In the JW world Faith is mixed up with belief. If you don't believe in a teaching you have no faith. If you have no faith you don't have belief. It's an understood role of trusting the WTBTS no matter what they teach or believe.
People die before their time for want of a life saving blood transfusion.
People died from a lack of a Transplant that could have saved their lives circa 196O's........ and for a decade later. Transplants and transfusions are still saving lives.
Here's the bottom line.......... never..... ever...... trust your religion to make the right medical decision for you.
Example: Scientology re mental issues, or Christen Scientists re any medical health by any medical professionals.
The Christian Scientists are down to fifty thousand believers world wide. The rest died off from stuff that could have been treated.
The same Kingdom Hall Elders who are telling you not to get a transfusion are the same guys who will be washing your hospital room windows...... a week later.
Make a choice that saves your on.