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JoinedPosts by Listener
What the Org Teaches #6 The "Governing Body" Resolved the Circumcision Issue
by The Searcher in#6 the "governing body" resolved the circumcision issue .
what the org says: bt chap.
13 p. 103 par.
Sanchy's critique: Nov 2016 Watchtower Study Articles
by Sanchy inwhat follows is my critique of the two final study articles from the november 2016 watchtower.
the articles titles are: "called out of the darkness" and "they broke free from false religion".. article: called out of the darkness.
parr 1. in 607 b.c.e., a massive babylonian army under the command of king nebuchadnezzar ii invaded the city of jerusalem.. .
This is the Endnote in the November 2016 Watchtower
ENDNOTE: [1] (paragraph 14) There are many similarities between the Jewish captivity of 70 years in Babylon and what happened to Christians after the apostasy developed. However, the Jewish captivity does not appear to be a prophetic type of what happened to Christians. For one thing, the length of captivity is different. So we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail of the Jewish captivity as if these should somehow apply to what happened to anointed Christians in the years leading up to 1919.
The words they have used here are so wishy-washy, as if they are not sure of whether the Jewish captivity was a prophetic type or not. But didn't they use that as part of their calculation for 1914?
They say it 'does not appear to be a prophetic type". Either it does or it doesn't but they're not really sure, in the past they were sure that it did.
They also say that 'we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail". For a start, we are not the ones doing this, the Governing Body is the only one doing so. If they're not sure whether it is a prophetic type in the first place then they shouldn't be looking for any prophetic parallels. Where do they begin to draw the line of what is a prophetic parallel or not? They've given themselves liscense to continue to make up and reject anything they want and the r&f have no idea where they stand on any prophecy being supposedly fulfilled in these last days.
They really have lost the plot and their doctrines simply blow whatever way they say the wind is blowing. -
Jeehoober says we can clap for reinstated ones!!
by DATA-DOG inso, i guess an upcoming wt has some new light on clapping!
evidently, jesus has misinformed the gb/wtbts since the late 90's.
clapping was disrespectful, because jesus felt that those who were df'd should not be given a pat on the back.
Does not compute.....warning, warning .....overload.
Sanchy's critique: Nov 2016 Watchtower Study Articles
by Sanchy inwhat follows is my critique of the two final study articles from the november 2016 watchtower.
the articles titles are: "called out of the darkness" and "they broke free from false religion".. article: called out of the darkness.
parr 1. in 607 b.c.e., a massive babylonian army under the command of king nebuchadnezzar ii invaded the city of jerusalem.. .
Great review Sanchy, there's an important footnote that I overlooked when I first read the article. It gives a little insight as to their new way of thinking.
I'll post it when I get on my computer unless someone posts it in the meantime.
A conversation with my ultra dub relative
by joe134cd inhere's a conversation i just had with my relative a few minutes ago i'll let you decide.. relative : would you like to read your grandfather the days txt (she passes joe the phone).
joe : sure.
(then proceed to read it to my grandfather and explain it).. after discussing the points joe says to relative.. hey what's the story arnt they printing books any more.. relative : no they arnt necessary any more.. joe : really why is that.. relative : it's all on line.
You're deluded and it was just a one off, personal experience that you had.
You're relative was basically calling you a liar.
I'm gonna sue those f€$¥kers
by moley inwell the ball has started rolling, gonna sue, can't go into to much detail.
time for some payback .
All the best Moley. You know where it hurts them the most, not so much the money but having to reveal information they want hidden. I bet their settlement offers have tripled these days. I'm sure your lawyers should be able to get some advice from the Zelken lawyers if you're not using them already.
Watchtower Nov 2016 - Instructions for Apostates
by Listener inthe november 2016 watchtower is now available and it has more new light but i can't quite figure out what they are saying.
it relates to when the jws were released from the captivity of babylon the great (false religion).
i am not attempting to discuss that in this post.
