Right on! and Merry Christmas to all. Good night...
JoinedPosts by badcompany
Why Christmas Is Important
by metatron inevery year, i take some time to express my admiration and respect for christmas.. yes, christmas, folks.. i don't give a rat's a$$ when jesus was or wasn't born.
i don't care how many gift giving orgies the romans had.
i don't care about "pagan" customs derived from religions that are long dead, anyway.
by Band on the Run ingrowing up in the fifties and sixties, stories of demonic possession were prevalant in the watchtower and awake.
i was terrified.
we were told they would bother you if you were faithful, but also if you fell away.
I have an interesting perspective on this (IMHO). I married one JW and one born again Christian (10 years apart). Both of them left "Christianity" about a year after we married and became Witches (in the religious sense and the exJW is a member of this board). Spirits are around us all the time whether you sense it or not. Most are not here to hurt you...they just are. I used to fear and loath them but I was wrong. Just like the real world there are good ones and bad ones. Bad ones can be dealt with (knowledge and courage required). Good ones are your friends whether you accept it or not. Open up, you might find some friends.
I had to drop 20 years of JW drivel on this subject to get past my fears on this subject.
Could you ever go back?
by MrFreeze innot that i'm thinking about it, even for a brief nano-second, but something i have thought about is this, is there any way you could go back and not have people look at you with the stink eye?
after admitting your true feelings, how in the world could people ever look at you the same?
if you were in the situation of welcoming someone back, would you be able to look past the errors?
I went back in the '80's (reinstated). I didn't know then what I know now. I could never go back.
CoCo: You can comment with a beard??? That is shocking. I attended every meeting for about a year before they reinstated me. They told me they couldn't reinstate until I cut it. Never did and they finally relented.
Your First Dealings with Apostates
by badcompany inanother thread sparked this memory but i didn't want to hijack.
my first encounter with apostates was back at a district assembly around 1978. they were picketing outside peacefully with banners and such.
no apostates below could see me but i could hear them.
Another thread sparked this memory but I didn't want to hijack. My first encounter with apostates was back at a District Assembly around 1978. They were picketing outside peacefully with banners and such. It was the first time I'd seen them and I was amazed at how many there were. There were attendants shuffling any witness's that were listening away (me being one of them). I went up into the stadium down a hallway with no traffic. I leaned over the edge and I could see and hear them. About 5 minutes later a LARGE attendant told me to move on because I was encouraging them to continue. I walked away at the time but I came back later but this time I stood against a wall on the other side of the aisle. No apostates below could see me but I could hear them. Well it didn't take long for my Attendant buddy to show up. This time he was pissed. He told me I had no business listening to them and I was to leave the area and NOT come back. I resisted and he physically shoved me down the hall. He took my name off my badge and told me he was going to report me to the elders in my congo if he caught me there again.
Knowing what I know now I would have handled it a lot different. That event probably opened my eyes more than any other to really start questioning. What were the attendants so afraid of? If we had the truth why was it dangerous to hear an opposing viewpoint? What were the apostates so angry about? Why didn't I deck that attendant?
Anyway, if you were an picketing apostate circa '78 Puyallup, WA. THANK YOU for that little spark. Anyone else have an experience like that?
What is the WT's Motivation? Who Benefits?
by InterestedOne inanother thing my jw friend says to me when i question the wt is, "what would their motivation be?
they're so humble and no-one gets paid except a basic living allowance for the workers at bethel.
they're not like those other rotten 'ministries' whose leaders get paid a lot of money, etc.".
Yes, I made some money off of this non-profit that I'm not naming for a reason. Everyone on this board knows them and trusts them unless they worked for them at the level I did. I quit because I had a meeting with all of highest level people from across the country. They were actually going to go back and collect money, through strong arm tactics, from people that had gone through bankruptcy (baiting them that they were "here to help"). The greed of these people was unbelievable.
The people at the top of a non-profit get the bucks but not through a salary necessarily. There are many books on how to make money through non-profits and organized religion are the best at it.
What is the WT's Motivation? Who Benefits?
by InterestedOne inanother thing my jw friend says to me when i question the wt is, "what would their motivation be?
they're so humble and no-one gets paid except a basic living allowance for the workers at bethel.
they're not like those other rotten 'ministries' whose leaders get paid a lot of money, etc.".
I'm not sure about the GB but I have been a consultant to one of the largest US "non" profit organizations. It was one of the greediest outfits I've worked with (and I've worked with most of the Fortune 50 companies). This "non" profit did not do anything unless there was substantial monetary gain. Money is easily shifted around. It was an eye opening experience. I would not be surprised if GB pockets were well lined.
Today was my first time...
by serenitynow! inbuying christmas gifts!
i decided to participate in the salvation army angel tree program where you buy stuff on kids' wishlists.
i spent the day in and out of stores trying to find cute things.. i felt really "normal," for probably the first time ever..
Sincere happy congrats to all on this board that are unshackled and free! No regrets....enjoy the season!!!!
I Need To Clarify One Thing (Christmas)
by mentallyfree31 ini just wanted to clarify a small matter.
if you happen to see me driving around mississippi, you may notice that my car is squatted down in the back.
nothing is wrong with my car.
Happiness is chopping down a Christmas tree off your own land. Did that for the first time today with my 10 year old daughter. Good and memorable times. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all!
Could you live without the internet ?
by Hairyhegoat inwell i don't think me and my family could for even 1 day.
was thinking of moving from sky but when we found out about our data usage i was shocked.
we use over 80gb per month and we have unlimited package with sky.. we were advised another isp may restrict over a certain level so you best stay with us as we value your account... .
Not for a nanosecond. My income, business's, communications, relationships, entertainment and something I can't think of at the moment are reliant on the web.
Incredible Phone Call...Feedback Appreciated
by badcompany ini am a da'd dub circa 1993 (born in).
i have been an extremely successful business owner over the years but about 6 months ago augered in from about 60k feet.
my jw parents have been aware of my situation.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Although he has been a hardcore elder for many years he has confided in me some things. He had one experience about 15 years ago that he very nearly quit over. He gave away some prime property to a congo to build a KH on. I can't remember the details but he somehow got in trouble over it and nearly got DF'd himself. Imagine that...
Read your story. Ours are quit similar. I DA'd formally by letter about 17 years ago. I wish I would have kept it. I was blistering PO'd and so was my wife at the time. We both sat down and wrote the letters together. It was anything but a fade. Oh, and welcome to the board!