Free of 1914... welcome!
Did you choose your User Name (Free of 1914) because you discovered the truth about that year? What made you curious enough to look behind the curtain?
looking forward to your posts...
first of all i am happy to be here..this site has been an invaluable tool which helped me get to the point where i am today.
i was born and raised as a jehovah's witness and i am now 30 yrs old.
my entire family are die hard witnesses; pioneers, elders, bethel etc.
Free of 1914... welcome!
Did you choose your User Name (Free of 1914) because you discovered the truth about that year? What made you curious enough to look behind the curtain?
looking forward to your posts...
the prophecy clearly states that the destruction of jerusuelem will be 70 years before the cast to rebuild.
yet we know the destruction of jerusuelem was not 70 years before, it was at 586 bce, not 607 bce.
so this here is a clear contradiction between secular evidence and the bible.. atheists = win..
Jeremiah 25:11... 70 years of servitude... (oh, and an unspecified period of desolation)... but 70 years of servitude for sure...
No Babilonian king availble to serve after 539BCE, so the 70-year period ran from 609BCE through 539BCE... it's really just that simple...
there are many weird and creepy images in the revelation book but there is one that i could never figure out.
why the creepy monster like hand?
is it subliminal or just an error?
maybe there's more to that hand than meets the eye...
why they decided to go with animal claws on a grey-colored hand (versus the natural skin tone they used in the rest of that illustration) we'll probably never know...
ohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
yes... keep saying that to yourself...
ohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
Read this slowly.... get laid.... that's just two words so you should be done by now... but I'll give you a few more minutes if you need it...
ohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
exactly... speak for yourself... now you're getting the hang of it...
ohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
Johnnytwofeet... Can I suggest that you try not to speak for others on this forum... speak for yourself all day long if you like...
I agree with Cedars 100%...
i'm gonna play the skeptic today on a topic that is painful for a lot of people on this forum.
my intent is not to stir anything up but to make sure facts are confirmed.
bear in mind, i'm sickened by the wt's role (and the heirarchy down to elders) in child molestation cover-ups.
Barbara... I love you... and I'm not the only here who does...
over the next 19 days, 20 and 21 march 2012, at one whitehall place (london), a meeting will take place for large fund investors.
this meeting will target investment on the african continent in real estate, alternative energy, infrastructure, "hedge funds",commodities, venture capital, foreign exchange market, etc .... africa investment summit 2012, is the name of the conference..
guess who will be represented there?
It appears the theme of this summit is centered around long-term investment strategies in African infrastructure and real estate projects... I guess "The End" is NOT just around the corner after all.
jehovahs witnesses accepting blood transfusion .
today i added a new article to my blog documenting the historical dissent among jehovahs witnesses against watchtowers blood doctrine.
many participant here will be surprised to learn that from the very beginning of watchtowers ban against blood transfusion it has acknowledged the not all jehovahs witnesses agreed with the teaching and that, in fact, the teaching had created a division among witnesses.
What's good for JWs in Bulgaria should also be good for JWs worldwide...
The WT needs to start searching their data base for JWs who have been disfellowshipped in the past for accepting transfusions (whether fractions or whole)... once they have this nailed down, they need to start looking at making things right with these victims of un-scriptural shunning.