I really enjoyed that, he has a wonderful voice.
JoinedPosts by Listener
Kidnapping and hedge funds..
by zeb inthis is a long one and a blood boiler.
i thought about highlighting places but there are so many... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml_vwtrzrpa.
He makes an excellent comment. He suggests that if you were raped you should sue the Watchtower. No doubt he means if you were subject to questioning by the Elders.
At a time when an individual is so vulnerable and who has suffered greatly, being questioned by the Elders is just another form of sexual abuse. From the stories we hear, further mistreatment often occurs, such as being accused of being a willing participant. -
Do They Still do Door-to-Door as Much as Before?
by cofty insince the advent of the trolleys do the majority of jws still go door to door like we used to?.
do they still have meetings for field service on sat mornings and sun afternoons where most head off to the local territory while one or two go to do trolley work or has the importance of door to door work reduced?.
with the reduction of printing wts and awakes what will they offer at the doors?.
Pal Emporer - Pathetic indeed. Imagine owning a business and your staff doing that.
The Watchtower knows full well that this goes on but are still prepared to publish hours, even though they are falsified.
January 2018 Study Watchtower - if only J.W.'s knew the truth!
by The Fall Guy inpage 19, paragraph 12: "with prayerful consideration, the governing body strives to be faithful and discreet with regard to how the organization’s funds are used.".
yeah, i "prayed" too - that more and more j.w.
's would discover that millions of dollars of their hard-earned cash were being misused to shut the mouths of j.w.
Since the GB are striving to be faithful and discreet in regards to their finances, it is obvious that they are failing. Their one and only excuse is that they are imperfect and fallible.
Listening to their broadcast, they are puffed up with pride about their necessary changes, it's exciting to them.
Audio of Highlights of the Annual Meeting 2017
by LevelThePlayingField ini wouldn't dare bore you with the whole 3.5 hours of their dogma.
but i have about a half hour of some of the main points.
of course, i made sure tight pants tony was the main part of it, since he's the one that announced the reductions of the wt & awake and no more year book.. also, i have lett saying that jehovah gave jesus immorality instead of immortality.
AM III says the focus will not be on how many magazines are being placed. I gather they will no longer record this. Using their same reosoning, there should be no need to record hours.
AGM - Are they now teaching predestination?
by Doubting Bro inanother agm thought.
in tight pants tony's part, he mentioned several times that jehovah draws those he chooses and only those rightly disposed would come in.
and individuals that liked the literature but made no progress towards becoming jw were a "waste of time".. was he setting the stage for them introducing the thought of predestination?
It doesn't explain why a large percentage of JWs are born into the religion or why whole families are in.
January 2018 Watchtower
by Listener inthe cover page shows a photo jws loading a small plane with watchtower literature to take to a remote area in bolivia.the first study article introduces the 2018 year text isa.
40:31 "those hoping in jehovah will regain power".
according to them, you may leave home to do field service or attend a meeting feeling exhausted but you return home refreshed and 'jesus' yoke is kindly indeed!
The cover page shows a photo JWs loading a small plane with Watchtower literature to take to a remote area in Bolivia.
The first study article introduces the 2018 Year Text Isa. 40:31 "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power". According to them, you may leave home to do field service or attend a meeting feeling exhausted but you return home refreshed and 'Jesus' yoke is kindly indeed!'
This article includes the following instruction'If you have sinned seriously, Jehovah is ready to help you recover. But you must accept the help he provides through the congregation. (Prov. 24:16; Jas. 5:13-15)'.
Once again, they use the qualifier that only serious sins need to be confessed. The scriptures quoted don't mention that a JC is required and a judgement needs to be made over that confession rather than following the bible advise Elders praying.
Page 12 has the article 'Pleasant Unity and the Memorial'
Some amazing claims are made here. They bring new meaning to Revelation 7:9, 10 which discusses the Great Crowd shouting salvation we owe to God and the Lamb, by stating
"How wonderful that Jehovah and Jesus are honored in this way by means of the annual Memorial observance!"
It would appear that this article may have been written to counteract comments that they may have heard from apostates regarding 'the other sheep' attending. Now they can explain to us that it is their greatest example of Unity.By attending the memorial you are giving added reason for Jehovah to keep your name in the 'book of remembrance, the book of life'. Of course, there's no support for that idea in scripture.
Taking their comments literally means the Great Crowd are currently fulfilling the prophecy.
On page 17 to 21 is a study article titled 'Why give to the one that has everything?' and discuss the claim that he expects us to use our finances to support his organization today.
The Watchtower explains that giving financially is part of our worship to him and it shows our appreciation.
