Since there is compelling and overwhelming evidence that Jehovah is the true and living God, Creator and Supreme Sovereign of the universe, the plea of ignorance cannot be admitted in its full latitude except for idiots. The atheists cannot plead ignorance. The agnostics cannot plead ignorance. The evildoers cannot plead ignorance. The idolaters cannot plead ignorance. For if they are willing to exercise their faculties and employ their minds in diligent search, men have within their reach the means of coming to know Jehovah God. So God’s decree is: “They are without excuse.” –Watchtower April 15, 1956 page 229
Posts by Alfred
WT: Only JWs and idiots will survive Armageddon...
by Alfred insince there is compelling and overwhelming evidence that jehovah is the true and living god, creator and supreme sovereign of the universe, the plea of ignorance cannot be admitted in its full latitude except for idiots.
the atheists cannot plead ignorance.
the agnostics cannot plead ignorance.
What was the name of the WT's special printing machine?
by Paralipomenon ini remember on my visit to the bethel, one of the stops was this machine that allowed rapid production of layout in different languages.
they were very proud of it, i guess it was invented by a poor volunteer there and it was enough of a breakthrough that they claimed that international companies were looking to buy or license the technology for millions.. the guide was very proud to say that they were keeping the technology and not sharing.
tee hee hee, take that satan!.
an elder in my congo had everyone convinced that this new printing equipment was capable of translating english into over 100 languages and simultaneously printing the inputted english text in those languages... when i showed him and others in the congo evidence to the contrary (that this was not an automatic language translator and that human translators were still required), i was shunned by everyone for embarassing this elder... this elder wasn't intentionally misleading anyone... he simply didn't carefully read an article published in a wt about it...
Tickets for Dec 18 sold-out, +- 40 000 left out.
by african GB Member inwe have just been informed that the tickets for dec 18 convention have been sold out.. the announcement was made at the end of the service meeting..
Sam Herd... you need to back away from that stuff you're smoking... seriously
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized inthe tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
SOUTHPARK - Scientology episode removed from DVD boxset!!! Why??
by Witness 007 injust heard on the radio the episode they did on scientology was not on the new season dvd boxset.
an ex- member released documents from the church on the net showing a campaign of harrassment against the shows creators.
one example even their garbage was investigated for anything they could use.
Freedom of speech is allowed as long as it doesn't criticize Mormons, JWs or Scientologists... criticizing all other religions is allowed though...
Victoria, Australia: Results of November 8th Steven Unthank's Court Hearing
by AndersonsInfo inre: results of november 8 court hearing.
yet again, all five cases remain intact and are still in the criminal justice system.
oh, how the wheels of justice turn ever so slowly.. .
A Bible Student... excellent email !!! ... I just hope posters on this board are on their best behaviour if/when Mr. Champion or anyone else from the Public Prosecutions office visits this site... just saying...
My friend belongs to them now
by fade_away ina friend of mine was born in to this damn religion and managed to avoid getting baptised for 24 years, unlike me who fell for the cruel scam when i was about 15. he is my best and pretty much only friend i have.
i used to pressure him into baptism just a bit when i was a mindless drone, but he always told me he doesn't feel ready and doesn't feel a strong enough love for jehovah to take that step.
all his friends and family were getting baptised during their teenage years but somehow, he managed to avoid the peer pressure and continued to stay neutral.
Inevitably, testastorone levels eventually cloud the judgment of unbaptized JWs who have their eyes on a baptized sister... This natural "chemical reaction" often gets confused with a feeling of spirituality resulting in the hasty decision to get baptized... it's the same story being repeated over and over again...
Elderelite where is audio from zone meeting that you promise ...
by obarac inyou promise us audio from zone meeting.
you change your mind?.
IMHO... A friendly reminder via PM works a little better than putting someone on the spot...
Coroner's insight re real reason for refusing transfusion death
by Luo bou to in
quote from coroner "i accept that this doctrine has been an entrenched principle of the jehovah witness religion since 1945 despite considerable debate.. "nevertheless, mrs allen's death most graphically illustrates the consequence of the rigid adherence to that doctrine and brings me to recommend, perhaps forlornly, that the jehovah witness governing body and its elders give consideration to a relaxation of its doctrine".
now there's one judge that doesn't buy the only following his bible trained conscience bullshit.
I still be believe in separation of church and state... But when a religious corporation endangers the lives of thousands of ignorant people who put their trust in continuously changing doctrine, the state really needs to step in at some point and start holding the church leaders accountable.
Jonestown was about to be raided just before everyone drank the koolaid (and that was a one-time event in the People's Church)... On the other hand, JWs of all ages have been drinking the Koolaid continuously for many decades resulting in thousands of avoidable deaths while the state remains on the sidelines as silent observers (under the watchful eye of the ACLU and other organizations)... it's a sick world we live in...
AJWRB must back away from Lawrence Hughes
by zengalileo inyes, sad to say.
i found out that he lied to me on two occasions.
one, that if he didn't get 500 dollars in 1 (then 2, then 3, then he sort of forgot how many weeks it was supposed to be) week the court would force him to drop the case.
My $.02...
IMHO, even if this site's guidelines didn't prohibit solicitation, common sense dictates that it is highly inappropriate to solicit money on these kinds of discussion boards (whether the funds are ultimately used for a good cause or not)...