The other day I was fixing a stuck window when I noticed 2 people in ridiculous athletic gear walking up to my culdesac... It was starting to get dark but as they got close, I noticed it was an elder and his wife (whom I haven't seen in months!)... they slowed down considerably to get a better look at my house... I still haven't put up any lights (but I think I might next year)... anyway, they NEVER do their "walking" near my home... but here they were trying to pin with something... incredible...
Posts by Alfred
JW's turned up to see if I celebrated xmas
by MMXIV inhad a surprise visit from some jw relatives over xmas.
they had never visited before, had never been invited, were travelling out of their way and despite having planned to "stop by" gave no advanced warning such as a phone call even a few minutes ahead of time to see if it was convenient.
they stood at the door apologising for not phoning in advance but offered no reason other than that they'd decided not to call.. when invited in they had little to say (perhaps disappointed??).
Religious group, environmentalists battle over preserved land in Edison
by betterdaze inwarwick, ny.. .
ramapo, ny.. .
edison, nj.
It's not enough that a billion trees need to be chopped every year to publish WT literature (99% of which ends up in the trash)... now they want to breach protected land? ...Sounds prophetic (Rev 11:18).
Elder School - Clandestine
by Slidin Fast instartfragment.
during this holiday season our worthy elders will not be enjoying the fruit of their labours with their families but will be attending their training sessions conducted in great secrecy.
the existence of these meetings is no secret but the content of them certainly is.. in this country (the uk) i can study the law and the subtleties of precedent that can be argued in any accusation raised against me.
Any valiant elders out there willing to share some bullet points from the "Secret Elder School"? (I assume it was completed this week?)
Who will struggle in 2011? The Uneducated (and those with Awake! degrees)
by truman indespite the watchtower's drumbeat of anti-higher education rhetoric, they are tragically misguiding their followers about the relationship between a college education and job prospects.
i ran across this tidbit in my internet travels:.
who will struggle in 2011
Believe it or not, my escape from the cult this year was facilitated by my PO (or "coordinator")... Everytime I asked for a meeting with him to discuss 607-1914, the 144K or any other subject, he would agree, set a date/time and then almost immediately pospone our meeting or cancel altogether... This continued for many months in 2010... In fact, we only met 2 times in the entire year. Eventually, after I pressed him about this, he admitted to me that he had very little free time on his hands because he was in the process of obtaining his "Doctorate's" degree from an on-line university in Spain. My first reaction was utter disbelief!!!... But I quickly cheered him on and even strongly advised him not to tell anyone else about this (lest the CO get wind of this and strip him of his glorified status)... Anyway, he let one "sheep" out of the gate on his watch because he was too busy preparing himself for the material world. How incredibly ironic!
I guess he won't be one of those who will struggle in 2011.
The Bethel "Generation of 1914"
by cabasilas insome older former bethelites may remember these folks from the cover of a 1984 watchtower:.
this was published during a time while the watchtower society was waging war against the "apostasy" that had started in 1980. one of the issues at stake was the year 1914. these older bethelites were photographed to give tangible proof that the "generation of 1914" would not pass away.
now, nearly 27 years later, they likely have all passed away (along with that generation).. there is a listing of some of the names of these bethelites up at a blog article at this link:.
Mr. David Splane:
Exodus 1:6? Really?
This is the Biblical backing you present at a District Convention in support of the NEW generation teaching??? How do you train yourself to believe your own BS? I guess you have no choice... there's no way you can survive the "real world"...
Thinking of writing a letter
by ranmac inforgive me if this has been touched on many times before.. i was wondering if anyone has actually written the society requesting their response/justifications to the many discrepencies and flaws in their doctrine and history, such as failed/altered dates and prophesies, pyramidology, beth sarim, lack of transparency, economic and political ties to the world, how they no more than archeologists, biblical contradictions, etc, etc..... if so, what was their response?.
Been there, done that (several times actually)... They will purposely dodge your question by immediately referring you to Proverbs 4:18, then they will tell you to consider the whole range of truths you've learned from the FDS rather than focus on your lingering doubts and then they will close their response letter by placing guilt in your mind (subtly calling you as ingrateful as the Israelites or something to that effect)... that's pretty much their standard operating procedure. But their response letter is not directed at you... they know you're right... their response letter is really directed at any "programmed" witnesses you might decide to show their letter to... its really just a strategic letter... not one that has any intentions of clarifying any doubts... they pretty much have this down to an exact science...
Spanish JW admitted to Foundation for Pluralism and Coexistens".
