The public service JWs provide is waking up lazy people Saturday mornings, thereby reducing widespread obesity.
Posts by Alfred
KM Sermon for April, "We are providing a Public Service"
by Quarterback injust thought about the suggested sermon for the april magazines in the km.
it suggests that jw say that they are doing a public service.. a public service, is a service that is rendered by the government.
doesn't that writing commitee know the meaning of such words.. i wonder if they are trying to mislead by using this wording, or, they just don't get it..
I just asked the JW website for a home visit...
by TimeBandit ini just went and filled out the form asking to be visited.
i hope they come soon so i can work my super apostate magic!
uh, if the super apostate magic doesn't work, i'll just let my huge great danes out onto the porch and freak the witnesses out followed by kicking them off my front porch... .
Billy... wouldn't that make your annoying neighbors even more annoying?
To Those of You Partaking at Home This Year. . .
by leavingwt in.
have you abandoned the wt idea of two classes of christians?
while still a believer, ray's books helped me to see that the idea of there being two classes of christians was a 'unique interpretation' of the watchtower society with no basis in scripture.
using pretzels and beer as emblems this year...
Are JWs the worst restaurant customers?
by Alfred in(a little background info before i ask my question...).
my sister-in-law (non-jw), who manages a popular chain restaurant near a kingdom hall, just found out that my wife and i have recently faded, so she decided to get something off her chest the other day... you guessed it: she wanted us to know that jws are the worst customers ever!
she then told us some really embarrassing stories about how jws would request a table for 15 to 20 people (after a sunday meeting) and then (when the bill came) some of the jws would start deliberating amongst themselves on whether or not the waiter was diligent or not (to justify the low tip he was getting anyway).
shamelessly bumping just because it's memorial night...
How did/does your congregation view going out to eat AFTER the Memorial?
by OneDayillBeFree infor us it used to be a big no-no, but i think it has slowly grown more acceptable since many of our elders would be starving during the whole reject jesus party.... i always thought it was a bit funny when i saw brothers and sisters almost celebrating with a big feast and drinks on the night that the good ol' messiah sacrificed himself for all humankind!
it seems now more recently that since it is the only thing witnessess can celebrate, they go all out!
maybe i'll join in the festivities too.. so what about you guys?
Never heard of it being a no-no.... In my area it's a tradition... (for more info, see the following thread)
So what do your Jehovah's Witness friends and loved ones think of the generation teaching?
by garyneal inafter the little skit at the last assembly where one brother was asking another for understanding about the generation teaching i thought, "wow, these people will believe anything the watchtower tells them.
" the 'more mature brother' practically said verbatim everything the watchtower said as his explanation.
evidently, this is one of the sources of the increased 'murmuring' that the talked warned against.. so, has anyone brought this up to their witness friends and/or family?
Believe it or not, I got this response from an experienced elder: "What change? There was no change. Just an explanation on what is meant by the word generation. The doctrine is still the same as it's always been."
I had to really bite my tongue because the only thing I could think of saying is: "Are you a f**king idiot???"
Really frustrating. There wasn't even a hint of cognitive dissonance in his head... just plain stupidity...
Will Embracing the Internet lead to Increased Growth for the Watchtower?
by jwfacts inmore important than the reduction in the size of the new magazine is that the watchtower will be actively promoting its website and encouraging people use it to download magazines.
my concern is that this has the potential to lead to an increase in growth for the watchtower.. the door-to-door preaching work has been one of the most inefficient means imaginable to gain converts, and done little more than tie up the time of active jws.
now, by directing people to the internet, witnesses can spread their message at an alarming rate for little cost.. do you feel that this has the potential to lead to a surge in growth of jehovah's witnesses?
The last time I checked, the Top Ten Sites (other than Google) were... Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo, Live email, Wikipedia, MSN, BlogSpot, Bing, and
The Society claims that gets 400,000 daily hits... I don't know if that's a good number of hits or not but this site is ranked somewhere around 7,500 !!!
Also, the reality is that most people don't turn on their computers to get their spirituality on, they go to their neighborhood church or turn on their TVs Sunday morning. That's plain reality.
If the WT really want to broaden their internet presence, they sure have a L-O-N-G way to go...
Kool-Aid Man, Is Your Army Ready For The Memorial? Where did you go?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inkool-aid man, is your plan to protest the memorial still in play?
are you mia?.
I actually dialed into his call three times before I finally realized that the same 5 or 6 people were on the call, although Rick would always claim that his screen was completely lit up from callers all over the world (whatever that means)... I should have known better than to dial in, especially after having seen all the pictures of his 3-people protests.... Rick is so full of himself...
Jehovahs Witnesses Plan on Looting the Dead
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals,.
i've written a new article on what some jehovah's witnesses plan on doing after armageddon strikes.
i am sure you've been around witnesses that have said something like "oh i'm moving into that house after armageddon.".
I knew a JW couple who "simplified" their lives to become regular pioneers. I think they simply couldn't find decent jobs so they decided to pioneer to elevate their status in the congo... they were such attention whores...
Something that always caught my attention about them is that, during KH meetings, they would never waste an opportunity to comment on why it's so wrong to love material things... yet, in field service, you'd hear them say things like: "That's the kind of house I want in the new system" or "I hope Jehovah allows cars in the new system" or "I hope Jehovah lets me have a house with a big deck overlooking the ocean"... thereby exposing their true inclination towards material things...
very hypocritical
Thought on the new 16 page Watchtower
by Paralipomenon indear brothers,.
wecome to the first issue of the smaller version of the watchtower.
in this current digital age, more people are turning less to the printed page and more to online sources for their reading material.
Is the WT CD now available for MAC OS? I'm thinking they probably meant Android tablets... In any case, if in fact elders have been given the green light to use tablets during meetings, the WT lawyers better rethink this... it'll be a matter of time before a pedophile elder eventually taps the wrong area on his screen and exposes his latest browsing session during a KH meeting... (sorry for getting off topic... couldn't resist)