Great to hear from you Umbertoecho and that you've made a very big decision. Just coming to a decision can sometimes be the hardest step to take.
I am wondering if you feel that this is probably occurring at a 'better' time in your life? I am thinking that had this all taken place twenty years ago you may have been in a worse position to go forward with this.
I'm not exactly sure as to what aspects you feel this may be a witch hunt and where that comes from in your situation but I'd like to discuss it a little.
So much has become public knowledge and the media is milking this Commission for whatever they can, typical of them, but is it getting out of hand?
My husband has made very little unprompted comments about the hearings but after the media outrage regarding Cardinal Pell, he did. He wondered if this was appropriate for selected comments to be readily replayed in the media, without the full context and leaving him with a very damaged reputation. There's been a mob mentality and he wondered if it was appropriate for an RC to be set up and to allow this to happen and if they intend it to be this way then morally, what right do they have to enable people's actions to be judged by everyone without understanding all the circumstances. Has his reputation been damaged beyond repair on an unfair basis? I know it is very hard to have one iota of sympathy for him and possibly others that have had to face the commission to account for their behavior but as a society we need to be conscious of how this affects people in a fair and just manner. Apparently Andrew Bolt had a change of conscience within a very short period of 24 hours regarding Cardinal Pell, which just demonstrates the extremity of emotions that are involved. I just don't know myself but the fact remains that if Cardinal Pell knew what was going on and knew of the coverups it didn't move him to resign, rather, he readily accepted promotions knowing all this. Also, if people like him are in a position of authority then you've got to accept a level of responsibility and that brings us back to you.
Even though your perpetrator is not alive it has become an issue with the society and very rightly so. It becomes not about the perpetrator, rather it's about the society. There can be no witch hunt here because they must be responsible for their own policies and for whatever unfortunate damage this caused you. Taking it through a court procedure is the best opportunity available for them to be shown and proven that they have a level of accountability that they must answer to.
There is very little compassion and understanding from the society and why is this? If they show more then they are admitting liability, it will cost them both in money and respect for their authority. It's not game over for them because they still have time to apologize and attempt to make amends. It's taken years for the Catholic Church to get to the point that they are now (although more needs to be done). However, how have they gotton to that point? It certainly isn't from all this being hushed up, it's from court cases and public back lash.
You need to look after yourself as the number 1 priority and although you can achieve a great deal by taking this to court, if it all gets too much then no one will think any less of you. You've already achieved a great deal by talking to people at the RC and you've already given them a lot to work on and understand.
You've proved yourself to be a very decent person on here Umbertoecho and I wish you all the best.