If the Watchtower asks for money, it should be given to them. Then they make clear that it's the followers who should be begging to give to them.Our brothers, even those who are in poor economic situations, are like the Macedonians who were in “deep poverty” and yet begged for the privilege to give and did so generously.—2 Cor. 8: 1-4.
Then they explain how some make adjustments or simplify their lives so that they can give more.
They relate the following experience"After touring one of our printing facilities, an executive from a large company was amazed that all the work was accomplished by volunteers, with voluntary donations, and without any sales or fund drives. He said that it should not be possible to do what we do. We agree!"
We aren't told who this Executive is but because he's from a large company we should be impressed with his comments. As for there being no fund drives, this executive obviously was being deceived. If we knew who he was, we could give him a copy of this magazine and show him this very article as an example of their fund drives. The article also explains how JWs are asked to give to special projects.
Page 30 shows the three phases of a man who transforms his life through Bible principles. First the man is depicted as a hostile thief with a beard, t shirt and jacket. The second shows him with an astonished look, learning from Watchtower publications, minus his jacket and now with only a mustache, the third shows him in a suit, clean shaven and happily helping an elderly lady at the JW.org Hall.
King David - mentioned 14 times through various articles
On page 23 they quote 'one Bible commentary' who gives an illustration regarding what a selfish person is like. The quote derives from a Puritan Devine (Clergy) who stated"the Puritan divines drew upon pur native stock of words and coined the words selfishand selfishness. One of these divines made a useful comparison between authades and philautos. He likened the selfish man to the hedgehog that rolls itself up into a ball, presenting only sharp spines to those without, while at the same time keeping inside the soft, warm wool for itself. "http://studybible.info/trench/Self-willed
They quote three Bible ScholarsPage 23 references Bible Scholars in general
Page 26 quote comes from a book called "A Biblical Theology of the Church"
Page 28 quote comes from William Barclay recorded in 1954. His full quote, which is not included in the Watchtower, he explains how a braggart is arrogant in his heart and may appear humble, quiet and inoffensive and that 'in his eyes there is something which looks at all men with a silent contempt' -
Contradicting Society directives
by stuckinarut2 inwith the agm changes, and the changes over the recent few years, it struck me just how contradictory and hypocritical the society is.. we were always told that "wonderful expansion" and growth in halls was proof of god's blessing.
now it is the other way around, and building expansion is halted.. we were always told that door to door is the best way to take the "life saving" truth to people.
now it is the cart work.... we were always told that the abundance of "spiritual food" in the form of publications was proof of gods direction and teaching.
It's been some time now since one meeting a week was cancelled and there's been a reduction in the other two meeting times.
Looks like the message is 'Reduce Reduce Reduce' or is it 'Simplify, Simplify, Simplify'? -
ANNUAL MEETING LETTER - To Zimbabwe congregations
by The Fall Guy ina nonprofit corporation .
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania .
private bag wg-5001, westgate, zimbabwe telephone 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4 .
to reduce the amount of material that our brothers must read
Really? It's not even a matter of choice as to what the brothers want to read instead they are supposed to read everything?
Does this now mean they must read and watch everything on JW org and JW org TV? -
2017 Annual Meeting
by Jules Saturn inthis just in from the 2017 annual meeting:.
1. watchtowers and awakes won't be released regularly, at least three watchtower and awakes per year.
6 magazines a year.. 2. a new book is being released: remain in god's love, more of an update like how they did for the what does the bible really teach book.
There was some leaked information reported at JW Reddit posted by NeedGreater approximately 2 months ago. The information has a lot of merit and he states
I had a recent conversation with someone who is very involved with the art/ teaching deparments at Bethel. He intimated to me that he was recently involved in a meeting that included a GB member and was focused on a shift in the JWs public preaching message. A scripture was read from Ezekiel 33:32,33 and explained to mean that the message would no longer be a peaceful message "like a romantic love song" but rather a direct message of judgement. Apparently this change will be rolled out in the upcoming annual meeting or shortly thereafter and he said that it has led to a revision of the early editions of the 2018 magazines. He's a very reliable source and has "leaked" information like this to me before that has all turned out to be accurate.
Anyone else heard about this?However he did say that this is specifically to fulfill the "prophecy" regarding the preaching work right before the end. Not new just an interesting shift. Maybe they want to weed out the "Kevins" from the org now ;-)
As far as I have been able to pick up from posters who attended the meeting, the message has changed but at this stage it doesn't appear to be one of judgement (that's supposed to occur after the GT starts) but rather a focus on the vindication of God's name rather than saving people's lives.
Given that his information seems to be reasonably on target I wonder if they are just introducing the idea of a change in the message slowly and will gradually direct JWs towards a full on 'judgement message'. Their current tracts and publications don't reflect the change but the sheepies will need to place them before ramping up promotion of this change with new material for placement.