The June 1993 Watchtower claims that a Christian should believe it is imminent and only then can they be 'of sound mind'
[6. Why must we be sound in mind?
6 Despite all the watching, no one will ever figure out in advance the exact day he is due to come. Jesus says: “On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.” (Matthew 24:44) Hence the need for soundness of mind. If a Christian were to think that on a certain day, Christ would not come, perhaps that would be the very day that he did come! Of course, well-meaning, faithful Christians in the past have sincerely tried to predict when the end would come. Yet, Jesus’ caution has been proved true time and time again: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”—Matthew 24:36.
7. To be followers of Christ, how must we live our lives?
7 What, therefore, should we conclude? That to be followers of Christ, we have to live always believing that the end of this wicked system is imminent.]
'Imminent' is just another buzz word this cult uses. Saying that a person must be ready or on the watch because nobody knows the day or the hour is vastly different from claiming it is imminent.