Radical Christian indoctrination was not the only charge according to the report but it is the only one listed in the report. Radical christian indoctrination could have a serious detrimental effect on the children but no details are presented.
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Christian Family Gets 5 Children Taken Away by Gov't for Teaching God Punishes Sin
by GodZoo inchild welfare services in norway have reportedly removed five christian children from their parents' home and placed them into foster care after the parents were accused of radicalizing and indoctrinating their children with christianity.. according to the british-based christian institute, norway's child protection services, known as the barnevernet, seized the three sons and two daughters of ruth and marius bodnariu in mid-november.. .
although the family wasn't quite sure at the time why their children were being taken away from them, their lawyer discovered that the parents were being charged with christian indoctrination.http://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-family-gets-5-children-taken-away-by-govt-for-teaching-god-punishes-sin-151693/.
"...The Bodnariu's lawyer obtained a copy of the government document that lists the charges against Marius and Ruth, which includes being listed as "radical Christians who were indoctrinating their children...." -
Kim and mikeys chanel on YouTube they uploaded a video of more singing and dancing
by Crazyguy inon their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
At around the 2 minute mark there are at least 3 guys dancing in the audience who have punk like hairstyles, sort sides (or blonde dyed?) and long on the top. Pity they got rid of the word 'wordly' to describe unwanted behaviour.
They flash the name Jehovah on the screen at the end and all lift up their arms, it is so weird.
Kim and mikeys chanel on YouTube they uploaded a video of more singing and dancing
by Crazyguy inon their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
Another YouTube video labels it as the Belgium concert for delegates. -
Chaos at Brooklyn Bethel 12/2016
by James Jack inthis was how it was described to me yesterday by a brother who has been there for some 40 years.
"everyone is about gone; the governing body is set to leave within 2 months; the kitchen and laundry personnel are gone and i have to fend for myself now.".
"also the aggravation of 4 to 5 business men in suits with clipboards daily checking out the watchtower properties.
It wouldn't surprise me if the females take on these duties for a few others outside of work hours (as well as her husband). She doesn't have to prepare and give talks after all. -
Predictions for 2016
by LevelThePlayingField inso, it's that time of year again.
here's a few of my predictions.
) no armageddon.
They will announce that the Great Tribulation has begun. They will point to climate change and it's devastating effects that indicate the beginning of more devastating climatic events to follow. (they always have spoken about climatic events but didn't realize that it was meant to be literal).
It will be the beginning of a new age for JWs and the organization. The past can be forgotten as a new future looms ahead of them.
This will bring further changes within the org. No longer will the focus be on the door to door work but there will be a greater call to begin carrying out the 'clean up' work. There will be a far greater need for money and labor. The purchase of land and building places of refuge will be hinted at but not until the HQs are finished.
The publisher time records will change dramatically. No longer will there be a need to record the number of placements of various literature. It is not necessary to keep these figures as JW org access replaces the need for printed material. Recording of hours will include time spent on 'cleaning up' places hit by bad weather and other calamities caused by nature. The definition of divine service will now encompass more activities, which they have already alluded to.
For the first time a concerted effort will be placed on assisting all those affected, not just JWs and by so doing, they will still be proclaiming the message of the Kingdom. God's people will be engaging in a new witness type work and although strange from a human viewpoint the all wise GB know this is what God wants.
This strategy provides them with great blessings. More money, more assets, retaining charity status, instilling a real imminence of Armageddon and a possible growth in their numbers. They also retain their neutrality by focusing on natural disasters.
240 'Lands'
by Jeffro injehovah's witnesses are purportedly 'active' in 240 'lands', quite a remarkable feat for a planet with only about 200 sovereign states (206 if you count all that are recognised by at least one un member, of which jws are present in 166).
more than half of all jws worldwide are in just 10 countries.
over 90% are in 45 countries.. to achieve this mathematical miracle, various places that are not separate countries are counted as 'lands'.. tahiti is counted as a separate 'land' though it is part of the society islands, which is part of french polynesia, which is part of... france.
