They're probably just taking care of homework so they won't have to do it at home... field service reports, territory assignments, part assignments, bills, accounts, literature orders, etc.. They usually want to be able to get as much of that BS done during the meetings so they don't have to waste anymore valuable time that they could spend with their families. But somehow, the Watchtower always seems to keep them busy at home also...
Posts by Alfred
What exactly are men at the back of the hall taking care of?
by howdidtihappen inonce people have come in, and the doorman and the mic men are in place, why are there a few other suits scattered about at the back?
i saw a guy get up, sit down, get up, sit down, get up and when i looked what he was up to he was reading the noticeboard and looking around, waiting for a bus.
i figured he wasn't doing much at that point, but anything to not stay seated.
No More Missionaries
by Lunatic Faith inhas anyone heard about this?
we received an email from an old friend who is still an elder and doesn't know what we are up to.
"a change, they are no longer training missionaries and sending them into foreign fields.
the witchtower knows they can spin this into anything they want and most jay dubs won't ever have a clue what's really behind all of this... this will likely be viewed by the average jay dub as a "sign" that jehovah is wrapping up the preaching work and that armageddon is right around the corner... again.
Good to study JW past .... New "Writing Archives" under direction of the Writing Committee
by wannabefree inyes friends, it is important to understand your rich spiritual heritage as jehovah's witnesses, and so you don't have to look at old publications on your own or refer to worldly sources, the organization is pleased to select for you the history as we want you to have it and you can get it in your current watchtower.. from january 15, 2012 watchtower pg 31-32. the governing body is keenly interested in.
our theocratic history.
in commenting on the.
interesting how they use the word "heritage" instead of "tradition"... but they're basically becoming what jesus described in mark 7:7,8... this is nothing more than a lousy attempt to appear "transparent" about their past as they "cherry pick" what the clueless rank and file would consider "old light"... they have entered phase 3 of their attach on apostates with this latest damage control project...
You are all wicked Apostates!!!
by iamwhoiam inthis is nothing new obviously, i'm just using this as a sounding board to see if i'm looking at this thing correctly.
your thoughts are greatly appreciated.. watchtower july 15, 2011 p 15 paragraph 4 under the title "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?".
4 to elders of the ephesus congregation, paul said: from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things.
looks like you were on vacation and just got back... thanks for posting this anyway... the subject needs to stay alive... thanks
Has anyone else noticed all the advertizing the Mormons are starting to do.
by life is to short ini live in the pacific northwest and in the last week i have started to see bill boards popping up all over the city with pictures of people who are doctors, stay at home mom's, lawyers, plumbers, etc.
they all look very normal just living life and below their picture it says i am a mormon.. i have also started in just the last few days to see commercials on tv showing a soccer mom running her kids to games and she stops to look at the camera and says i am a mormon, or they showed a doctor who stops and says i am a mormon.. i think this campaign with the mormons has to do with mitt romney.. has anyone else noticed this?
i wonder what the gb would do to make the jw's look normal, as our kids do not do school sports, we do not go to college so we do not have many doctors or lawyers, or even plumbers and electricians, etc for that matter.
They're also diversifying apparently... for example, I understand selling home security systems (APX?) probably to pay for all their expensive advertising spots... maybe the WT will consider similar ventures to pay for similar advertising... if they do, they should rehire all the laid off bethelites...
thanks Listener...
my assumption was based on another Biblical passage that the WT loves to spin out of context... I believe it is in Leviticus...
My sistersÂ’ funeral service was just appalling. An absolute disgrace.
by still wondering inmy sisters' funeral service was just appalling.
an absolute disgrace..
the funeral was held today for my sister when every opportunity was used as a sales pitch to promote their malignant message, in this case to any non jw's that may be present, just like any other pyramid scam it seems.. the person whose funeral it is just has a minor bit part to play compared to the main feature , the promotion of the all encompassing multi-talented multi-tentacled wts that you can rely on to guide misguide and pervade every nook and cranny of your life including when to die.. and why not, because as gods only prophet to all mankind, they don't just hear gods voice, they are gods voice.. ***watchtower 1957 june 15 p.370*** "it is vital that we respond to the directions of the "slave" as we would to the voice of god.
Still wondering... I don't know what to say... (other than: sorry you had to hear that garbage at your sister's funeral)...
Kid reading COC
by Aussie Oz inmy daughter is 80 pages into coc.. it will probably take a few visits to get through it.
i let her know that it speaks of things before her time, but that i was 'in' back then and remember some of the things written about.. any heads up on what to expect from her?.
Aussie... great news...
thanks for sharing
What Baltar said... expect more guilt-tripping, especially for male JWs.
I haven't read the article, but I'm guessing the injured sheep represents less than 10 hours per month in field service while the sheep that is standing represents 10 or more hours of field service... The WT really needs more male JWs reporting 10 or more hours per month so they can groom them to replace the older elders that are becoming a burden to them...
what has the watchtower society done to benefit mankind?
by bigmac inwhat i mean is---has the wts/jw's/ibsa-- or whatever organisation or legality they hide behind---ever done to really benefit some sector of humanity on a practical basis?---.
it must be me--but i really cannot see some poor person--starving in a third world famine--regarding the chance of a free home bible study as high on their list of priorities..
they removed the chewing gum off of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of stadium and coliseum seats worldwide... oh wait... never mind... i keep forgetting that this is done in order to continue enjoying cheap stadium rental rates...