YES... This is one teaching that NO analytical JW can look someone in the eye and say that they firmly believe Jesus was referring to TWO Overlapping Generations of Annointed Ones... yet the GB has managed to stretch Matthew 24:34 beyond any remotely credible interpretation...
But I think they are absolutely embarassed to repeat this more than necessary because it is a lot less sustainable than the previous 7 definitions in the last 20 years...
Also, notice the amount of times the word "Generation" is mentioned in the WT magazine...
50's 529 times
60's 624 times
70's 607 times (with noticeable spike in 1974)
80's 428 times
90's 408 times
00's 168 times
2010-2019 (trending towards a low number around 65)
By the 2020's, the Watchtower will have completely revamped their "dooms-day" recuitment strategy using some other Biblical "prophecy" (throwing the generation teaching back in the freezer).