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What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
A religion that is very similar to the JWs is Iglesia ni cristo however they actively help the poor and needy. -
When you Go to Bethel, You Sign Over Your Dead Body.
by new boy inthis is in response to the thread about the supposed suicide of a bethelite in 1995.. when i went to bethel i and everyone else, signed a form stating that "if we died while at bethel the wathtower bible and tract society,had the right to keep our body.".
yes, we thought it strange at the time but as a twenty years old you didn't think much about stuff like that.
besides we were never going to die anyway.
It's really creepy that they want ownership and rights over a persons dead body. -
This is what they say the 'deep things' are these days - W 07 11/1
We should not think that “deep things” are necessarily difficult things. Knowledge of “the deep things of God” is obscured from most people...
Examples of Deep Things
Jesus is the primary part of the “seed” of God’s heavenly “woman” referred to at Genesis 3:15....12 A second example of deep things that have been revealed to us concerns God’s purpose to select 144,000 from among mankind. (Revelation 14:1, 4) We accept the teaching that all of the anointed ones living on earth at any given time constitute “the faithful and discreet slave” that Jesus said would provide timely “food” for his domestics.
Even the 'deep things' are subject to change.
This idiot just embarrasses me.
by joe134cd inyup a mentally diseased apostate..
Some people don't agree with his methods but he sure has the Elders annoyed.
Probably the best thing that he is achieving is making the Elders more conscious of their responsibilities when it comes to child abuse problems.
Stupid Questions to Ask Gay Guys
by fulltimestudent inmy friend tells me he gets sick of silly questions.
i tell him its part of the assimilation process.
FTS, I think it's interesting that you point out that this gay couple sleep in the same bed but no one cares. The day that no one knows whether they sleep in the same bed or not is the day that no one really cares. -
Stupid Questions to Ask Gay Guys
by fulltimestudent inmy friend tells me he gets sick of silly questions.
i tell him its part of the assimilation process.
At least they are silly questions and not offensive questions.
For some people it might be part of an assimilation process, but it is likely to be for a variety of reasons.
Some people are curious, some might be trying to get to understand him a little better, some might think he's weird and are trying to affirm that in their own minds and some people might just be being rude.
He could ask them why they want to know and take it from there. What he sees as silly questions might not seem so silly to others.
Brooklyn news on sending the elderly packing
by I am a Bible Student injohnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. .
There are the Jah Jireh homes operated for JWs and employing JWs. -
Brooklyn news on sending the elderly packing
by I am a Bible Student injohnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. .
If they are serious about cutting costs they would be rethinking the whole accommodation arrangement and be setting it up the Bethel resorts on a more dorm type arrangement. Most rooms look like they have one bedroom, a lounge, kitchen and bathroom. They could fit two in the bedroom and three in the loungeroom.
If they were desperately short of money, they could rent out rooms in the other buildings for anyone willing to come for a short period of time to volunteer.
The GB members may even be willing to give up their two bedroom apartments, freeing up more space.
Whatever happened to the Lopez case?
by StarTrekAngel inwas it settled?
is it still pending further appeal?
Could someone please explain what continuation of oral review is? If a judge has already made a decision then how can it continue to be heard? I would have thought that appealing would be the only option. -
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
Cangie, these are sick men that encourage you to stay with an abusive man. You must have gone through a terrible time and to think that they wanted your son to shun you instead of providing some REAL and sincere support is pathetic.
Thank you for sharing your story and I'm glad that you are no longer in that situation.
Barely there, if this MSs dislike of you is indicative of the attitude in the congregation, which includes a willingness to gossip about you behind your back then it could take a long time to be reinstated. Do you want to put yourself through the humility and hatred for the next couple of years? The feelings of the congregation members do have a large bearing in these matters.
Another option is to forget about reinstatement for the time being and live a normal life for a while and think of reinstating in a couple of years or longer.