This is what they have to say about themselves in the latest March 2020 Watchtower under the article titled -Love and Appreciation for
Jehovah Lead to Baptism
6 Learn to love and support Jehovah’s
organization. Jehovah has organized his
people into congregations; his Son, Jesus, is the head over them all. (Eph. 1:22;
5:23) Jesus has appointed a small group
of anointed men to take the lead in organizing the work that he wants done
today. Jesus referred to this group of
men as “the faithful and discreet slave,”
and they take seriously their responsibility to feed and protect you spiritually.
(Matt. 24:45-47) One of the ways the
faithful slave helps to care for you is
by ensuring that qualified elders are appointed to shepherd you. (Isa. 32:1, 2;
Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3) The elders are willing to pour themselves out for you,
to comfort you, and to help you grow
ever closer to Jehovah. But one of the
most important things they can do for
you is help you teach others about Jehovah.—Eph. 4:11-13.
How are followers supposed to learn to love the Watchtower when so much of what they do is not transparent?
They make the unsubstantiated claim that Jesus has appointed the FDS, who they claim is a small group of anointed men. However, these men are the ones that personally claim they are 'anointed' and nowhere has Jesus quantified that the FDS is either a group or small in number. Neither has Jesus found them to be faithful or discreet, that is a judgement he reserves for a later time.
The article claims that the FDS ensure the appointment of qualified Elders. But wait a minute, Jesus appoints the Governing Body members but who appoints the Elders? The claim that the GB ensure the appointment of qualified Elders can be proven to be false when we look at their own policies on appointing men who have committed serious crimes in the past.