The editor used to be responsible for this.
JoinedPosts by Listener
BBC poor grammar - but FUNNY!
by BoogerMan in"hamburg police shoot man with axe ahead of euros match.
why don't german police just use guns?.
They must also change the treatment of those who dissociate themselves from the JWs. It is inevitable
by LaFrancia infrom reddit ex jw, a user posted this material of a hypothetical new light on dissociated people......i'm posting it only for the record, nothing else is known.
it seems that the topic has been deleted either by the moderators or by the user himself.
understanding dissociation in light of the scriptures.
They’ve got a huge problem, this can’t be brushed off by claiming it was error.
The one, main proof of being the true religion is by the love they have amongst each other.
If they now get rid of their long held shunning policy then they are admitting that kicking out their own and shunning them was never the loving thing to do.
The August 2024 Watchtower controversy and potential further changes
by ukpimo inas an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
There’s a new religion which began in 2006. They’ve just built a meeting hall in Greenfields, Western Australia, completed in 2019.
Their numbers are amazing.
lt’s penticostal based and they claim 11,000 members in Western Australia as opposed to approximately 7,500 JWs.
The August 2024 Watchtower controversy and potential further changes
by ukpimo inas an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
The Watchtower would have had a lot of feedback about the changes in regards to those they have removed or disfellowshipped. The Elders don’t like visiting/harassing them because they only do it when there is a CO visit.
It also takes a lot of time and requires two brothers.
Now they’ve ramped up the number of visits, it’s a huge ask.
It would make it easier if the Elders or Ms’s wife could go instead of the second male. It would cut their work, maybe by a third.
Will the wife be allowed to talk to the dfd JWs, even though the rest of the congregation can’t?
It’s not like this is a completely new position for the wives since they have been assisting Elders in visits in the past, particularly when it’s been more convenient, although they are not privy to discussions, I don’t think.
More JW Criminals Caught....
by Newly Enlightened in
How important was it that Brumley’s name be cleared, resulting in the need for the Watchtower to appeal?
Watchtower 75 8/1
” 23 In the first chapter of the book of Titus, Paul gave counsel as to what to look for in elders. One must be “free from accusation,” of unimpeachable qualities. No one may be able to point the finger at him as being of questionable personal traits. He must not be “self-willed” or overbearing; not “prone to wrath,” short-tempered; “not greedy of dishonest gain,” but, rather, outstandingly honest in his dealings inside and outside the congregation.—Titus 1:6, 7; see also 1 Peter 5:2, 3.”
There is no question that his dealings outside of the congregation have been found to be ‘outstandingly honest’ or free from accusation.
Telluric movements in the branch committees
by Jalisco inrecently a gilead graduate from a latin american country told me that the gilead school now trains branch committee members rather than missionaries because there are centrifugal forces there... this made me remember a paragraph from a watchtower from years ago which i hang below.
in confirmation of this, i have learned, in the few contacts that i have, that in athens there is a problem in the committee and they sent the coordinator of another branch.
very recently, 2 members of the ecuador branch committee left and one left the organization and is an "apostate"..even though he graduated from gilead 8 months ago.. something is happening.... here's the paragraph that turned a red light on when i read it.... watchtower 11/2016 page 11. do we follow the instructions?11.
“Do I I’mediately obey and support the decisions of the men who direct the work?”
There must be no thought about the rightness of any orders coming from men who are fallible and imperfect. These orders must be obeyed, immediately even if they don’t stand up to God’s standards of fairness, honesty, kindness and
by blondie in .
satellite and others for those who cannot access internet!
spread the word (ha).
Anonymous - @listener: then why do they lie about the cost and not simply say the program costs are $$...
I'm with you about what you said.
I couldn't understand whether you were saying that they were paying for them or not.
No doubt the congregations that receive these feel guilted into donating money back to the Watchtower, especially when they put a dollar figure to it. And, as you point out, those figures have been inflated.
by blondie in .
satellite and others for those who cannot access internet!
spread the word (ha).
Anony Mous -
And from their website, they had sold a few thousand in 2020, this must be a great revenue stream.
Who were they selling them to? In the JW link you provided, they are suggesting that they use donated money for these, not charging the congregation.
Crisis of Conscience
by Freeatlast2024 inthis is my first time posting to this forum.
let me start by saying i was born and raised as a jehovah’s witness.
i’m thankful that i was raised this way, because i feel it protected me in some ways, especially with regard to moral issues.
I just want you to know you are not a bad person for questioning everything. In fact, you are in good company with a lot of people who love God and want to do what’s right.
I'm not one, but there are many athiests on this website. They also like to do what is right.
Memorial of Jesus' death
by Listener ini was listening to a youtube where a pastor relates his experience of attending a jw memorial.
he said something that was profound to me.. "how do you have a memorial for someone alive?".
they use this phrase all the time, even printing thousands and thousands of invitations to invite everyone to join them in doing this.. i googled that phrase to see what other christian church's use this phrase and was astounded to see that at least the first two pages of results are in relation to jw's only..
TxNVSue2023, could you provide a scripture where Jesus commanded that his death be observed?
Remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made by partaking of the emblems is a far different concept to passing the emblems from one person to another without partaking.