I'm sure no one really gave a sh!t then either, but to be waving it like a flag at this point in time is simply BS. Anyone who even saw the tract, or who thought they were accomplishing something by distributing them, IS DEAD. It was all a waste of time as, once again, nothing happened -- and now, 100 years later, still nothing has happened.
The point of the article was to prove that they had been very active in getting out of false religion during the years 1918 to 1919. The previous Governing Body, probably Franz & Co. had taught that the org was captive of Babylon the Great during those years.
They presented it as new light earlier this year in a QFR and have gone into more detail in this article. All they are really doing is arguing with the teachings of a previous Governing Body, showing that they know better than them.
It is no big deal and all that they printed way back then is not even in print today. -
Watchtower Nov 2016 - Instructions for Apostates
by Listener inthe november 2016 watchtower is now available and it has more new light but i can't quite figure out what they are saying.
it relates to when the jws were released from the captivity of babylon the great (false religion).
i am not attempting to discuss that in this post.
Data Dog, what you say is very insightful and for the most part, accurate.
I love your point about them showing a DA letter being read out in front of a church by a woman. It further distances it as being applicable in their own religion.
Having been in a physically abusive relationship I can say that this is not true of me and I believe many other females, we don't love it, want it, need it or feel special. Men can take on such a dominating role that it is very difficult to leave. The biggest reason I found it hard to leave was out of fear for my life. Fortunately I had a friend who was able to help me get away but not without more violence. The police said we shouldn't lay charges, a lawyer advised me not to get a restraining order as it might incite more violence (and he did not charge me for his services). I had nightmares for years afterwards even though I had left no trail of my whereabouts. Anyway, I guess I found the comment a little insensitive.<<"Data Dog - Think of it this way. How often do women stay with an abuser? Some even allow their children to suffer abuse, because they won't leave their man. Faithful JW women are like that, they are actually weak, dominated by a male-driven organization. They are having their egos played like a fiddle, but they love it, they want it, they need it. They need to be "special.">>"
Maybe females like to feel that they are martyrs. If their husband leaves it is an opportunity of showing how faithful they are to the org. regardless of their own personal loss, which, when all is said and done means little to them and can be discarded without feeling it is too great a sacrifice.
However, I understand the point you were driving at. Interestingly I think you've come up with the reason why so many JWs are on medications. For one reason or another they can't get out and this is there only way of handling the situation.
Also, the Org. realizes these dynamics and has tried to make it more attractive for men. Appointing them to positions where they have authority and attention. Years ago you would only find about 3 Elders in a congregation, that number has nearly doubled these days. Their authority cannot be challenged by the r&f, they are given a degree of freedom in the way they behave, they are judges, lords and princes over the congregation. -
What the Org Teaches #5 "God's" Law on Shunning is Flexible For Elders!
by The Searcher inparents are forced by the org to regard their disfellowshipped children as if they were dead, non-existent - even if their child was in dire straits.
's feel when they hear that it's ok for elders to try and encourage disfellowshipped ones back to the org, but they can't?.
what the org says: km 8/02 p. 4 par.
Agree totally The Searcher.
Is the shunning principle greater than the 'necessary family business' principle or not and how do they decide? When all involved are independent adults why is there even an exception for necessary family business?
There are situations where a mature woman would be more suitable in discussing issues with another female than any Elder and there could be no scriptural principle prohibiting this policy, specially if it was instigated at the direction of an Elder.
When it comes to policies like shunning, I don't doubt they come up with ideas that they think will benefit the organization the most and then find bible scriptures to fit, no matter how loosely they might relate. -
I don't expect this to be believed, I find it hard...
by Slidin Fast ini was disfellowshipped three times in all and on every occasion fought to come back for reasons known to most here, family.. the second time, i steeled myself to attend the meeting for the announcement and one of the elders who had been on my committee concluded the meeting.. he asked me to conclude with prayer!
is that the quickest reinstatement on the planet?
"go, you are dead to me.
I can believe that Slidin Fast. They are like robots and operate on procedures and formalities that real life does not compute.
Was there any 'damage control' by the Elders?