That is cool. Maybe it will become one of many little nagging doubts that suddenly pile up for her.
NLW's wife
one of my doubts i mentioned to my wife was actually posed as a question by a householder to her a few days ago.
i have every once in a while mentioned some doubts i have had on the bible.
i usually get the same response, "wait on jehovah".
That is cool. Maybe it will become one of many little nagging doubts that suddenly pile up for her.
NLW's wife
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Ah young love.... sigh... such a grand feeling.
NLW's wife
i remember my parents went through a phase in the 80's of rehearsing what i would say in court if they were trying to get me to have a blood transfusion.
i remember the key comment they wanted me to say was that it would be like being raped, and then i had to be able to descripe what rape was.... i was about 7 at the time...(!).
i also remember having to rehearse a nazi style interrigation senario, as they thought i might need this at armargeddon when the nations "will turn on us!
No mine didn't. How scary highdose.
NLW's wife
as many know my wife and i will be moving and starting a new business this summer.
in many ways it will bring freedom to us for no one knows us where we are moving.
being a born-in i would like to ask all of you what are some great ways we can meet new people and make friendships outside the jw cult?
Everyone has great suggestions already. Other then volunteering I was going to say that you could check out in your area and see if there are any groups you are interested in. How exciting to move so far away. I soooo wish I could do that.
NLW's wife
i'm going to a party this weekend, the hostess has organised a fortune teller to come in and tell peoples fortunes if they want it.
i don't belive in this, but i'm i will be told " go on!
its just a bit of fun!
I wouldn't because it still kinda creeps me out even though I know it's nonsense. Guess i still have a few hangups. lol
NLW's wife
im new to your site so ill present myself.
its been 15 years since i escaped the borg.
i was in a unhappy marriage.
NLW's wife
(please, no jws come in here to convert me, i don't want to talk to you).
i left the jw religion after twenty years.
i had one teenager and two small children then.
SaltyOldLady---You can teach your kids to be moral and have good ethics without religion. I used to worry if NLW and I had kids how we would teach those things without religion. Then NLW got a little book called "Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide For Parenting Beyond Belief". That put to rest any fears I had.
NLW's wife
it's a pretty polarizing statement.
either you are in the "truth" and the light of the organization or you are a satan worshipper.. i guess i now realize who the statement "having no natural effection" applies to.. sheesh....
Ugg! That is awful.
NLW's wife
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I am so happy for you and I hope it works out.
NLW's wife
how to make porsche with bicycle.
funny.. but, it is very slow porsche.
I WANT ONE!!!! lol That was very funny.
NLW's wife