I actually dialed into his call three times before I finally realized that the same 5 or 6 people were on the call, although Rick would always claim that his screen was completely lit up from callers all over the world (whatever that means)... I should have known better than to dial in, especially after having seen all the pictures of his 3-people protests.... Rick is so full of himself...
Posts by Alfred
Kool-Aid Man, Is Your Army Ready For The Memorial? Where did you go?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inkool-aid man, is your plan to protest the memorial still in play?
are you mia?.
Jehovahs Witnesses Plan on Looting the Dead
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals,.
i've written a new article on what some jehovah's witnesses plan on doing after armageddon strikes.
i am sure you've been around witnesses that have said something like "oh i'm moving into that house after armageddon.".
I knew a JW couple who "simplified" their lives to become regular pioneers. I think they simply couldn't find decent jobs so they decided to pioneer to elevate their status in the congo... they were such attention whores...
Something that always caught my attention about them is that, during KH meetings, they would never waste an opportunity to comment on why it's so wrong to love material things... yet, in field service, you'd hear them say things like: "That's the kind of house I want in the new system" or "I hope Jehovah allows cars in the new system" or "I hope Jehovah lets me have a house with a big deck overlooking the ocean"... thereby exposing their true inclination towards material things...
very hypocritical
Thought on the new 16 page Watchtower
by Paralipomenon indear brothers,.
wecome to the first issue of the smaller version of the watchtower.
in this current digital age, more people are turning less to the printed page and more to online sources for their reading material.
Is the WT CD now available for MAC OS? I'm thinking they probably meant Android tablets... In any case, if in fact elders have been given the green light to use tablets during meetings, the WT lawyers better rethink this... it'll be a matter of time before a pedophile elder eventually taps the wrong area on his screen and exposes his latest browsing session during a KH meeting... (sorry for getting off topic... couldn't resist)
C.O. Is coming this week
by Freeof1914 inso i had the elders come to my house about two months at the time i told my wife and family that i was having doubts.
they came by i explained my position and they basically told me i needed to be more humble and just tow the line like many others have before me.
well i have not gone preaching or to any meeting for two months after that and did not recieve any phone call from the elders, which was fine by me .
I had a similar situation about 2 years ago... long story short: the CO was informed that I was perturbed over the Watchtower's handling of the 1975 fiasco... (but that was really only a small part of it). Anyway, the CO showed up with about 5 WT articles he had printed from the WT Library... Everytime he started to read one, I'd cut him off to let him know that "I read that already"... having no other printed material in front of him, he became stumped and looked to the elder to save his ass but the elder just sat there with a blank look on his face.
Then... wait for it... you guessed it... they both went into the usual "who preaches worldwide, which doesn't participate in wars and who doesn't believe in the trinity" routine (their comfort zone), without acknowledging that the 1975 fiasco was a direct result of totally improvised doctrine that had no Biblical basis whatsoever...
Is the Watchtower shy about repeating their new "generation" teaching?
by slimboyfat inas i recall in the 1980s talks and watchtower literature, magazines and books were always talking about the "generation" teaching and how it proved armageddon was going to come any day now.. but am i correct in thinking they have only actually mentioned the new "overlapping generations" teaching once or twice in the literature?
why are they so shy about talking about their great new interpretation?
it's almost enough to make you suspect they are a embarrassed about it.. mention it once or twice, don't dwell on it, hope everyone just accepts it, and don't bring it up again.
Acts 1:7 can't be any clearer... Speculation on when Jesus would return to establish his kingdom is NOT ALLOWED.
New World Order Connection
by marriedtoajw ini've heard and read so much conflicting information.
never been a jw and i have only been to a couple of meetings years ago.
what is the watchtowers teaching regarding the "new world order" as you guys were taught?.
By your comments, I'm assuming you've already figured out that the phrase "New World Order" comes from Freemasonry and refers to the hopes of establishing a united world government and a united world religon controlled by the jews at some point in the future. The WTBTS was in favor of a jewish-controlled world government (and may still be). This is why you'll notice older publications from Russell through Rutherford using this phrase.
But to answer your question, the last mention of the phrase "New World Order" in WT literature was probably in the 1952 Watchtower magazine (November 15 page 696). But the phrase was slowly phased out and replaced with "New World Society" (used between the late 40's and the early 70's). Thereafter, the word "World" was dropped and the phrase simply became "New Order" (used between the early 70's and the mid 80's). Now the WTBTS simply uses "New System of Things" or "Paradise Earth".
Transcript Of Judicial Committee Meeting Of Dale & Bette Baker
by Bangalore intranscript of judicial committee meeting of dale & bette baker.. http://www.jehovahswitnessbooks.com/2010/03/judicial-committee-meeting-of-dale.html.
The main objective of JC's for suspected apostacy is to get the alleged apostate to admit that he no longer believes the Watchtower is God's organization. Questions are generally centered around that. Once they have that admission, they've got their "smoking gun" and can report back to the branch...
JC to Branch: "Yeah, we got the son of bitch and he won't be a problem anymore."
Branch to JC: "Excellent job boys. We'll keep you i mind for Circuit Assemblly talks and other high-visibility responsabilities."
Attended 2-Day Circuit Assembly--Highlights
by Cadellin insince my spouse is an active elder, i accompany him to sads, cas and das, at least for the time being.
anyway, i thought i'd share some of the more odd/disturbing bits from the latest "sanctify god's name" ca.
there wasn't anything particularly new but the tone toward porn, higher ed, bad assoc, "habitual" murmuring and harmful gossip is definitely hardening, as are the cautions against social networking.
Evidently ... (the GB's favorite word)
My rambling story
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini am 18...my mother has been studying the bible with jw's for over 20 years now.
she has never been baptised for various reasons.she wasn't married at the time to my abusive and drunkard father...when she started studying she got married to him--then she left him 4 years after.since then almost everywhere we moved mommy was approached by the jw's and she regularly had discussions with them .. when we bought our current home and the jw's appproached us 3 years ago,mommy was working day and night and so she told them to study with me.the next sunday we started going to meetings...all the meetings...i became a publisher in 4 months and was baptised 8 months after...i was told by everyone that i was progressing well...because of my mom's hectic work schedule ( single mother 4) we never had a close relationship so i immediately became really close to my study conductor...i was taught that religion and the people at the kh had to take precedence over any family members especially those who were a part of the world..from then on i never went to any family gatherings,concerts and i began to 'look down' on my mother.after all her heart condition wasn't right--why wasn't she baptised?
our relationship plunged---i even told her that i wanted to leave this house...she knew that i felt closer to my study conductor and so she tried to start back her study and get baptised....again she was dating someone and contemplating marriage with him but my study conductor kept on drilling into her head 'marry only in the lord'.
I remember how I always preferred working alone door to door
by gubberningbody ini'd just stand at the door and not knock on it or ring it.
if someone came, i'd make a presentation - "here's your tract!".
otherwise i'd just wait a couple of minutes and then go to the next door and not knock.. .
I didn't even know that this was allowed....