I'll translate the title...
Is the end closer than you think?
I'll translate the title...
Is the end closer than you think?
anybody got the full year's worth of awakes for 1967 that they would be willing to share?.
the 1967 awake set is the only year that i am lacking before 1970. i've seen a partial set floating around, but never the full year though .
Why do you need one?
Some of your previous posts lead me to believe that you're quite possibly a WT apologist...
So I have to ask... Are you on some kind of mission for the WT? Would that mission possibly include helping them erase their history?
Just asking...
so a few months ago, i had dinner with an ex-missionary/ex-co (mentioned in coc and pentons apocalypse delayed) and he had some really interesting and funny anecdotes about his time in brooklyn bethel and spain.
(i will ask him permission to reveal his name at a later time) but i just wanted to share one particular story that really made me laugh as it shows how ridiculous elders can behave after theyve been thoroughly dumbed down by the wt leadership.
he explained that while he was serving in spain, a trivial matter came up in one of his visits to a congo in barcelona sometime in the late 70s.
Ding said...
"No wonder this CO was ousted in the 1980s purge. He didn't understand that there is nothing too trivial for the "faithful and discreet slave" organization to control."
That would certainly appear to be the case... However, this ex-missionary/ex-CO told me that, when he and his wife got kicked out of bethel, they weren't doing anything wrong at all... in fact, they were actually on the WT's side when that purge took place!!!... the problem they had was that they were close friends with the wrong bethelites (the ones doing independant bible research, etc..) and were assumed to be guilty by mere association... this really woke them up and eventually led to their complete departure from this twisted religion.
the stress on jehovah's witness elders raising their children in "the truth" is causing many to literally go mad.. keeping their children in " the spiritual ark" is becoming more and more difficult.. many elders are snapping under the pressure.. one of our guests on the six screens conference call told of her elder father ( who everyone at the kingdom hall thought was an angel) came home from the meeting and killed the family dog in the kitchen with his bookbag as the family looked on....... join us tonight oct. 22, 2011 at 7 pm edt.
.... our guest will be wendy lee tucker former jw whose father was an elder and terribly abused her physically and emotionally.. she received horrific beatings..... hit with a bat, punched at, receiving a broken nose and became a prisoner in her home.. wendy was looked in her room with the doors being nailed shut when the family went off to the kingdom hall.. a far cry fom being a "spiritual paradise".
it is easy to get on the call....no computer is necessary.... just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. our lines open at 6:30 pm edt.....so come on early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the watchtower".
After hearing the same 5 voices on this conf call week after week, I eventually tuned out...
(btw... I'm still waiting for Rick to respond to my question about elders supposedly being deleted for having FaceBook accounts)
so a few months ago, i had dinner with an ex-missionary/ex-co (mentioned in coc and pentons apocalypse delayed) and he had some really interesting and funny anecdotes about his time in brooklyn bethel and spain.
(i will ask him permission to reveal his name at a later time) but i just wanted to share one particular story that really made me laugh as it shows how ridiculous elders can behave after theyve been thoroughly dumbed down by the wt leadership.
he explained that while he was serving in spain, a trivial matter came up in one of his visits to a congo in barcelona sometime in the late 70s.
So a few months ago, I had dinner with an ex-missionary/ex-CO (mentioned in COC and Penton’s “Apocalypse Delayed”) and he had some really interesting and funny anecdotes about his time in Brooklyn Bethel and Spain. (I will ask him permission to reveal his name at a later time) But I just wanted to share one particular story that really made me laugh as it shows how ridiculous elders can behave after they’ve been thoroughly dumbed down by the WT leadership.
He explained that while he was serving in Spain, a trivial matter came up in one of his visits to a congo in Barcelona sometime in the late 70’s. The elder body of that congo approached him for advice on handling an issue with a “problematic” brother who had feelings for a sister in his congo. This brother was apparently seen holding hands with this sister by several JWs on a number of occasions. There was even one JW who saw this brother kiss the sister on her cheek in a public place. He had been counseled several times about this but continued to hold hands with this sister as he saw nothing wrong with this.
Eventually, the elders approached the sister to counsel her as well. When the “problematic” brother found out that the elders had asked to meet with her, he immediately defended her honor and told the elders to back off as she was doing absolutely nothing wrong Biblically and that they need not talk to her about this matter at any time. He even asked the elders for Biblical basis for their meddling in something as inconsequential as two people in love holding hands. Of course, they came up empty and were completely stumped.
By this time, this CO arrives for his week-long visit and is almost immediately approached by the elders about this incredibly insignificant matter. After the elders got done giving this CO a long drawn-out explanation about what was going on and all the counseling they gave this brother, the CO’s immediate response to the BOE was literally: “And???”… after which the elders just looked at each other in disbelief. And after a brief awkward silence, one of the elders asked the CO: “But shouldn’t we be holding a Judicial Committee for the way he’s behaving and for disrespecting our authority?” The CO said: “Look, it seems you are all spending way too much time dealing with ridiculous issues when you should be attending the needs of the congregation. I don’t think we need to discuss this issue any further. If you really don’t like my response, I strongly suggest that you write bethel about your concerns and ask them for direction. But as far as I’m concerned, this matter is closed.” He then went on to the next subject on the agenda.
