My cousin, an ex-bethelite, used to beat his wife constantly... his wife either denied it or justified it (to prevent reproach on Jehovah's name, etc.) but the truth eventually came out, and her parents took her in... don't know if they ever got divorced or not but they're definitely not under the same roof any more...
When we were kids, I could tell he was always filled with rage for whatever reason... My brother and I used to always wonder why he got so worked up whenever we played with his toys since we never had a problem when he played with ours...
But as the years passed, he became extremely "spiritual", got promoted to MS, went to Bethel, got married to a pioneer and everything appeared to be just fine... he was completely transformed into this "model" christian rarely seen in any congo...
And then the rage came out all over again... we don't know what sparked it, but he began beating his wife over a period of several years and the BOE did little or nothing to stop it simply because she kept defending him and saying everything was finally OK...
But to answer your question... you're not being dramatic at all... this is a serious life-or-death issue that needs to be exposed to the media...