Make sure you don't heat the miracle wheat in the microwave just before your organless transplant... it can severely affect the acceptable theocratic albumin-globulin ratio in your blood fractions.
Posts by Alfred
Does WT do this on purpose or are they just out of ideas? 2012 Special Talk
by OnTheWayOut inthe 2012 special talk is "is it later than you think?".
the outline can be found at this thread:
at that above link, you can also see the october 8, 1968 awake cover that uses that exact same title.
I think the intent of this is to provoke apostates and then claim persecution or that the Great Tribulation has finally arrived...
this is what a lot of tired JWs really want to hear right now... it's all about "supply and demand"...
Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards
by cedars ini hate doing this type of thread.
none of us are perfect, least of all myself, and i would rather focus any criticism on the watch tower society for damaging people's lives.
however, in the short period since i've been a member of this forum i've noticed one member in particular deteriorate in his behaviour into the type of individual who threatens to undermine the credibility of the entire website.
Whenever Rick Fearon gets "cornered" by people who are simply asking him to stop the lies and sensationalism, he resorts to school girl name-calling (i.e. whiners, cowards, watchtower operatives, criticizers, etc.)... but you'll never get Rick to come clean on anything... he has mastered the art of blame deflection as has the Watchtower...
Read a story of child neglect and abuse among JWs in S. Africa that was sent to me.
by AndersonsInfo ini regard the information below as true until proven false because of corresponding with a young man in s. africa for a few years whose story i posted on my website:, "freedom from an unsafe haven, by caleb.
" although some of the accounts of abuse of children in s. africa in the story below are older, calab wrote me details of abusive treatment meted out to young people in his area that he chose not to put in his story for fear he could be identified.
calab in now in university in another part of africa and very happy after breaking the chains that engulfed his mind.. barbara.
Forcing small children to endure two hours or more of excruciating heat and humidity while wearing uncomfortable clothing in Field Service (with no water breaks)...
Elder's wives
by Zordino ini still go to meetings (sometimes) mostly to acompany my wife and kids.
i have known of jw friends of mine that have gone to elder's for family problems, dispute's with other cult member's or those hemroid's that just won't clear up.
whatever.... i personally never ever told an elder or elder's a stitch of info about my personal life or trouble's etc.
I have been in three congos in two different countries and my personal experience is that anything told to elders in confidence is known by the entire congo within a few days (via elders' wives talking to their "close personal firends")... but that's just my personal experience... I'm not saying or implying that this is necessarily a widespread problem...
i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of goes...
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
It's been 9 days since GrowingGirl has posted anything... I noticed her posts were slightly tentative... I really hope she didn't get sucked back in... it does happen...
Terrible conduct by congregation Elders in hospital room !
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy uncle was rushed to the hospital last tuesday with severe stomach pain.
(he was diagnosed with colon cancer one year ago.
the doctors, family,and my uncle decided against colon surgery.
aweful... they couldn't come back and pray at a later time??? they just had to show that they had authority over everyone around them...pathetic...
Over half a million $$$ to put up a wall of greenery at the Assembly Hall in Ajalvir, Spain
by illoowy inhow would you react if someone quoted you a price of over half a million us dollar$ to put up a wall of greenery at the assembly hall in ajalvir, spain?.
jhk's blog quotes spanish ex-jw's forum member nizam saying that the spanish brothers are aghast with the plan to close down the assembly hall at ajalvir, torrejon, (near madrid), spain.
the renovation will replace an outside terrace with a wall of greenery.
FYI... My translation of the letter sent to the elders of Chile regarding El Trebol Assembly Hall....
Service Department
SDE 30 August 2011
To all elders in Circuits M-02, M-03, M-04, M-07, M-08, M-09, M-10, M-24 Y C-10
Matter: El Trebol Assembly Hall
Esteemed brothers:
We are considering the feasibility of closing down a portion of El Trebol Assembly Hall during the circuit assembly season in order to achieve a more comfortable environment for attendees. As a first step, a survey should be taken to determine if the congregations are in agreement with this and if they are able to provide economic support. As every construction project takes time, we are asking for your cooperation with a sense of urgency.
We have attached a simple drawing of the proposed project. This project consists of closing off the first ring of seats (some 2,584) with moveable translucent panels and a suspended sky. For district conventions, the panels would be removed to open the entire auditorium (the sky would remain suspended). The cost is estimated at some $140,295,000 pesos, or $8,522 per publisher. Although it won’t be necessary to have the full amount on hand to start the project, it’s clear that we would need a certain financial commitment in order to finance this.
If you agree to support this Project, determine how much you believe your congregation can contribute monthly to finance this construction. As a point of reference, if every congregation contributes 72 pesos per publisher per month, said construction would be financed in its totality in ten years.
Prepare a resolution to be approved by the publishers. Upon concluding your next meeting, read the attached letter and the resolution which stipulates the monthly contribution suggested by the body of elders. If practical to do so, you may print several copies of the attached drawing and distribute these. Then, ask the publishers for a show of hands if they are in agreement with this resolution. If the majority are in agreement, request that each family (or single publisher) give prayerful consideration to the amount of financial support they are able to provide. Afterwards, in the next meeting, they should deposit in any contribution box a form with two figures:
1) the amount that the family or Publisher i sable to contribute every month
2) the amount that they can contribute during assemblies (three days in the year)
We are attaching a sheet that you may print as many times as you need, and then cut into smaller forms for distribution to each head of every family or single publisher. (The brothers should not put their names on the form, just the two requested figures.) This survey will reveal if the congregation can comply with the resolution and pay for operating costs and maintenance.
The secretary will collect the forms and separately add up the amounts that the publishers are able to contribute (1) monthly and (2) every assembly day. Afterwards, he will send an email to [email protected] with the name of the congregation and three figures: the amount that the congregation will contribute monthly according to the resolution, the amount that the publishers indicated they could contribute monthly and at every assembly day. We ask that you please respond by September 19 at the very latest. Of course, if you are not in agreement with this proposal, you should indicate this in the message you send to the same email address.
If the project is determined to be feasible, we shall schedule a meeting with the elders to provide more details and respond to questions. In the meantime, it won’t be necessary for you to do any more than what we are requesting in this letter until you receive further information. Let us all pray that Jehovah will guide this process such that “his will be done” respectively (Matthew 6:10).
Accept our sincerest greetings and fraternal love.
Your brothers,
Christian Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses
"You will be objects of hatred "a reasonable understanding
by luap inindeed thats just what witnesses are.
everyone hates them.
is there any other group in "christendom "that are hated as much as these.?
Can someone please hate me... I'd like to live forever in paradise... thank you...
2012 April Kingdom Ministry-PDF!
by Atlantis in.
credit goes to anonymous*2012 april kingdom ministry-pdf!
Week of April 16 will consider the DVD Faith In Action (2010)
Question (9) reads:
Years in advance, what did the Bible Students expect to occur in 1914?
Answer: While the DVD does admit that they expected their "heavenly reward", it also falsely claims on two occasions that they expected Jesus to take the throne in 1914. Obviously this is FALSE since they were taught that Jesus had already tkaen the throne in 1874... It wasn't until the 1920's that they changed this to 1914....