Looks like this esoteric book store still carries Rutherford books...
i was hunting through some papers and found about 1000 photocopies of various things that are wt-related.
thought i would share some of them.
in 1980 the wts sent a thank you letter to the johannes greber memorial foundation.
Looks like this esoteric book store still carries Rutherford books...
just wanted to see if they included 1 cor 11:26... or if they elaborate on that text... thnx.
Evidently, they've employed some "safeguards" to keep this talk outline off the internet... seems to be the most difficult outline to get... anyone familiar with the chain of custody of this particular talk?
former jehovah's witness monique from calfifornia is destined to become the steven unthank of america.. reading about unthank online is what caused her to exit the organization, just two months ago.. monique applauds mr unthanks efforts in charging the the watchtower organization in not complying with police background checks in australia.
the business monique is currently involved in required her in to get a background check.she has approached the state of california and is inquiring why the jehovah's do not have to comply with background checks,as other businesses and organizations do.monique is a militant apostate and she is attempting to organize a movement to get other former witnesses in their state to push for jw background checks.. monique will be our guest sat.
People don't get offended by your so-called "shock"... they get offended by your "lies"
just wanted to see if they included 1 cor 11:26... or if they elaborate on that text... thnx.
Memorial Outline used on April 9, 2009…
Song No. 87. Opening prayer
· We are here to commemorate the death of greatest man who ever lived
· Jesus Christ commanded his followers to do this (Lu 22:19)
· Apostles and early Christians observed Memorial of Jesus' death
· Observance is also known as Lord's Evening Meal (1Co 11:20, 26)
· Pertinent questions arise:
· Why did Jesus command his followers to commemorate his death?
· When should this be done?
· What do the emblems, the bread and wine, represent?
· Who are entitled to partake of the emblems?
· To magnify two greatest expressions of love
· God showed love for world of mankind by giving his Son (Joh 3:16)
· This was the greatest expression of love
· It caused Jehovah great pain to see his Son suffer and die
· Jesus' actions were next greatest expression of love (Joh 15:13)
· Left heavenly glory to carry out God's will (Php 2:5-8)
· Kept integrity to God, proving a perfect man could do so
· Gave perfect human life to ransom sinful mankind (Mt 20:28)
· Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide assemble for Memorial on Nisan 14
· Today, after sundown, is Nisan 14, according to Biblical calendar
· On evening of Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E., Israel held first Passover, so named because firstborn were 'passed over,' or spared (Ex 12:26, 27)
· Next morning, still Nisan 14, Moses led Israel out of Egypt
· Israel was commanded to celebrate this deliverance annually
· Celebration involved roast lamb, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread; wine was later added
· On evening of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Christ instituted Memorial of his death right after celebrating his last Passover and dismissing Judas Iscariot (Mt 26:17-19; Joh 13:21-30)
· Memorial of Christ's death celebrated annually
· It is thus observed only once a year, as was the Passover
· Body and blood of Christ represented by the bread and wine
· Apostle Paul recounts meaning of emblems (1Co 11:23-26)
· Unleavened bread is symbol of Jesus' sinless body (1Co 5:7, 8)
· Red wine pictured Christ's blood, which serves two purposes
· Takes away sin (1Pe 1:18, 19)
· Validates new covenant with anointed followers (Heb 9:15-20)
Only spirit-anointed ones are entitled to partake
Last year _________________ were present for Memorial
Only _________________ partook of the emblems
Why so few are partakers?
