Cofty... You're correct... that's what the purpose of the article was... but they didn't do a very good job at it... in fact, aside from having the opposite affect of its intended purpose, this article was incredibly childish, irrelevant and completely unecessary IMHO...
Posts by Alfred
WARNING.... Extremely disturbing and racist Awake! magazine (October 8, 1977)
by Alfred inwarning: offensive and racist awake!
magazine.... really, how great are racial differences?
are they of such a degree that people of different races cannot live together as equals, and take real pleasure in one anothers company?
WARNING.... Extremely disturbing and racist Awake! magazine (October 8, 1977)
by Alfred inwarning: offensive and racist awake!
magazine.... really, how great are racial differences?
are they of such a degree that people of different races cannot live together as equals, and take real pleasure in one anothers company?
Warning: Offensive and racist Awake! Magazine...
Really, how great are racial differences? Are they of such a degree that people of different races cannot live together as equals, and take real pleasure in one another’s company? For example, is there a big gap between the intelligence of people of various races? Or, do the races have a distinct body odor, making it objectionable for blacks and whites to live in close quarters with one another? –Awake! October 8, 1977 page 4
But still there are persistent views that hinder persons from applying this fine Scriptural counsel. A prominent one is that persons of other races than one’s own have an objectionable body odor. -Awake! October 8, 1977 page 16
In centuries past, when blacks were slaves and considered as property, whites often spoke about their body odor. In his recent book Race, John R. Baker says: “The authors of earlier centuries remarked on this subject with greater freedom than those of the present day. Thus Henry Home, in his Sketches of the History of Man, refers to the ‘rank smell’ of Negroes. In a work published in the same year (1774), The History of Jamaica, Long says that the Negroes are distinguished by their ‘bestial or fetid smell, which they all have to a greater or lesser degree.’” –Awake! October 8, 1977 page 17
I remember once pulling a crosscut saw with a young black my age in cutting down a tree. When he got hot, he really smelled! Ah! I thought, this proves what they say about blacks’ having a peculiar body odor. But I didn’t stop to consider that while I had taken a bath that day, he had very meager facilities for bathing in his humble home. Also, lack of early family training in hygiene likely diminished his incentive to take a bath often. –Awake! October 8, 1977 page 25
I'm not buying it! That people left the Witnesses and became Christians.
by free2beme ini tried it, could not swallow all the lies and misinformation they had.
i am sorry, but even if you deny the whole witness faith, there is still parts to christianity that they pointed out that you can not just ignore and act like it is okay to join another faith that is christian.
are you going to become catholic when your know their history?
fascinating points of view on this thread
I don't agree with that evidence, so I'll just ignore it. . .
by Flat_Accent injust a little experience i had a while back.
thought it was funny so here we go.
(there's also a couple of links you might want to use for your own reference).
I sent a similar email to an elder ealry last year and his response led me to believe that he simply didn't read a single word I wrote...
there's just no way to get through to some JWs, even with solid evidence presented in its simplest form... the programming is just too great for them to even notice it...
THANK YOU Steven Unthank
by cedars inohiocowboy has just posted this information on the two other threads dealing with the sudden collapse of the unthank cases.. i don't know steven unthank, but i just want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for having the courage against overwhelming odds to try and bring the watch tower society to justice over their deplorable neglect when it comes to protecting children from abuse and molestation.. steven is a man of justice and integrity who i deeply admire.
his actions will never be forgotten, and i only hope he can find it within himself to continue his work in whatever avenue may become available in the future.. they have won this battle, but they can never win the war.. .
The world is getting better
by laverite inthe world is getting better in many ways despite the doom and gloom jws might claim.
the 24/7 news cycle seems to be all doom and gloom.
but is it all doom and gloom?
I walked my dog the other day around my neighborhood and it just dawned on me that most of my neighbors are really nice people... in fact, they're probably the nicest people I've ever met! ... I didn't really notice that when I was a JW...
Then I thought... wait, i bet most people are the same way!
It's incredible what this religion does to your mind...
by Alfred inno rick... you don't get to dodge the question this time.... you are quick to claim that posters who call you out whenever you lie are cowards... so you are implying that you are not a coward yourself.... that being the case, you should not have a problem answering this simple question:.
who is the radio personailty that you claim is jealous of you?.
Ray Franz - Crisis of Conscience
by Celestial ini've never read crisis of conscience.
could someone briefly describe some of his observations that clashed with his moral compass?
darth frosty... I think you meant to say "military service" cards... just saying...
Ray Franz - Crisis of Conscience
by Celestial ini've never read crisis of conscience.
could someone briefly describe some of his observations that clashed with his moral compass?
way too many to list here... you're better off reading the book
New here...need some support
by Freeof1914 infirst of all i am happy to be here..this site has been an invaluable tool which helped me get to the point where i am today.
i was born and raised as a jehovah's witness and i am now 30 yrs old.
my entire family are die hard witnesses; pioneers, elders, bethel etc.
Free of 1914... welcome!
Did you choose your User Name (Free of 1914) because you discovered the truth about that year? What made you curious enough to look behind the curtain?
looking forward to your posts...