Hey, old George didn't have it so bad. Maybe he didn't become rich and famous, but he finished high school, (which was a pretty big deal in itself in the late thirties early forties) became a respectable banker, (maybe not a rich one, but still, a banker) and he made enough money to keep a wife and four children without her having to work. They ended up with a pretty nice house, even though they did the work themselves, and enough money for piano lessons etc for the kids. Not his dreams, but he didn't have to become a janitor like JW's. They drop out of high school to pioneer, which was the equivilent of dropping out at the eighth grade.
I know how you feel. I didn't fulfill my dreams either, and it could have and should have been a whole lot better, but hey, it's Christmas, and don't we count our blessings?
With love