Newly Enlightened, I am curious as to why you feel that video you linked to is necessary viewing.
Do you really believe they are the words of her cousin who is working inside the British Branch? The balance of evidence would say that it is not.
original reddit post (removed).
Newly Enlightened, I am curious as to why you feel that video you linked to is necessary viewing.
Do you really believe they are the words of her cousin who is working inside the British Branch? The balance of evidence would say that it is not.
12 when did jesus appoint the faithful slave over his domestics?
to answer that, we need to go back to 1914—the beginning of the harvest season.
as we learned earlier, at that time many groups claimed to be christian.
From the OP Watchtower quote
" 1919, a time of spiritual revival, Jesus selected capable anointed brothers from among them to be the faithful and discreet slave and appointed them over his domestics."
Where is the evidence for this? Reality shows that there was no change in this hierarchical arrangement from one year to the next. The Watchtower doesn't even bother to name who these capable, anointed brothers were.
original reddit post (removed).
Thanks Joel/Pasta Hour for your comments on this thread. Part of the aim has been to try to get as much facts recorded in the one place and that's happening here. As you well know, efforts to expose him in the past have largely failed and hopefully this won't happen again.
I don't recall seeing the posts written by 'John Smith' that made Lloyd so angry in the first place.
original reddit post (removed).
SBF He prefers what he (mistakenly) regards as weaker targets - smaller xJW channels.
Probably because he's got away with it for far too long.
i understand that there are 80 to 100 questions that would-be witnesses must answer correctly before they can be considered eligible for "christian baptism".
however i have noticed that none of the questions relate to the 607destruction, the 1914 invisible presence and enthronement, or even the 1919 appointment of the faithful slave.. now some may feel my question is ridiculous, but bear with me.. will jehovah's witnesses baptize someone who answers all 100 questions satisfactorily, but rejects 607, 1914 and 1919 and the events the watchtower associates with these dates if they agree not to express their rejection to others?.
your thoughts....
Thanks for the list Vanderhovan7.
I don't see the following questions -
Is Jehovah your Heavenly Father in the truest sense?
Are you in the New Covenant?
Do you have Jesus as your mediator?
What is Jesus' role as mediator and what is his role as high priest?
Are you one of God's children?
Do you have the law written on your heart?
What is salvation and can it be earnt?
Are you born again?
However, it was explained to me that the baptismal questions are just basic and as a baptised JW you will continue to grow from a babe to have a deeper understanding. Personally, I don't think most of those questions are more important than understanding your relationship with Jehovah and Jesus and many of us were not given a clear understanding of this.
in the united kingdom.. . .
Truthlover126, the report states
Earlier this year, 1,279 Jehovah’s Witness congregations merged into national charity the Kingdom Hall Trust.
I read this as basically there are no longer a lot of small charities but just one big one, being the Kingdom Hall Trust which the reporter call a 'national charity'.
a dyed in the wool witness actually posted this as if non-witnesses invented unheard of terminology,.
"those who devote their life to criticize jehovah’s witnesses use a lot of very specific expressions and ideas common only to them:.
“8 old men in new york”,.
I wonder if he might be PIMO. That's a lot of terms for him to be familiar with.
watchtower lawyer david brumley has been fined for misleading the court during the discovery process of the montana case.
the result was another 17 months of the courts time and the plaintiff having to produce evidence that wtpa did have a pivotal role in congregational business, which brumley had denied hoping that the courts would take his word for it.
he will be personally responsible for reimbursing the costs accrued by the plaintiff, due to his misleading affidavit.. see mark o donnell's twitter statement here:
Die hard/naive JWs will heed the wise words found in their Publications.
It appears that the Watchtower is using the persecution of JWs in Russia as an example for JWs to follow in other situations.
This is in the Nivember 2022 Watchtower
" 12. What do we learn from our brothers and sisters in Russia?
12 Consider how our brothers and sisters in Russia have come to the aid of their dear fellow believers who are imprisoned. When some are put on trial, many brothers and sisters come to the court to support them. What is the lesson for us? When responsible brothers are defamed, arrested, or persecuted, do not become intimidated. Pray for them, care for their family members, and look for other practical ways to show your support.—Acts 12:5; 2 Cor. 1:10, 11."
Of course it's the fault of the rank and file, they need to be told off for showing a lack of respect, nothing to do with the GB and their helpers putting themselves out there.
That article tries to claim that rather than showing a lack of good manners, they are going to the opposite extreme. What would that look like? That they are showing way too much good manners? Surely there isn't anything wrong with that and there would be some biblical examples to support it.
i was a bethelite in london for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on brd from the start of chelmsford right upto covid.. during my years at the branch i was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.. this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will.
the unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle .
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.. all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable .
Mikejw - This is the reason that Smurfgirl is not credible, it's a summary put together by some reddit user and comes straight from Smurfgirl/Veronica herself. It basically comes from her many calls to sixscreens over the years.
I posted an even shorter summary from that on reddit, as follows -
Veronica remembers the following GB members present at occultist meetings: Fred Franz, Lyman Swingle, Henschel, Nathan Knorr, etc. The members would get into fist fights if things didn’t go the way they were supposed to go.
Lots of bloodletting and animal sacrifices, they would also pretend to kill someone as part of their ritual. Lots of beatings, but she never saw someone killed.
The GB wanted to get answers on everything. They wanted to know if they were chosen in 1914, etc. They would use crystal balls, masonic tarot decks (the watchtower card stands for destruction), they wanted info on the Catholics, their prophecies, they would always consult their channels (mirrors, crystals, automatic writing, palm reading, looking into water).
They had pedophiles placed in certain congregations when they needed a “sacrifice”. And they would have countless of children raped until they got the result they wanted.
Veronica was an automatic writer for the Governing Body.
She would wake up to a black chair rocking in her room, like in the exorcist (Obviously it was a Demon on the rocking chair).
Her parents would lock their bedroom but leave the back door open, then the Watchtower would come and take her. They took her to a field with a pentagram and they would sacrifice adorable animals, and Fred Franz would laugh, as if he was possessed, it certainly wasn’t a human laugh. They would wear Masonic robes. They would lay her and do things to her, things a little girl wouldn’t want to be done to her.
Her mother would violate her a with wooden spoon and she was beaten in a sexual manner.
She knows of too many active pedophiles in the Kingdom Halls and nothing is being done.
The GB and The DaVinci Code are synonymous to Veronica.
She was flown out to England by the Watchtower, she was allowed to sign the Queen of England’s guest book, they had special treatment from the Watchtower.
“If you don’t hear from me, tell people it is the Watchtower”, she says this after admitting to being fearful for her life.
She was drugged by a Circuit Overseer. Usually, the higher you go in the pyramid, the more corrupt they are. Only trust low-level ranking publishers.
Stephen Lett uses code words to get people in trances.
Veronica was forced to mirror gaze, this is how a lot of the garbage in Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand was created.
This is why JWs hate Catholics, because they killed their “Grand Masters”.
The Knights Templars wore long beards and long black tunics. CT Russell didn’t want to wear the tunic so he put the cross and crown on his jacket.
She would lay on her side like some prophecy from Ezekiel. Veronica used a ballerina box that she wined up 13 times, she created her own ritual, eventually, she would light her own candles, GB was hesitant at first because she was too young. They then published an article about Ezekiel and the box, because it was basically her ritual.
In one broadcast, Veronica begins crying as she remembers Fred Franz & The Governing Body amputating her Pinky.