This is a good read highlighting some of the concerns and data available regarding Covid and Vaccines written to Australians.
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
This is a good read highlighting some of the concerns and data available regarding Covid and Vaccines written to Australians.
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
How have you been? Thank you very much! Petra sends a big squeeeeez and hug to all of you.
Atlantis! (grandpa))
Good, thank you
That's so sweet of Petra. I hope she is finding it enjoyable where she is.
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
Thanks Atlantis, much appreciated.
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
Okay, point taken Jeffro.
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
They have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk
Is a drunk person putting others at risk if they are not at home and not driving?
What about a mentally challenged person, or a drug taker, whether prescribed or not. When they pose a serious risk because of their proven social misbehaviour something can be done about it but usually not until they've already caused damage.
What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to take extra precautions so as not to be any more of a risk than a vaccinated person and what exactly would be required? Who are they a risk to, another unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person?
Apparently, an unvaccinated person can pass the virus on to others more easily if they have the virus because their symptoms are more severe or more contagious, so will shed the virus more (coughing etc.) But if they have any apparent symptoms they are likely to be at home anyway or it could be made a legal requirement that they quarantine.
What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to stay at home rather than have a mandated vaccine?
It looks like booster shots may be required and if so, what about those that have had severe side affects from the vaccines and it's too dangerous for them to have a booster, will it be mandated that they must have it?
i know this recent video has been talked about already but i just watched it and here are a few things that got me annoyed as usual:.
splane says that if a bible student says he saw some negative information from apostates and asks us to explain it, we shouldn't look at it or address anything specifically, but instead we should tell them to go to meetings and hear what we have to say about ourselves and also tell them to befriend people at the hall.
for any person with integrity and/or intelligence, this is not a satisfactory answer.
He says we don't have to taste poison to know that it's bad. His 'logic' is that apostates have nothing to say but poison > therefore, what they say doesn't have to be tested and can be rejected outright without listening and testing first.
Why is it that most of us have some sort of poison sitting on our shelves in the first place? It all serves a useful purpose, if used properly. It's not there to be consumed but when used for its intended purpose. it can prove to be very beneficial. Without it, we could end up with serious consequences.
With the Covid virus, you can find bottles of disinfectant's everywhere. It kills most harmful bacteria and it's considered extremely useful. But it's a poison, it's not meant to be taken.
If Splane really wants to describe apostates as poison then it could also be viewed as being beneficial to JWs in helping cleanse the falsehoods that they are trying to spread.
kim and mikey made a youtube yesterday claiming that a business called watchtower property co. was connected to the watchtower.
they used a recording done by youtuber smurf girl of a call she made to a julie at the company.
i believe the call was doctored as it has her saying that (no) "we're connected to the jehovahs witnesses directly.
I am grateful that we have ex JW forums such as this major one, where we can find support in various ways.
Even the person who down voted the most recent post by Vienne must feel some satisfaction in doing so and without the need to explain/defend themselves.
I have found it to be an important method of being transparent in discussing issues related to JW issues or other matters that are of concern or interest to us.
kim and mikey made a youtube yesterday claiming that a business called watchtower property co. was connected to the watchtower.
they used a recording done by youtuber smurf girl of a call she made to a julie at the company.
i believe the call was doctored as it has her saying that (no) "we're connected to the jehovahs witnesses directly.
They've put up another video stating that we are clowns here. He explains how those watching his videos can give them money because they make very little, he lost his job last year.
He states that we just don't get it.
It was an eye opener when he said that in relation to the Watchtower you have to fight fire with fire, propaganda with propaganda. So he's right in that aspect, I don't get how spreading propaganda can be the right way to get others out of the Watchtower and in this case, potentially hurting a business and employee that is not linked to the WTBS.
they wear jewelry like they are some don from the cosa nostra.
watches and rings like some cheap pimp.
hey they are cheap pimps.
Vienne, I can't link from my old iPad but if you type in 'Sam's watch' into the search section on here, you will find a thread discussing it, including photo's.
wt wants the generation of 1914 to end soon.
but making the generation anointed contradicts jesus.
jesus said that the end generation would pass away after all these things, including armageddon has occurred so, when will the wicked ( non wt believers) pass away?
That's good reasoning.
The final lot of 'anointed' JWs will not pass away, they will be changed in a twinkling of the eye