Scrolls were expensive so unless they had a Watchtower Bible & Scroll Society using free labour back then it would have been beyond most people's means.
JoinedPosts by Listener
''Faith in Action'' video....Jesus Disciples depicted with ''field service bags'' and preaching with ''Scrolls''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a screenshot from a video on
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
Good News Covid vaccine on the way !
by RickJones inlatest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
I was trying to find more information about the Pfizer vaccine program and their claim of it being 90% effective. There is so little information it's not funny. That's a high success rate if true but they aren't prepared to release any meaningful reports at this stage.
They won't even say how sick people became or the side effects of those who have taken the injection.
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Conversation with my PIMI Dad concerning zoom meetings
by joey jojo inin a recent conversation with my dad, i asked how he was enjoying the zoom meetings.
he lives in a rural part of australia, virtually untouched by covid-19, in fact, the state he lives in has a limit on religious gatherings of 300, which could easily handle the average attendance of congregation meetings.
so i asked why don't they resume meetings as usual?.
This morning's WT: mundane miracle and another hint
by neat blue dog inmore proof of god's backing!.
on friday, april 19, 2019 .
a crowd of 20,919,041 gathered to observe the memorial of jesus’ death.
Je video with Jared Kushnet
by closed ini had a video from official - an interview with jared judgment but i lost the data.
can anyone, please, post me a link to it.
it must be somewhere on the web.
Wt said that social isolation was loveing and good.
by Yomama inafter 8 months of social isolation do they continue to think its loveing?
they also said social isolation was bullying..
It is apparent that a lot of JWs are in it mostly for the social aspects. It must be very difficult for them to follow the GBs instructions of not leaving their homes unless it is necessary.
Who knows what they are doing at HQ and the Branches when they've always been so busy. It must be tough, doing nothing and living off donated money.
ARC and the Watchtower's no voting rule
by Listener inin australia it is compulsory to vote but none of the jws do vote or even turn up at the polling booth and lodge an invalid vote since they don't want to stumble anyone (the people they meet door knocking).
the government fines people for not voting unless they have a valid excuse.
the jws state that they are conscientious objects due to their religious beliefs.
ARC and the Watchtower's no voting rule
by Listener inin australia it is compulsory to vote but none of the jws do vote or even turn up at the polling booth and lodge an invalid vote since they don't want to stumble anyone (the people they meet door knocking).
the government fines people for not voting unless they have a valid excuse.
the jws state that they are conscientious objects due to their religious beliefs.
ARC and the Watchtower's no voting rule
by Listener inin australia it is compulsory to vote but none of the jws do vote or even turn up at the polling booth and lodge an invalid vote since they don't want to stumble anyone (the people they meet door knocking).
the government fines people for not voting unless they have a valid excuse.
the jws state that they are conscientious objects due to their religious beliefs.
In Australia it is compulsory to vote but none of the JWs do vote or even turn up at the polling booth and lodge an invalid vote since they don't want to stumble anyone (the people they meet door knocking).
The government fines people for not voting unless they have a valid excuse. The JWs state that they are conscientious objects due to their religious beliefs.
I wonder if it has been brought to the prime ministers attention and if this is a freedom that he is able to remove due to their refusal to join the redress scheme?
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The 1950s NWT (1984)
by HowTheBibleWasCreated ini did a video on this subject once but feel this is a noteworthy topic.
to be honest the old nwt has come under sonsiderable attack from fundie morons attacking it's nt which was translated with a few revisals in 1950.the truth is john 1:1 and 8:58 and other texts, though despite being odd, are within the translation rules as are the inclusion of the word {other} since this was stated in the forward as an interpolation.
jehovah in the nt is odd but certianly lacking as other translations have added more yhwh.. so the ot?
On the subject of their translations, I find it telling that their method is to translate firstly into English and then from the English translation, translate it into 100s of other languages. I would have thought that would mean those translations, other than the English translation, would be even more inferior.
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