There is no Armageddon... at least not the WT's interpretation of a so-called Armageddon.
But assuming God does intend to commit global genocide, it won't because people are going to wrong church.
so let's say armageddon comes,do you believe that all jw's would be destroyed because jehovah knows it's a false can't be denied,for the most part,they try to live by the bible...if anybody has to be punished i would say it's the leaders...i know that god wouldn't judge a whole organization but persons what i'm trying to ask you think you're in a better position right now not for freedom but for salvation than the witnesses??
if by the time you're finished reading this post armageddon is here...would u wish that you still were a witness or are you satisfied that you've made god proud?.
There is no Armageddon... at least not the WT's interpretation of a so-called Armageddon.
But assuming God does intend to commit global genocide, it won't because people are going to wrong church.
i'm copy/pasting this from the cd rom (i only have the 2008 one and older ones), watchtower 2/15/03.
i was browsing to refresh my memory what jws believe about who can partake of the memorial because the church i go to now has the lord's supper every sunday as part of their worship.
a person who truly has this calling does not need to ask others if he has such a hope.
Paragraph 4 is implying that the Great Crowd cannot partake because they are in an "unclean state"...
I guess the annointed are in a clean state?
What does that even mean?
i noted in a thread on kingdom hall remodelling that some mentioned that a call for donations of gold jewellery was made from the platform.
since this sounds like something that would have been presented by a part on the service meeting and therefore noted in the kingdom ministry schedule, can anyone recall the specifics of this?
if so, how recently?
That's how they built the Assemby Hall in Ajalvir, Spain (before selling it for a fat profit recently)... the WT even blatantly admits that poor Spanish kids sold their toys so that this assembly hall could be built (because the GB had no intention of spending one red cent for this hall)...
my story part 2: trouble at bethel.
[if gte mso 9]><!
[endif]by my third year at bethel i was really enjoying it and determined to make bethel a life career.
"Others were implicated and disfellowshipped as well, such as fellow translators Nestor Kuilan and his wife, as well as Rene Vazquez."
Recently, my wife and I have become friends with Nestor Kuilan and his wife Toni... he's 73 years old now and doing extremely well. He has some really interesting stories about bethel and his time in Spain as missionary and CO... I've been trying to convince him to tell his story here but he prefers to leave the past behind him. He is literally the kindest most humble person I have ever met.
i was wondering from any here in the know, does it seem like there is a lot of "remodels" going on?.
in the last week i had the occasion to talk with two jw's in different halls, about 10 miles apart.
they both are undergoing major remodels.
This is not only a good source of revenue for the Watchtower but it also increases FIELD SERVICE HOURS which can be used in assembly boasting sessions. (assuming they still allow JWs to count their time for putting up dry wall in the KH)
brother pathological liar has remained in his position (appointed by the holy spirit) for thirty years now.
he has no problem lying under oath.
(prayer before a judicial comitte, investigation) or slandering anyone who might stand up to his darkness.
there was an elder in my congo that I always tried to avoid as much as possible because he would somehow find a way to latch on to me and dump all the congo's latest gossip on me as if I were a reporter for the National Enquirer... i don't know what the hell made him think that I like listening to his rants because my uncomfortable body language (whenever he carried on with his gossip) was so obvious... but somehow he would sneak up behind me in FS or in the hall and start firing away about how sister chatty can't keep her mouth shut during meetings or how sister sexy always went to the bathroom to check her hair (wtf? how does he even know that?)...
also, whenever someone got df'd, the entire congo knew every last detail of the wrongdoing before the next meeting... i have to wonder whether it was this elder who spilled the beans... he just couldn't control himself...
by the way, he was also collecting disability insurance while regular pioneering and was very open about it!!! wtf???
but at least he was appointed by holy spirit.
i can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
Commencing full lock-down procedure in 3, 2, 1....
a brother in my hall mentioned in a twist of scriptures how we can thank the faithful slave class for warning us in connection with blood transfusions since 1945, because now the medical field recognises the riscs and try to minimize the use of blood.. despite the fatcs, that this statement is ridicolous in so many ways, i d like to find information (outside the "apostate" realm) that proves, that even allowed fractions are involing the risc of getting hepatitis, aids etc.... that would completely refute such a notion.. thx in advance... .
The so-called faithful & discreet slave could have warned us about eating apples and you'll always find some JWs (who are allergic to apples) who will thank the FDS for "discerning the scriptures" as the medical field is now recognizing the dangers of apples in some people. And the same could have been said about practically anything else that enters the human body. JWs have become so dumbed down over the years that most have lost their ability to reason logically... that is why the WT can easily convince them that their ridiculous interpretation of blood-related Bible texts was facilitated by the holy spirit...
MsGrowingGirl20... I believe several of us sent you PMs a few weeks ago... not sure if you saw those yet but you have to click on the envelope on the top right corner of this page...
so far what is the response to the aux pioneering this year vs last year?.
in our cong - only 10 so far vs 52 last april.
Last April's extraordinary pioneering numbers were simply a result of many JWs believing that there was quite possibly something "divine" behind the GB's invitation to do a "dirty-thirty"... (that's not to say that peer pressure had nothing to do with it)...
However, since nothing out of the oridinary happened in Dub Land following that campaign, many JWs are quietly realizing that it was nothing more than a push to get some numbers on a scoreboard... not some sort of prelude to the start of the new system...
I believe the GB will put this on the shelf next year and just come out with some Nu-Lite to get everyone excited about going door-to-door during the 2013 memorial season... this "dirty-thirty" doesn't seem to be cutting it any more...