittnesses of some one in any court you must have his real ful.
name, proxies [stand in names] are not allowed.
second it was jesus christ who comisioned us to work for him.. third he is the mediator between us and god, hence how or why can you be a wittness for jehovah ?
no blood! also no wittnessing on saterday!
by arimatthewdavies injehovahs wittnesses refuse blood because the bible says no eating blood, they equate this with a blood transfusion saying its the same as eating blood!
therefore efective now all field service and care of the kingdom hall must cease until sundown saterday, it is not permited to obey one law and die for it, then not obey all the others!
it is not permited to change jehovahs day of rest!