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting information in the 2010 report on international religious freedom.
the government has taken steps to integrate non-catholic religious groups through the foundation for pluralism and coexistence.
the foundation provides funds to minority and religious groups to promote religious freedom and dialogue.
Since this is obviously part of a bigger master plan to unite all religions and all governments, this is quite possibly another Illuminati agenda... so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the leaders of the organization are involved somehow... Besides, if there's free money to be had, I'm sure the Society has already deposited their check long before the other denominations even heard of this fund.
May I please get the link as well? I'm due for a "disasociation" hearing soon.... thanks!
The fundamental flaw with the WTBTS as "God's Organization"?
by Essan inthere are countless issues that people have with the society and which together have led to many people realizing that it is not what it claims and pretends to be.
these include things like the secret un affiliation, contradictory and hypocritical stances, (malawi vs mexico vs un/ngo), the ever changing blood policy and ever changing doctrine, failed predictions for armageddon etc, etc, etc.. but what is the consensus about what the fundamental flaw is?.
what i mean is, many jw's hear about these various issues and manage to make endless excuses for them, even though this involves gross hypocrisy and excusing the society for things they would never excuse in other religions and which the society itself has ruthless condemned other religions for over almost 100 years.
I'm fairly new at this (just escaped recently) but I think this probably easier to do than one might expect...
First, find all the references regarding the "inspection of 1918" (you'll find contradictory information regarding whether the FDS passed/failed this so-called inspection and whether the inspection happened in 1918 or 1919 as well as other fundamental contradictions).
Second, find all the references regarding which publications were being distributed (when Jesus supposedly inspected the org in 1918)... I think you'll find that "The Finished Mystery" will come up as the flavor of the year (more so than any other publication).
Third, show the ridiculously long list of absurd teachings and failed prophecies found in "The Finished Mystery" and ask: "Are we to believe that, out of all the denominations worldwide (in 1918), Jesus picked the one that published this completely fallacious book which bears the logo of a pagan Egyptian god? (having the actual book on hand will help tremendously... I bought one recently for about $138 from the Watchtower Books Store).
Again, I'm new at this so please excuse me if all this sounds too naive...
Bethel Branch at Ajalvir, Spain
by Alfred inmost of you have probably read about this already, but just in case... i recently came across some interesting information regarding the spains' bethel branch in ajalvir.
on march 26, 2007, spains's department of labor and social matters (ministerio de trabajo y asuntos sociales) paid a very unwelcome visit to the branch and conducted a site inspection which uncovered overwhelming evidence that the watchtower society was knowingly violating varios legislative decrees regading workers' rights.
it was further discovered that the society was intentionally circumventing the law in order to avoid having to pay social security benefits as required by the "regimen general del sistema de seguridad social" (spain's ss administration).
Most of you have probably read about this already, but just in case... I recently came across some interesting information regarding the Spains' Bethel Branch in Ajalvir. On March 26, 2007, Spains's Department of Labor and Social Matters (Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales) paid a very unwelcome visit to the branch and conducted a site inspection which uncovered overwhelming evidence that The Watchtower Society was knowingly violating varios legislative decrees regading workers' rights. It was further discovered that the Society was intentionally circumventing the law in order to avoid having to pay Social Security benefits as required by the "Regimen General del Sistema de Seguridad Social" (Spain's SS Administration). So they got slapped with a citation and were forced to pay these benefits to most of the Bethel staff retroactive to 2003 (to their SS accounts I assume).
But the Society, as usual, put their "spin" on things to make it seem that they had actually "requested these Social Security benefits" for their beloved bethelites. They did this by way of a letter dated September 4, 2008 sent to all the congregations in Spain. I will attempt to translate part of the 6th paragrah as follows: "As a result of the request we submitted before the Department of Labor and Social Matters with this purpose, the Counsel of Ministers (of the Labor Dept) has approved, last December, a Royal Decree by virtue of which the members of the Religous Order of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain have been included in the Social Security (program)."
The letter concludes: "We trust that this news will have a positive effect in the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom during the final part of the "last days" in which we live..."
However, as expected, this good news was short-lived (7 months, in fact). It sems the Governing Body could not stand having to pay towards "volunteers" Social Security benefits... After all, they call the shots not the government!!! How dare the government of Spain tell the Governing Body how to treat their bethelites! So they sent a letter on April 1, 2009 which basically asks the bethelites at Ajalvir to 'Start packing... we're taking our business elsewhere'.
My questions is... What is the latest update on this branch closure??? Last I heard, the "pink slips" were in the mail but I have not been able to confirm this... Does anyone know?