Thanks Jeffro, it is very interesting and you must have a good knowledge regarding Countries.
I guess they don't call themselves the New World Society for nothing.
global warming/ tidal rise.. etc
by zeb inreports that if the greenland ice sheet melts and the western sheet of antarctica do the same then the oceans will rise in a generation by as many as( 8 is mentioned) metres.
now what is the above sea level height of the ny wt buildings?
or the new palace they are building elsewhere in ny.. food for thought?
It's not a problem for them. The generation it refers to will keep overlapping. -
What did you have for Christmas dinner?
by GrreatTeacher inmy inlaws are polish, though my husband is a 3rd generation american, but the food traditions have stuck around.. we have christmas eve dinner starting with red beet soup with sour cream, pierogies filled with mashed potatoes or saurkraut, ham, polish sausage sliced and cooked with saurkraut, turkey (that part is american), krischickies (likely spelled wrong) which are crispy pastries dipped in powdered sugar, and apple pie (also american.).
there are goodnatured threats toward bad children who may need to get their dupa busted (butt spanked) and therefore santa will bring figismachen.
i also love golabkis (ground beef and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves), but these were not served this time.
Although I usually cook a variety of foods, we have plain food on Xmas day, it's more about having a variety of choices.
This year we had ham, sliced beef, roast lamb with all the trimmings, three salads and a platter including cheeses. For dessert we had a blueberry trifle.
Watchtower April 2016 Neutrality
by Listener insuppose that a popular uprising tries to oust an oppressive regime, one under which gods people have also suffered.
although we would not march with the protesters, might we be with them in spirit?
Suppose that a popular uprising tries to oust an oppressive regime, one under which God’s people have also suffered. Although we would not march with the protesters, might we be with them in spirit? (Eph. 2:2) We must remain neutral not only in our words and actions but also in our heart.
It's wrong to even hope that another country such as America may help to reduce the suffering many experience through ISIS.
During the discussion, remain strictly neutral on the political aspects of these topics. We take no position regarding what laws should be enacted, repealed or changed and we do not pressure others to agree with our view, we take no position regarding what laws should be enacted, repealed, or changed and we do not pressure others to agree with our view.
They used the example of abortion and same sex marriage but this is a general principle.
Their is so much in their submission that they presented to the Royal Commission in Australia that contradicts this stand. They even went as far as telling the Government that it would be helpful to them if mandatory reporting was made law.
At the beginning of the article they said that they need to be respectful and submissive of the Government, neither of these were demonstrated in their submission. They even went as far as belittling employees of the Governments RC.
Morris the Third (and according to him, so did his wife) had a lot to say about the new gay marriage laws being introduced in Ireland. What a fine example the GB member set.
How can we tell if undue pride is taking root in us? Suppose a brother or sister from another land offered you a suggestion. Would you reject it, immediately thinking, 'We do things better around here? Instead, we should apply the inspired counsel: "With humility consider others superior to you - Phil 2:3
I don't get this and wonder why they have stated it.
Are Bro's. and Sisters in other Countries superior to them?
It's a stupid comment, it's quite possible that things are better in that person's own Country and it's not prideful to say so, it's common sense. They would be mad to accept a suggestion from anyone in another country if it was stupid.
Overall, the message is - sit back and observe only everything you see and just accept whatever happens. Don't say a word about it or even hope that Governments may be able to alleviate some of the problems
JW Version Of Spring Cleaning
by JW_Rogue infrom the january study edition second study article paragraph 10:.
we can use the memorial season as an opportunity to look through our wardrobe, our movie and music collections, perhaps even the material stored on our computers, smartphones, and tablets.if i were going to a place where jesus would be present, would i feel uncomfortable wearing this clothing?if i did wear it, would it be obvious to all that i am a follower of christ jesus?would jesus be entertained by watching this movie or by listening to this music?
if he borrowed my cell phone or tablet, would i be embarrassed by what he saw there?as you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: would i find it difficult to explain to jesus why i enjoy playing it?
Excellent post Wonderment.