A few weeks go by and this CO is asked to temporarily oversee the Service Department at the Barcelona (or Madrid? don't remember which) bethel. Then one morning, one of the bethelites working the correspondence desk approached him with a letter in his hand. It was a letter from the BOE of the congo with the “problematic” brother. The bethelite asked the CO to read the letter and give him advice on how to respond. When the CO saw the letter he told the bethelite: “Don’t worry about this letter brother, I’ll handle this one.” He then proceeded to answer the letter using numerous Biblical texts (forgot which ones, but he mentioned quite a few) to demonstrate just how ridiculous and vindictive the elders had become over such petty nonsense. Of course, when the BOE received the Service Dept’s “response” to their letter, it’s signed “Watchtower Bible & Tract” (as even the authors of letters are never revealed). So they had NO clue that the same CO that suggested writing to bethel was the same person who actually responded! That’s just classic!!! What are the odds?
Anyway, this ex-missionary/ex-CO mentioned that he stayed in the Service Department a few months longer before being reassigned to another district in Spain and never heard anything else on the matter. But it just goes to show how some BOE’s get caught up in the most insignificant BS while other more important matters are completely overlooked… By the way, this “ex-missionary/ex-CO” and his wife were ousted during the 1980 Brooklyn Bethel shake-down but they are doing just fine and are very happy.
meanwhile, additional property acquired in nearby tuxedo, n.y.by linda collins.
so the move will likely be years away, according to devine.
meanwhile, additional property acquired in nearby tuxedo, n.y.by linda collins.
That can't be right... Rick Fearon mentioned a couple of months ago that Johnny the Bethelite told him that the Governing Body emphatically stated that they were definitely moving in 2012...
and if Rick Fearon said it, it must be true...
the stress on jehovah's witness elders raising their children in "the truth" is causing many to literally go mad.. keeping their children in " the spiritual ark" is becoming more and more difficult.. many elders are snapping under the pressure.. one of our guests on the six screens conference call told of her elder father ( who everyone at the kingdom hall thought was an angel) came home from the meeting and killed the family dog in the kitchen with his bookbag as the family looked on....... join us tonight oct. 22, 2011 at 7 pm edt.
.... our guest will be wendy lee tucker former jw whose father was an elder and terribly abused her physically and emotionally.. she received horrific beatings..... hit with a bat, punched at, receiving a broken nose and became a prisoner in her home.. wendy was looked in her room with the doors being nailed shut when the family went off to the kingdom hall.. a far cry fom being a "spiritual paradise".
it is easy to get on the call....no computer is necessary.... just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. our lines open at 6:30 pm edt.....so come on early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the watchtower".
babtised publishers.
this is the number of baptized individuals who partake in the preaching work worldwide.
does this total represent the number of all preachers on earth?
That will never happen...
they need impressive numbers and charts to show that Jehovah is directing the organization...
ok... i might be speculating here but i just have this sudden need to get this purged from my system once and for all.... it always seemed to me that the congo that handed over the thickest envelope to the co at the end of his visit got all the circuit assembly parts... this is just my personal observation from having been in 4 different districts for over 3 decades.. of course, i could be completely wrong about this but i rarely noticed elders from the poorer congos in the district giving talks at any assembly i've ever attended, while the elders from the more affluent congos in the district seemed to get all the talks, simposiums, dramas, everything.... in fact, about the only thing the "less fortunate" elders were used for at assemblies were for "interviews" (during an affluent elder's talk) where they would briefly explain how they gave up higher education, higher paying jobs, etc.
to serve jehovah full time because jehovah always provides, etc.
just to make the "materialistic" young couples in attendance feel guilty and sign up for aux pionsneering, reach out, etc.. meanwhile, several affluent and well-known business owners in the district got all the front-and-center 15-min discourses... i always thought: "why are they up there giving these talks, instead of the more humble brothers in the district who are all but running themselves into the ground in field circus 6 days a week while the affluent elders barely get in 10 hours a week visiting not-at-homes?.
OK... I might be speculating here but I just have this sudden need to get this purged from my system once and for all...
It always seemed to me that the congo that handed over the thickest envelope to the CO at the end of his visit got all the circuit assembly parts... This is just my personal observation from having been in 4 different districts for over 3 decades.
Of course, I could be completely wrong about this but I rarely noticed elders from the poorer congos in the district giving talks at any assembly I've ever attended, while the elders from the more affluent congos in the district seemed to get all the talks, simposiums, dramas, everything...
In fact, about the only thing the "less fortunate" elders were used for at assemblies were for "interviews" (during an affluent elder's talk) where they would briefly explain how they gave up higher education, higher paying jobs, etc. to serve Jehovah full time because Jehovah always provides, etc. just to make the "materialistic" young couples in attendance feel guilty and sign up for aux pionsneering, reach out, etc.. Meanwhile, several affluent and well-known business owners in the district got all the front-and-center 15-min discourses... I always thought: "why are they up there giving these talks, instead of the more humble brothers in the district who are all but running themselves into the ground in field circus 6 days a week while the affluent elders barely get in 10 hours a week visiting not-at-homes?
Has anyone else noticed this in their district(s)? or it just my imagination?...
(Again, I just had to purge that from my system... thanks for reading)
since 1935, the watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed christians had ceased in 1935. this teaching was especially significant to older jws (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.
) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging governing body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near.
in other words, as more governing body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving armageddon and living on paradise earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance.
I think the gate will be simply removed all together once they finally admit that 144,000 is just a symbolic number... that'll probably be shortly after 2014... they'll likely let David Splane explain it in some DVD or during an annual meeting... it'll just go over everyone's head as usual...