· Jesus is Mediator of new covenant foretold at Jeremiah 31:31-34
· Its purpose is to gather spiritual Israel (Ac 15:14; Ga 6:16)
· Spiritual Israel also termed "little flock," to whom God would give the Kingdom government (Lu 12:32)
· All of little flock are in the covenant Jesus made with his apostles for the heavenly Kingdom (Lu 22:28-30)
· They will rule as kings and priests over the earth (Re 5:10)
· Number limited to literally 144,000 (Re 14:1, 3b)
· Majority of these were gathered prior to our time, so that today only a remnant of the 144,000 are on earth (Re 12:17)
· These are the ones who partake of Lord's Evening Meal
· All of them must and do have the assurance that God is dealing with them as spirit- anointed ones (Ro 8:16, 17)
· They must examine their faith and conduct (1Co 11:17-34)
· Need to be genuinely imitating Christ
· Bible tells of one salvation but two destinies (1Jo 2:1, 2)
· Expression "our sins" designates special group of 144,000
· These partake of Memorial emblems, for they are in new covenant
· They will also reign with Christ
· Expression "whole world's" embraces unlimited number of "other sheep," with earthly destiny (Joh 10:16)
· These do not partake because they are not in new covenant, but they benefit from it by keeping God's laws and will enjoy eternal earthly blessings under the heavenly Kingdom
· This calls to mind God's covenant with Abraham (Ge 22:17, 18)
· "Seed" is Christ and anointed followers; have heavenly destiny (Ga 3:16, 29)
· "All nations of the earth" are those with earthly destiny, today represented by "great crowd" (Re 7:9; 21:3, 4)
· Provision for two destinies magnifies God's sovereignty, achieves his will for earth
Read and comment briefly on Matthew 26:26
Jesus offered prayer and passed bread to 11 apostles
Qualified brother (preferably of anointed) offers prayer, and then the bread is passed
Read and comment briefly on Matthew 26:27, 28
Jesus prayed and then passed the wine to his faithful apostles
Another qualified brother (preferably of anointed) prays, and then the wine is passed
[Optional whether speaker comments during serving of emblems]
· We have been reminded of Jehovah's greatest expression of love
· Observance has also reminded us of Christ's love for God and for us
· How one can show appreciation for the significance of the Memorial
· Diligently study the Bible and Christian publications
· Regularly attend five weekly meetings (mention times)
· Serve Jehovah faithfully as Christian ministers
· Work toward the goal of baptism, if not yet dedicated to God
· Both anointed and other sheep must meet same Christian standards
· Maintain fine conduct, walking closely in Christ's footsteps
· Show brotherly love to fellow believers (Joh 13:34, 35)
· Tell others about two greatest expressions of love (Mt 5:14-16)
· We invite all qualified to share in field ministry this week
Jesus ended the Memorial celebration with song (Mt 26:30)
Concluding song, No. 105. Final prayer
[Only scriptures in bold type need be read. References: w90 2/15 10-20; it-2 268-71; gt 114, 115]
just wanted to see if they included 1 cor 11:26... or if they elaborate on that text... thnx.
Just wanted to see if they included 1 Cor 11:26... or if they elaborate on that text... thnx
there will be special talk this year titled "is it later than you think?
" see the front cover of october 8 1968 awake as shown below and i am wondering how often they say that phrase over the years.
i do not have the wt cd-rom.
The knowledge of the Scriptures shows us that just ahead of us is that terrible and dark time of the battle of Armageddon, when the evil forces of the Devil’s world will go down into destruction. The nearness of that world-shaking event impresses upon our minds the import of the words of Jesus at John 9:4, according to An AmericanTranslation: “We must carry on the work of him who has sent me while the daylight lasts. Night is coming, when no one can do any work.” Now is the time to act wisely in doing these righteous works of teaching. Now is the time to live and work as Christians, especially now, for the final end is near. That is why the apostle advises us to be vigilant and careful: “Watch yourself and watch your teaching; stick to your work; if you do that, you will save your hearers as well as yourself.”—1 Tim. 4:16 -Watchtower February 15, 1950 ; page 54 paragraph 19
has anyone seen this year's memorial invitation?
maybe someone could post a picture.. on the front is a question to the householder, 'how do you view jesus?'.
then it gives multiple choices with accompanying pictues: .
I'm really not sure if I want to have Steak or Fish tonight... ... I know.... I'll just go to the Kingdumb Hall and they'll tell me what I want!!!
an evening of wine and crackers along with a presentation of the importance of these two symbols will be given at your local kh or congregation rented facility april 5, 2012!.
as last year a "30 hour march madness" is being offered by the slave..... i encourage all of you 'still ins' to sign up with gusto and spend that hour each day doing something enriching to yourself or family!
here is the actual invite in pdf http://www.sendspace.com/file/7ir3mp .
Is this the first Memorial Invitation with no Bible "texts" cited?
819 f. 2d 875 - paul v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york inc. .
http://openjurist.org/819/f2d/875/paul-v-watchtower-bible-and-tract-society-of-new-york-inc. bangalore.
Isn't this the same judge who ruled (or tried to rule) that the phrase "under God" in the pledge of allegiance was unconsititutional???
warning: offensive and racist awake!
magazine.... really, how great are racial differences?
are they of such a degree that people of different races cannot live together as equals, and take real pleasure in one anothers company?
Jam... I just double-checked in my WT CD 2010 and yes... this is for real...
Wha happened... this is not ONE article.. It's actually 4 different articles in this magazine October 8, 1977